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Anybody playing Elder Scrolls:Skyrim ?


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Install to hard drive and load times decrease and all that good stuff on Xbox.


Also for anyone that's doing some concentrated, leveling up I hope you are using the guardian stones for an extra 20% exp on any state as there is a combat, thief and Mage stone all together. Saves some money for smithing and the like for sure.


Ill try to install to hard drive when we get our new one.. (we are surviving with a 20GB'r :gasp: )

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This is really annoying for someone who has no clue about how to use the points.. I feel like i have already screwed up with the points... oh well.. lesson learned.




We have been having SEVERE issues with the game locking up ont eh Xbox.

its really starting to piss me off, and now i save just about every 5 damn minutes so i wont have wasted countless amounts of time re-tracking steps i have made, or areas i have killed off.


Hope they fix that shit REAL soon. Why give a game that locks up this much 5 Star ratings on all the gaming sites??

Oh and that bitch Lynda went and got herself killed by running into a huge group of baddies


Sounds like what I was going through with my older Halo 3 edition 360 while playing the Fallout games. Fallout 3 and NV run off the same engine as Oblivion which I assume is the same engine used in Skyrim. It eats up system resources, and if your xbox is getting hot like mine was, it will warp the main board and cause a red ring. Lock ups are just a symptom of overheating. Can you hear the system fans spinning up and down a lot? Mine were getting louder and louder up until it finally gave up. At some point I'll get around to getting an x-clamp kit to try and revive it but I went ahead and bought a new Slim model. Since you are already in danger of red ringing you may want to go ahead and jump on one of the black friday specials.

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be careful with installing it to a hdd just yet.

last i read there is a bug that needs fixed, where when installed to the hdd it actually increases load times. :eek: and could corrupt game saves :eek:

something to do with the way the game caches. i don't know if there has been an update yet to fix it though.

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Sounds like what I was going through with my older Halo 3 edition 360 while playing the Fallout games. Fallout 3 and NV run off the same engine as Oblivion which I assume is the same engine used in Skyrim. It eats up system resources, and if your xbox is getting hot like mine was, it will warp the main board and cause a red ring. Lock ups are just a symptom of overheating. Can you hear the system fans spinning up and down a lot? Mine were getting louder and louder up until it finally gave up. At some point I'll get around to getting an x-clamp kit to try and revive it but I went ahead and bought a new Slim model. Since you are already in danger of red ringing you may want to go ahead and jump on one of the black friday specials.

New engine, I believe, but very similar. I haven't had any heating issues. Fan's dont even kick on high unlike when playing COD MW2 for example. I have a ps3, however. Looking back at your post, now, Im assuming you have an xbox.


be careful with installing it to a hdd just yet.

last i read there is a bug that needs fixed, where when installed to the hdd it actually increases load times. :eek: and could corrupt game saves :eek:

something to do with the way the game caches. i don't know if there has been an update yet to fix it though.

Damn, I figured the xbox would have less problems than the ps3. That sucks.

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Sounds like what I was going through with my older Halo 3 edition 360 while playing the Fallout games. Fallout 3 and NV run off the same engine as Oblivion which I assume is the same engine used in Skyrim. It eats up system resources, and if your xbox is getting hot like mine was, it will warp the main board and cause a red ring. Lock ups are just a symptom of overheating. Can you hear the system fans spinning up and down a lot? Mine were getting louder and louder up until it finally gave up. At some point I'll get around to getting an x-clamp kit to try and revive it but I went ahead and bought a new Slim model. Since you are already in danger of red ringing you may want to go ahead and jump on one of the black friday specials.


We have a fan setup on the xbox all the time, so i dont now if its spinning up more or not. ours is a pretty old refurbished model. I hope its not Red Ring :(

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Eat my ass, damn you.


I do wish I had a computer that could play it maxed out. I would do it over the ps3, however...


I built my PC last spring almost specifically for this game. Fortunately I overestimated what would be needed to max this out and it runs buttery smooth. Max settings, 1080p :megusta:


I believe they made this version with the consoles in mind. Why they don't offer a higher res on the pc??? is beyond me. Having said that, Ive seen it run full on PC and it wasn't that much of a difference from the ps3 version. Im very pleased.

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Eat my ass, damn you.


I do wish I had a computer that could play it maxed out. I would do it over the ps3, however...




I believe they made this version with the consoles in mind. Why they don't offer a higher res on the pc??? is beyond me. Having said that, Ive seen it run full on PC and it wasn't that much of a difference from the ps3 version. Im very pleased.


Full disclosure, I'm playing on my 40" Philips TV. So I couldn't go higher than 1080p if I wanted to.


The only complaint I have about the PS3 version is the 10+ seconds it takes to load when you go through main doorways. Net levels of awesome are still high though.


This right here is the main advantage I'm seeing on my PC right now. I've even heard of others on PC with really long loading times. Even loading the main world is very fast for me, 5ish seconds.

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OMGato! All of Tamriel in one game? Yes please! I doubt that Bethesda would actually do this, bit hopefully modders can take advantage of this, kind of like Morrowblivion. This would be beyond cool.

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Duck Hunt really is a two-player game.


Spoiler Alert: It is.


More than outweighed by having a mostly stable console that only cost $250, not having to update hardware, not as many haxxorz, etc. etc.


Brb spending more than PS3 value on a graphics card...


How much money does your console make for you? My computer has paid for itself several times...


Your logic is flawed, grasshopper.

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OMGato! All of Tamriel in one game? Yes please! I doubt that Bethesda would actually do this, bit hopefully modders can take advantage of this, kind of like Morrowblivion. This would be beyond cool.


Interesting read. Makes me feel like it's a placeholder for future add-ons/mods?

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I have my Xbox hooked up to my main computer monitor and use my 2ndary computer monitor to play NHL Gamecenter Live so I can nerd out while I nerd out. Not the quality res I'd have with a true gaming rig, but I'm guessing most gaming computers couldn't stream HD hockey while playing Skyrim on max settings.


More importantly, do what the fuck you want. I prefer gaming on PC but for some reason, I like playing the elder scrolls games on Xbox

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Interesting read. Makes me feel like it's a placeholder for future add-ons/mods?


How awesome would a Morrowind DLC be? If Rockstar could put together something like BOGT/TLAD and charge half a new game price for it, I'd think Bethesda could put together a great Morrowind rehash with the Radiant engine and people would gladly pay $30 or $40. I know I would.

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Just a few notes about that blog, the doorway is actually used/refered to in a quest bout escorting someone to morrowind, so that's likely why it's there. I haven't done the quest but it's in the posts there. Also why they could in theory add additional land if they wanted I doubt we will see it in this installment. It would make more sense if they made a new game simply The Elder scrolls with all continents.
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