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ringokid vs brkassgsx


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i postulate that if brkazzgsx aka james the giant peach aka lil boy blue is banned, there should be no way in hell that ringokid should be allowed on here. i say we "unmiserable" mode james, and make this newfag ringokid go away.






Abuse of power? Shirley you can't be serious.


James was miseried for picking on CodyH. Simple fact. At least it was funny.


It was more than that.


the memebers of cr have no say or power on cr. the mods have no real power, its all up to the admin. the mods cant ban anyone really without getting yelled at like little kids. hence why wagner didnt ban dipshit, mike never bans anyone, and why dover hasnt done it yet. if they could boot anyone they wanted, then more people would catch the hammer. we all know they want to.


People whine like little girls no matter what happens. You don't ban people and people bitch, you do ban people and then they bitch about it "not being like the old days"


Too much estrogen in the air.


This statement sums this thread up


It's CR's Admin motto-



Cant be a dick swinging savage in real life? Flex those E-muscles as an admin for CR! Go team go!


I was a dick swinging savage way before you ever had a cool thought in your head. I just don't need to brag about what I do on the internets to make people think I am cool....

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It was more than that.


People whine like little girls no matter what happens. You don't ban people and people bitch, you do ban people and then they bitch about it "not being like the old days"


I was a dick swinging savage way before you ever had a cool thought in your head. I just don't need to brag about what I do on the internets to make people think I am cool....



who cares about the whining people, just use the ban hammer. ive been banned a solid 60 plus times. i havent been nearly cunt as some of the trolls

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WHAT? seriously? That's shitty. i can't STAND that lil fuck!


Don't worry Cody will never be back to this site and has been pretty much told to stay away from anything CR related.


James met his end due to the fact he could not follow simple directions, pissed off to many people, and was a useless troll.


There are a lot of other trolls that people ask to have removed but it would be a troll bloodbath and I don't want to hear people bitch.




back to your this thread of fail

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who cares about the whining people, just use the ban hammer. ive been banned a solid 60 plus times. i havent been nearly cunt as some of the trolls


It gets old hearing the same people bitch about the same things.


In the end I am just the angel of death for the head man in charge of this site. I go to the track days, go to races and enjoy the company of many people on this site. There are some really cool fuckers around here.


If you don't like CR get fucked and don't come back.

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you shut your noncomingouttoplaycocksuckergodilovestaringatyouonfacebookitjustmakesmethinkofwhatyoulookedlikeasasmallchildjerrysandsukyissocreepy.




























































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You are such a meanie head Brian. BTW, it is quiet lulzy that people actually come to you and complain about other people. It's the damn internet. Why so serious ya know? Anywho, I feel bad that you basically are the call desk for all these complainers.

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It gets old hearing the same people bitch about the same things.


In the end I am just the angel of death for the head man in charge of this site. I go to the track days, go to races and enjoy the company of many people on this site. There are some really cool fuckers around here.


If you don't like CR get fucked and don't come back.



if i cant bitch about it, then i will steal your gif idea and just be 100% random after all your posts

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You are such a meanie head Brian. BTW, it is quiet lulzy that people actually come to you and complain about other people. It's the damn internet. Why so serious ya know? Anywho, I feel bad that you basically are the call desk for all these complainers.


can you put people on blast that pm you compaining about other people???



on a side note, paul.... friend... i pmd wagner complaining that your dick was smaller than your abs and i didnt want you here anymore. sorry










































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You are such a meanie head Brian. BTW, it is quiet lulzy that people actually come to you and complain about other people. It's the damn internet. Why so serious ya know? Anywho, I feel bad that you basically are the call desk for all these complainers.


It sometimes is like running a pre-school, no lie. We have removed some of the bigger trouble makers and problems go away.


Unless it is a legit issue nothing is going to be done.


if i cant bitch about it, then i will steal your gif idea and just be 100% random after all your posts



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It sometimes is like running a pre-school, no lie. We have removed some of the bigger trouble makers and problems go away.


Unless it is a legit issue nothing is going to be done.









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Don't worry Cody will never be back to this site and has been pretty much told to stay away from anything CR related.


James met his end due to the fact he could not follow simple directions, pissed off to many people, and was a useless troll.


There are a lot of other trolls that people ask to have removed but it would be a troll bloodbath and I don't want to hear people bitch.




back to your this thread of fail


Is there such a thing as a useful troll?


Many on here will attest to the fact that I would/will/do stand at the front of the line when it came to tell him he was/is full of douchebaggery.


However, with actions no different than 98% of the regulars, and a general lack of give-a-fuck when it came to telling how he saw it pissed off a number of members. Even when he was 100% right. Those who were butt hurt enough to complain simply don't want to face the truth. Sorry Wags had ya throw that out there. Not trying to scuff yours or the boss' shoes.

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Is there such a thing as a useful troll?


Many on here will attest to the fact that I would/will/do stand at the front of the line when it came to tell him he was/is full of douchebaggery.


However, with actions no different than 98% of the regulars, and a general lack of give-a-fuck when it came to telling how he saw it pissed off a number of members. Even when he was 100% right. Those who were butt hurt enough to complain simply don't want to face the truth. Sorry Wags had ya throw that out there. Not trying to scuff yours or the boss' shoes.

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Is there such a thing as a useful troll?


Many on here will attest to the fact that I would/will/do stand at the front of the line when it came to tell him he was/is full of douchebaggery.


However, with actions no different than 98% of the regulars, and a general lack of give-a-fuck when it came to telling how he saw it pissed off a number of members. Even when he was 100% right. Those who were butt hurt enough to complain simply don't want to face the truth. Sorry Wags had ya throw that out there. Not trying to scuff yours or the boss' shoes.


No worries man I have developed thick skin and you are still my favorite star on History Channel :)

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