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Anybody playing Elder Scrolls:Skyrim ?


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Oblivion and Skyrim obviously are on the 360.

Morrowind was available on the original Xbox.

you might be able to play it as a backwards compatible game.....i dunno


God, i have dumped soo many hours into The Elder Scrolls

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Ive been playing it. I trying to go with a different character as I had an Orc warrior and a Kajit bow assassin in Oblivion. This time, I have a high elf magic user. Currently, he's a werewolf with good archery for that first attack and heavy destruction and conjuration to clean it up. Im still barely in Whiterun but I'm already overflowing with quests and sidequests. I'll have to comb back thru this thread later. Needless to say, it's been fun finding new little tricks and shit to do. Also, Im liking some of the new animations, like insta kills and werewolf attacks.


Weirdest thing thats happened is I've accidentally kicked some antlers on the ground and they hurt the shit out of me. lol Also, Ive seeen a coupld npc's either disappear or suddenly appear out of nowhere.


Dammit. Think I'm gonna skip some shit today so I can play it in a few.

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Oblivion and Skyrim obviously are on the 360.

Morrowind was available on the original Xbox.

you might be able to play it as a backwards compatible game.....i dunno


God, i have dumped soo many hours into The Elder Scrolls


You really don't HAVE to play the earlier games, there's a bunch of books throughout the game and some of them explain earlier events in the series. That said, Oblivion and Skyrim are very similar and Morrowind is a completely different game (comparatively). Morrowind is heavily based on "stats". So at a low level you'll be swinging away at some stupid ass rat, and you might only hit it once out of 10 times even though you should physically be hitting it. They're all really great games though.


Oh, and Morrowind is backwards compatible, however I've heard the emulation isn't the best.

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Which Elder Scrolls games are available on 360? I may get into the series, but I should probably start a bit earlier on



I'd just start with Skyrim. They aren't "sequels" to each other storywise(outside of the general history), so might as well.




The dragons as far as I know don't scale, and the bears and trolls and shit do. So while dragons tend to level off after a few, other encounters seem oddly difficult in logical comparison.


Of course, I annihilate dragons, bears, giants, and trolls, so whatever, mage ftw. :fuckyeah:

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This. I had a random dragon encounter in Riverwood last night. Decided magicking and archery was boring so I got him in a clearing all to myself and one-hand-sworded the shit out of him. it was more challenging and fun. a couple time the fucker snapped at me trying to chomp me, but I jumped under a bridge. Again it showed off the AI in the game as the dragon searched around and under the bridge for me.


I tried to take on a dragon priest last night. I've been able to take on Frost Trolls and bears solo but that dragon priest fucking destroyed me.

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This. I had a random dragon encounter in Riverwood last night. Decided magicking and archery was boring so I got him in a clearing all to myself and one-hand-sworded the shit out of him. it was more challenging and fun. a couple time the fucker snapped at me trying to chomp me, but I jumped under a bridge. Again it showed off the AI in the game as the dragon searched around and under the bridge for me.


I tried to take on a dragon priest last night. I've been able to take on Frost Trolls and bears solo but that dragon priest fucking destroyed me.


Best thing so far is using a war hammer and seeing the finishing power attack. Jump on his face and its stop... HAMMER TIME.

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Is it possible to change your 'perk' layout after you've used them? Because I find myself with 5 unused perks because I am unsure if I want to use them on this or that.




dont spend perks on lockpicking, whatever you do. you can pick top level locks very early on. i've mostly filled out Sneak, One Handed, and Destruction at lvl 20 and im starting to have difficulty with some of these enemies. I recommend leveling combat and smithing more than I did.

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Caught and solved a small bug. I noticed at one point I couldn't sprint more than a couple feet. Didn't matter where I was, how full my stamina or that my weight was acceptable, either. If this happens to you, just sneak/crouch a couple times then stand back up and try sprinting again. Should be fine. Not completely sure what causes it, though.


If you've played the previous ones extensively, you know this one will have a bug or two, as well. If you get any, please post them up with Bug/Glitch in title.

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dont spend perks on lockpicking, whatever you do. you can pick top level locks very early on. i've mostly filled out Sneak, One Handed, and Destruction at lvl 20 and im starting to have difficulty with some of these enemies. I recommend leveling combat and smithing more than I did.


Yeah I figured Ill keep most if not all my perks into combat, the only thing that kind of bugs me about it is I wont likely ever use any other type of melee weapon besides swords now... And I am also tempted to make a second character for light armor/sneaking/archer. Ugh this games gonna be the death of me, in a good way. :masturboy:

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I haven't seen it in any leveling guides so I'll just post it here.


I didn't do it for very long since I was out of resources, but immediately after murderizing a blood dragon in Morthal I accidentally hit a guard with a fireball blast. I happened to have a powerful magicka regen potion in effect, so when all the Morthal guards were destroying me I dual-weilded a low level healing spell.


In about 2 minutes my Restoration and Light Armor had jumped several levels (both are still very low for my current level), I had lost no health due to constant healing, and my magicka was still regenerating faster than I could use it on the low lvl healing spell.


I assume this'll work with heavy armor as well.

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Is it possible to change your 'perk' layout after you've used them? Because I find myself with 5 unused perks because I am unsure if I want to use them on this or that.

This is really annoying for someone who has no clue about how to use the points.. I feel like i have already screwed up with the points... oh well.. lesson learned.




We have been having SEVERE issues with the game locking up ont eh Xbox.

its really starting to piss me off, and now i save just about every 5 damn minutes so i wont have wasted countless amounts of time re-tracking steps i have made, or areas i have killed off.


Hope they fix that shit REAL soon. Why give a game that locks up this much 5 Star ratings on all the gaming sites??

Oh and that bitch Lynda went and got herself killed by running into a huge group of baddies

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This is really annoying for someone who has no clue about how to use the points.. I feel like i have already screwed up with the points... oh well.. lesson learned.




We have been having SEVERE issues with the game locking up ont eh Xbox.

its really starting to piss me off, and now i save just about every 5 damn minutes so i wont have wasted countless amounts of time re-tracking steps i have made, or areas i have killed off.


Hope they fix that shit REAL soon. Why give a game that locks up this much 5 Star ratings on all the gaming sites??

Oh and that bitch Lynda went and got herself killed by running into a huge group of baddies


Yeah, it kinda sucks you can't reset your points, however, your argument for it isn't justified. I have no need to reset my points and I was given the same amount of information as you were on how to use them. Sorry, bustin' balls here. ;)


That sucks about the xbox. Makes me wonder if it's something only with the xbox copies and not shared software between the 3 platforms as I haven't had any issues with the ps3 version and the few pc players I know havent had an issue that I know of.


Anyone else have issues?

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Install to hard drive and load times decrease and all that good stuff on Xbox.


Also for anyone that's doing some concentrated, leveling up I hope you are using the guardian stones for an extra 20% exp on any state as there is a combat, thief and Mage stone all together. Saves some money for smithing and the like for sure.

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