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Hmmm!! With the horrible battery life in 3G on my EVO, if I switched to wifi, my batt life would nearly double, with the 3G radio still on. I never changed to airplane mode.




It is possible the EVO switched to 1x or analog while wifi was turned on. Either way what you want to look for is the signal strength of your cell radio. The lower it gets the more power the phone puts out. So if you have 3g with 1 bar all the time and you turn on wifi, it might of switched to 1x with 5 bars. Could be other things as well like if you are rooted or stock, and/or the apps you install and how often they like to update.

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I won't disagree that having both on is going to use more than just having wifi only. The phone has to maintain that wifi connection which sips power. However, I know using both directs the web use and downloading to wifi which is way more efficient



This is true. As a comparison here is my usage. I took it off the charger today at 8ish when I left for work. Only reason it is 3G is because I am at work :no:








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Hmmm, I don't know shit about a Mac other than they look cool. Thank you for the info. Any suggestions on a good "Starter" Mac that will last a while?


I beg you to educate yourself before spending any of your hard-earned money based on the advice of the fanboys in this thread. Looking cool is highly subjective and it's importance is relative. If by 'starter' you mean something that will prepare you for future Apple purchases...sure...but if you want to learn something useful in the workplace...or...most personal use computing...you are on the wrong trail looking at Macs. And finally...and I sold Macs for years...Apple is the worst company on the planet in terms of 'designed obsolesence' of every product and version they release. As a professional...I respect it...don't get me wrong. It is an art and they are good at it. They are selling a trend not value and I made lots of cash peddling their story before I transitioned into the corporate IT world. So, arm yourself with knowledge, ignore the hype, and if that leads you to buy a Crapple....so be it.

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It is possible the EVO switched to 1x or analog while wifi was turned on. Either way what you want to look for is the signal strength of your cell radio. The lower it gets the more power the phone puts out. So if you have 3g with 1 bar all the time and you turn on wifi, it might of switched to 1x with 5 bars. Could be other things as well like if you are rooted or stock, and/or the apps you install and how often they like to update.


My phone was always in 1X. This is why I left Sprint for Verizon. I dealt with that for far too long. No excuse to have a 4G phone in a 4G city, but always on 1X. Reason I wifi'd everywhere I went.

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My phone was always in 1X. This is why I left Sprint for Verizon. I dealt with that for far too long. No excuse to have a 4G phone in a 4G city, but always on 1X. Reason I wifi'd everywhere I went.


That would suck. Forever alone 1x :fa:

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I beg you to educate yourself before spending any of your hard-earned money based on the advice of the fanboys in this thread. Looking cool is highly subjective and it's importance is relative. If by 'starter' you mean something that will prepare you for future Apple purchases...sure...but if you want to learn something useful in the workplace...or...most personal use computing...you are on the wrong trail looking at Macs. And finally...and I sold Macs for years...Apple is the worst company on the planet in terms of 'designed obsolesence' of every product and version they release. As a professional...I respect it...don't get me wrong. It is an art and they are good at it. They are selling a trend not value and I made lots of cash peddling their story before I transitioned into the corporate IT world. So, arm yourself with knowledge, ignore the hype, and if that leads you to buy a Crapple....so be it.



Good info and thanks. However, I have never heard anyone say they aren't good at what they are good for. I realize I can get a more powerful PC for less $$, but I have been wanting a Mac for a long time. Mainly because I'm an IT guy and don't know shit about them, I see them everywhere and I want the experience. That's all.


That would suck. Forever alone 1x :fa:


It was horrible!! Trying to use an app or browse the web was a no go...ever!! I started calling in Sept. They told me a major tower was down. I called every week up until last week and that very tower was still down. I finally said...FU, the tower, this phone and the company. Bought 4S on Verizon. Not looking back!

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Good info and thanks. However, I have never heard anyone say they aren't good at what they are good for. I realize I can get a more powerful PC for less $$, but I have been wanting a Mac for a long time. Mainly because I'm an IT guy and don't know shit about them, I see them everywhere and I want the experience. That's all.


Same reason I bought one. I just wanted to try something different, and I like my MacBook Pro a lot.

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i'm honestly surprised, most all places i go have 4g.

VERY RARELY, if ever do i get into 1x mode.

and if i do...........i just load up a Verizon prl and am back at decent 3g speeds ;)


I never complained about Sprint coverage, but one day back in Sept it went to pure shit. I'm talking I went from being in 4G here at work to damn near no signal and 1X. Home, right by Easton, one of the 1st areas to get 4G here, was always great. I went to 1X around there as well. It would be so bad that I could leave home for the night at like 9pm to hang out. My phone would be damn near dead when I'd get home around 3am.

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Good info and thanks. However, I have never heard anyone say they aren't good at what they are good for. I realize I can get a more powerful PC for less $$, but I have been wanting a Mac for a long time. Mainly because I'm an IT guy and don't know shit about them, I see them everywhere and I want the experience. That's all.


That's actually an awesome reason to dabble in the dark side...so to speak. I hadn't thought of it that way. At least if you pick up a used unit you won't be feeding the beast directly. Hmmm.

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Today 5 more hrs Standby, and 40 min less usage. Just to show it's not really a 1 time thing. I continue to be happy with battery life for a smartphone.


Note, it says "iphone has been plugged in since last charge" it got plugged in at home for a few seconds when my wife plugged it in for me and I unplugged it because I was doing the battery thing. So only a few seconds.

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I've been real busy at work so I haven't used my phone much. I have no idea how long it's going to take me to get down to 1%. My experience has been like this since 5.0.1 came out, so I'm calling it a success, despite the blogosphere's claims otherwise. Pre 5.0.1 it sucked on standby, now it just never seems to go down unless I'm using it. Fantastic.


I'm willing to overlook at lot of the overall iOS shittiness for this, since battery life is 80% of the reason I got this stupid thing.

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I was getting 8 hours on 5.0.0, like 4 hours of use and 4 hours of standby. I'd leave for work and have to charge it in the car on the way home. Apparently not every phone was affected, but I was super annoyed because the 4S was an impulse buy for me after my old phone was only lasting... 8 hours.
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