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Ndamukong Suh... too much or too little?


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the hyopcrits in this thread in unreal. i love how something happens and you bandwagon all righteous nuts get all up in arms with the hardest possible penalty. its a good thing the judicial system doesnt take your ideas into consideration because 1 wrong thing and you people would have the criminal killed.


look 2 games is a good number and fair. yes suh has a reputation because he is dominating people on the line. the nfl is a rough, hard, sometimes dirty game. these games are physical and emotions can get the best of you. yes he needs to control it, but it happens. i bet everyone is missing the fact that the o lineman hit suh in the gentitals 4x and at that point nothing was called. suh had it and got frustrated. no stomping on dudes arm isnt the best thing to do on national tv but no one is thinking about that in the moment. fights, biting, kicking scratching ect ect happen. its football. do you have any clue what happens in a pile up when the ball is loose? the craziest shit. so for those of you saying kick him out, suspend him for the year, take his pay. you are all dumb and obvisouly know nothing about football. suh brings too much money in and makes the lions a vaulable team to watch. its about the money, and if you take away the money then no one is happy. you folks need to chill out

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It sickens me what some people will be ok happening with pro or college players when it's benefits their team. This is the mentality that leads down the road to little kids getting rapped and it being covered up.



how did you pull this from suhs actions? way to stretch that one out as far as you could :rolleyes:

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how did you pull this from suhs actions? way to stretch that one out as far as you could :rolleyes:


I didn't address this when Nighthawk interpreted my post that way, but since now there are 2 people who miss-understood I will clarify. I never said, and I did not mean that his actions lead to things like what happened at PSU or now Syracuse. I was replying directly to what Nighthawk said

I'm good with his suspension, my Lions need him back. :)

The coddling of players or coaches, teams, systems, when it benefits someone's team is what leads down this road. The idea of players or coaches being able to 'get away with murder' is NOT ok. We put these people and teams up on far too high of pedestals.


I can't comment on whether the specific suspension is OK or not, I don't care to follow pro football enough to even have an insight on that. I was only replying to what Nighthawk said.

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I was only replying to what Nighthawk said.



He might be suspended 2 games, maybe one, we will see today. How is that coddled? Not many players out on suspension this year so far. I said his suspension is good enough, I didn't say he shouldn't be suspended. He IS needed on the team he's the best in the league at his position, dude got frustrated and made a mistake in a very violent situation. He will do his time and move on.

Edited by Benjamin
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the fact of the matter is that there are lasting, long-term consequences for injuries incurred on the football field. these were DRASTICALLY underestimated/not recognized in the 70's-80's-90's/etc. some of these injuries are preventable. if the average pro football career lasts 5 years, these players need to be productive citizens, and contribute to society after their sports careers are over. the rules are put in place to protect players from long term injuries that could essentially 'fuck them up for life', for lack of a better term. its for their own good. they don't realize it because, let's face it, everyone in their mid-20's feels invincible. talk to an ex-pro player who's had both hips and knees replaced, 4 back surgeries, and is in constant pain by the age 45, and you'll get a different perspective.


the point is that you need to draw the line somewhere. race horses are given steroids, growth hormone, and who knows what, all in the name of maximizing performance, with no thoughts of long term consequences. when the horse is no longer in its prime, and/or disabled, it is put down. its not acceptable for the same rules to apply to human beings.


what suh did was wrong, is unacceptable, and needs to be punished. the point of being a professional is to play within the acceptable rules, which he has proven several times that he cannot do. i think the punishment is no where near as harsh as it needs to be.

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Kirk I hate to disagree with you because in most points you are correct. But let's look at the degrees of what has happened. Hanyesworth stomped on a helmetless player, he got four games. Suh stepped on the arm of a player. Two games. I think that's about correct. Suh gets more attention because he is more noticeable. Don't think he is the Only person in the game that has done this or will do this. It is more common thee. You think. It's only getting this much attention because it's suh, it was on national tv, and it was the only game on. If you watch football closely these things happen everygane. Fite, punches, choking, ect. It's part of the NFL. As much as you people want to think it's not, go to any game and u will see it anywhere from hs to the pros. It is what it is, taking his lively hood away does not benefit anyone, the team, the players, the owners, the NFL , marketing ect. Big picture
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Dude deserved to get his head bounced around a little, he wouldn't let go of Suh after the play. We call that "holding" in the NFL, it's a penalty. The Stomp was uncalled for.


meh.... One without the other either way is an ejection and a fine. Both together are what make it bad. Holding is no reason to get your head slammed into the ground. People who played football call that "reason your knee is gonna get taken out one day"

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meh.... One without the other either way is an ejection and a fine. Both together are what make it bad. Holding is no reason to get your head slammed into the ground. People who played football call that "reason your knee is gonna get taken out one day"


is taking out someones knees worse then stomping on an arm?

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is taking out someones knees worse then stomping on an arm?


Of course. I'm not condoning that either, but Suh keeps going just over that line. There are just things you don't do, and he keeps doing them. There is a line of playing hard and relentless and he constantly has one foot over that line.

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Of course. I'm not condoning that either, but Suh keeps going just over that line. There are just things you don't do, and he keeps doing them. There is a line of playing hard and relentless and he constantly has one foot over that line.


that line is crossed every game. you only hear about it when a popular player does it. i.e


rasheed wallace, awful reputation, led the league in techs every year and everyone had him on the bad boy list. you view him as a cheap whiney dirty player....


dwight howard, led the league in techs past two seasons, but since he has a great smile and everyone loves him, its overlooked.


media can push your attention any direction they want. if they said damarcus ware was a dirty player everyday, you would look closer and find him doing very similar actions as suh. since suh is popular and the media has pushed his name as a dirty player you look closer. dont think suh is the only one doing it. you never heard a neg word from him coming out of nebraska.

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that line is crossed every game. you only hear about it when a popular player does it. i.e


rasheed wallace, awful reputation, led the league in techs every year and everyone had him on the bad boy list. you view him as a cheap whiney dirty player....


dwight howard, led the league in techs past two seasons, but since he has a great smile and everyone loves him, its overlooked.

Why are you using basketball players? TOOOOOOOOOOTTALLY different.


media can push your attention any direction they want. if they said damarcus ware was a dirty player everyday, you would look closer and find him doing very similar actions as suh. since suh is popular and the media has pushed his name as a dirty player you look closer. dont think suh is the only one doing it. you never heard a neg word from him coming out of nebraska.
There are TONS of stories about him at Nebraska. To start with, NONE of his teammates like him. As for saying "look closer blah blah blah". No, not really. He does shit that is visible no matter who the player is.
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sure, he pushed the guy's helmet into the ground, and put a half-assed, WWF-style stomp on his arm----something that probably didn't hurt the other player one bit. he was not doing it because he was being held down. he did it because a man 2/3 his size flattened his ass (legally) the previous play--he was frustrated, and acted immaturely. what made it worse was the press conference, and claiming it was an accident---wtf?? seriously?? did he watch it on replay before saying that??


he should have just said "it was completely wrong of me to do what i did. i want to formally apologize to evan smith for what i did. as well as my teammates, and the fans at home and in the stadium who were watching the game." and then agreed to go to anger management counseling, pay the fine to the NFL, and a matching amount to a charity that supports battered women.

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There's a charity for battered women? Do they all live in an asylum that teaches them to stay in the kitchen? After 6 months they graduate and aren't battered anymore.


thousands of women battered every year.



























































and i've been eating them 'plain' all this time.:fuckyeah:

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everyone's a packer fan up here. its like being a buckeye in columbus--everything shuts down while the packers are playing.


Which is amazing if you are not a fan of the local team. Go grocery shopping or driving on an interstate during a game, its' a truly cathartic experience.

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There is playing hard, then there is playing dirty. That was a dirty play and there is no way around it.


If he did that back in the 60's or 70's he would have got a helmet to the knee later in the game or worse.


Yes footbal is violent, but what he did is outside that and he should be punished as such.


We are putting the wrong people up for worship in this country. What ever happend to looking up to people that had class and smarts?

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OMG he wrecked his car and lied to the popo to cover up he was guilty of wreckless op, Suspend him the rest of the season, nay kick him out of the league forever! I wonder how many people on here have lied to the police? Seriously, lieing to the police? Who does that? LOL


The part I'm interested in is why did one of the girls who were with him have to call her HUSBAND to take her to the hospital? What the hell was she doing in the car when he is pulling hoes from around town. I'm sure that was a good story she told her HUSBAND and why she is talking to the media. That bitch got caught.

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OMG he wrecked his car and lied to the popo to cover up he was guilty of wreckless op, Suspend him the rest of the season, nay kick him out of the league forever! I wonder how many people on here have lied to the police? Seriously, lieing to the police? Who does that? LOL


The part I'm interested in is why did one of the girls who were with him have to call her HUSBAND to take her to the hospital? What the hell was she doing in the car when he is pulling hoes from around town. I'm sure that was a good story she told her HUSBAND and why she is talking to the media. That bitch got caught.


typical cr response. guy makes mistake, take away his life, no questions about it. and lets see if the girl is lying. its not like chicks have never done that before to get money out of athletes. how did the cops not see her? did she flee the scene? too many holes in her story sorry. as it was what 2 am? they were being thrown around like rag dolls in his car? this bitch is lying out her ass.

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I hope my sarcasam was clearly understood. Hopefully he is nice and rested and pissed off as ever when my Lions play Oakland and he is starting again. Poor Carson Palmer. I feel for him. That game should be a five hour game and the refs are gonna need subs for all the flag throwing they will be doing. The Raiders get more flags than Detroit.


Yes she left the scene, and was MARRIED. LOL Nobody on CR said to take away his life, just the comments in the media. This shit is funny. I thought I would update the thread. :)

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