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MPG fun


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That's not bad. My basic math and the 2 minutes I was willing to spend at vw.com suggests that it will take approx 7 years at current fuel prices to break even over the 2.5L.


This may be, but you can also run many diesels on WVO, or various other things, if you're feeling creative. Fun for the tinkerer... If you've ever looked at used VW prices, you'd know it's moronic NOT to buy a diesel.

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Yeah I could see how Hybrids are "cheaper" over time based on maintenance. They don't mow through brakes, easier on the engine over the long haul etc. I would NEVER own one, but I can see how they get their numbers. Regardless, you can't own a hybrid long enough to save the environment from the destruction the production does, so what is the point? Then you have to destroy the old car......I am really glad American's have not been fooled by what the government thinks is the best for the car market.


In the long run the market will decide what the next hot car is, not the gubment.

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