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I'm an Apple fanboy


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I just got an iPhone and I'm starting to have buyers' remorse. I'll approve of the hardware if they ever fix this battery problem, but there's no way the "It just works" mantra holds true with this thing, especially compared to Android.


When I turned on my Incredible for the first time it had me log into both Flickr and Facebook. Take a picture and there's immediately a "Share" button. Click it and, voila, send to Facebook or Flickr.


Turn on my iPhone for the first time and apparently I need to install Facebook from the app store. Really? Ok. Take a picture and.... hmm, that's strange. No sharing. Only Photostream, which doesn't link to a gallery on iCloud anymore. WTF!? Spend a buck on Camera+ which will actually let me send stuff to Flickr and Facebook but is nowhere near as easy to use as as the Android camera app.


The mail and calendar apps also suck but I use google for everything so I'm willing to cut them some slack on that. At least they finally added an "archive" button to the stock mail app.


Sorry for stealing your thread to gripe. Carry one.

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I can connect with you regarding the battery thing. I got nearly 7 hrs use an 23 hrs of standby this weekend and was still at 23% power.


Just pm me



I just got an iPhone and I'm starting to have buyers' remorse. I'll approve of the hardware if they ever fix this battery problem, but there's no way the "It just works" mantra holds true with this thing, especially compared to Android.


When I turned on my Incredible for the first time it had me log into both Flickr and Facebook. Take a picture and there's immediately a "Share" button. Click it and, voila, send to Facebook or Flickr.


Turn on my iPhone for the first time and apparently I need to install Facebook from the app store. Really? Ok. Take a picture and.... hmm, that's strange. No sharing. Only Photostream, which doesn't link to a gallery on iCloud anymore. WTF!? Spend a buck on Camera+ which will actually let me send stuff to Flickr and Facebook but is nowhere near as easy to use as as the Android camera app.


The mail and calendar apps also suck but I use google for everything so I'm willing to cut them some slack on that. At least they finally added an "archive" button to the stock mail app.


Sorry for stealing your thread to gripe. Carry one.

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I'm fine with it for now, but it certainly violates the "it just works" rule. I have an ipad and a first gen touch, so my expectations were high. Right now the battery is performing no better than my Incredible when it was new, which is about 90% of the reason I dumped it and got the 4S. I'm sure it will get better.


Speaking of which, I was an extremely early iPod Touch adopter, and I'm not sure too many people remember how shitty iOS was when it was first released. There were a string of patches the first few weeks that made using that thing actually tolerable. For all the flack MS gets about releasing products in Beta, Apple is no different.

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My battery on my 4S works fine. Leagues better than my Evo 3D. I also would like to say "It just works"!! Main reason I got the sumbitch. I couldn't be happier. Haven't missed Android tweaking, rooting, rom'g kernel'g one damn bit.



You switched teams eh? SAY IT AIN'T SOooooooooooooooooooooooo



Ya huh...iPhone to the 4S, sir....

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There is already a new version of this thread available from Apple that costs more but is just short of matching competing threads' content. :gabe:


Just click here to accept the terms of use which in no way includes you agreeing to be part of a human centipeded where you may or may not be forced to eat feces*.



*By reading the explanation of this asterisk, you hereby agree to waive your right to a trial by jury or join a class action lawsuit against Apple, Inc.

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I would make an educated guess that the issue with iOS 5 eating the battery life is the new notification system. Android has the same issue if you use it out of the box without changing how often it "asks" for an update. Now I know apple still does push updates but I bet some applications like e-mails manually yells to your server to ask if you have new porn mails. I am sure you can configure this to check every few hours or maybe manually check and that might help the battery life.


Another assumption of mine most of the non-tech savvy people bought an iPhone because it "just works". I bet none of these people tweaked with the notification settings. Try setting everything to check once a day and then tell me if that fixed your battery life. If that doesn't help then the hardware changed in the 4Gs. And if that is the case tough luck. Welcome to having a pocket computer with battery life at 24 hours if your lucky :gabe:

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Just a little hint guys, an iPad charger is a 10W charger (Stock charger is a 5W) and will charge a iPhone4 or 4S in about an hour from 1% to full. The ipad charger is compatible with the 4 and 4S, see link below. $30 from Apple.


I already own an iPad so this is what I use. I don't use the long ass cord though, the the square part of the charger has fold out plug that goes right in an outlet.


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FTR, I'm tech savvy, and I've tweaked all my location services, notifications, icloud/push settings, and everything else to the bare minimum I consider acceptable for a smartphone without completely neutering the thing. My battery is "fine," insofar as I can use the phone for a day and not worry about straying too far from a plug (which is what happened to my DInc after a year). But it's not up to Apple standards, as far as I'm concerned.


It may very well be that with background apps, notifications, and iCloud, Apple is just doing too much with the device now to expect the same battery life that the older iPhones got, but I suspect that they'll get it sorted out eventually. Or they'd better, otherwise I'm going back to Android.

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FTR, I'm tech savvy, and I've tweaked all my location services, notifications, icloud/push settings, and everything else to the bare minimum I consider acceptable for a smartphone without completely neutering the thing. My battery is "fine," insofar as I can use the phone for a day and not worry about straying too far from a plug (which is what happened to my DInc after a year). But it's not up to Apple standards, as far as I'm concerned.


It may very well be that with background apps, notifications, and iCloud, Apple is just doing too much with the device now to expect the same battery life that the older iPhones got, but I suspect that they'll get it sorted out eventually. Or they'd better, otherwise I'm going back to Android.


Sounds like apple has too much bloatware and background processes running. I would suggest opening a terminal emulator app and check but I don't think you can do that on an apple device :dumb::dumb::dumb:

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Greg post up your usage since last charge screen when you get to 1%. I'm currious to see what you get vs What I get. I will do the same when mine hits 1% as well.


Roger. Mine's been charging all morning, I just rebooted it so clean slate. I'll run it down to 1% and post back here.

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Just a little hint guys, an iPad charger is a 10W charger (Stock charger is a 5W) and will charge a iPhone4 or 4S in about an hour from 1% to full. The ipad charger is compatible with the 4 and 4S, see link below. $30 from Apple.


I already own an iPad so this is what I use. I don't use the long ass cord though, the the square part of the charger has fold out plug that goes right in an outlet.



I bought a 25' USB extension cord for my iPad charger brick. Works well I can use the iPad while charging it. The USB wire that came with it is not long enough for anything.

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Sounds like apple has too much bloatware and background processes running. I would suggest opening a terminal emulator app and check but I don't think you can do that on an apple device :dumb::dumb::dumb:


you think apple has bloatware? Holy shit, apparently you've never seen an android powered phone.

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I'm pretty sure I don't need 25' of EXTRA charging range. I can set the phone down for an hour. :lolguy:


I don't have an iphone just an ipad. Plus I read books a lot with it while swinging in my hammock. 25feet is perfect so thanks :dumb:

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Just a little hint guys, an iPad charger is a 10W charger (Stock charger is a 5W) and will charge a iPhone4 or 4S in about an hour from 1% to full. The ipad charger is compatible with the 4 and 4S, see link below. $30 from Apple.


I already own an iPad so this is what I use. I don't use the long ass cord though, the the square part of the charger has fold out plug that goes right in an outlet.




Thanks for posting this. I find my battery sucks like everyone else. I have found with my phone that the notifications aren't the culprit. I get more battery use when the wifi is off. Battery really goes down with it on. It wasn't like that with my 3Gs. I know wifi uses up battery but it is draining it big time on the 4s as opposed to the 3Gs.

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