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School Me on Galaxy Tablet compared to IPad2


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I am a huge android phone user for the record. Hardware wise the android wins as it has more RAM, bigger screen, Faster CPU, and better camera. Android OS has a lot more customization which is what I hate about my ipad2, even more if you root it. Apple OS is "easier" but that makes every apple device the same thing and locked down which is stupid. Even jailbreaking the ipad2 there isn't much difference in the look when I install themes. I love with android os if I really feel like programming I can change the colors of everything, remove certain menus, remove unneeded services from running, add my own menus with my own software, and run anything I fucking want in a terminal emulator window. I don't need to SSH into it I just use the keyboard. At the time I bought the ipad2 it had the best hardware. Even the $1000 first generation galaxy at the time was the same as the ipad but it cost double the price. If I was to buy a tablet right now it would be the galaxy.

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Thanks I appreciate it. I did read where you couldn't download movies? Is that right?


That does not sound right. If it has access to the Android Market, you can rent movies on there. With it being android, you can put whatever you want on there. Best of all, you don't have to deal with that abortion known as itunes.

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So my mom asked for a game unit that she can play brain exercises on. I think a android powered tab with a bigger display would be better. What do you guys recommend keeping in mind she still uses a flip phone so she is typical old people tech savvy or lack there of.
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So my mom asked for a game unit that she can play brain exercises on. I think a android powered tab with a bigger display would be better. What do you guys recommend keeping in mind she still uses a flip phone so she is typical old people tech savvy or lack there of.


An iPad for one reason, you can not break it by installing the wrong software. I should of mentioned this in my other post but I only recommend android to people who are tech savvy. I recommend to my parents to get an iPhone/iPad so they won't be calling me all the time asking me "HOW DO I FIX THIS?".

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I chose my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 over the iPad. Simply put, it allows you to do more things. Apple products are like bicycles with training wheels. If you're not tech savy and want a piece of technology that's watered down. The iPad is a good option. If you want more control and customization of settings without Apple standing over you, Android would be the better option. One thing I'm not happy about is the lack of fluidness in the interface when rearranging the icons. Apple animations are a bit smoother, but they're also simpler.


A big factor is that Android also handles flash within the browser (youtube, vimeo, etc.), whereas Apple does not.

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Not sure I follow. I have no issues with youtube or vimeo on the ipad or iphone.


iPhone/iPad uses a separate app to handle youtube and vimeo. If you go to the browser and to to youtube.com, and then play a video, the youtube app launches in full screen and plays the video. Android has a youtube app as well, but it can also play the video within the browser as you would see it on a computer. This way you can have multiple tabs of youtube videos open, as well as playing flash based videos from many other websites (mostly porn lol).

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So for my mother I am looking at like $200, uses android, does not cost me a ton each month, preferred to a wifi signal instead of cell service.

SO nook? Kindle fire? samsung? I know VERY little about them.

She would read books maybe a little music and play "mind exercise games"

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iPhone/iPad uses a separate app to handle youtube and vimeo. If you go to the browser and to to youtube.com, and then play a video, the youtube app launches in full screen and plays the video. Android has a youtube app as well, but it can also play the video within the browser as you would see it on a computer.


Gotcha. Just a different way of doing things.


This way you can have multiple tabs of youtube videos open, as well as playing flash based videos from many other websites (mostly porn lol).


I do porn one tab at a time. I'm good. :gabe:

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So for my mother I am looking at like $200, uses android, does not cost me a ton each month, preferred to a wifi signal instead of cell service.

SO nook? Kindle fire? samsung? I know VERY little about them.

She would read books maybe a little music and play "mind exercise games"


Samsung. It's more of a full on tablet, where the nook and kindle are readers that are crossing into tablet territory.


With that being said. There are lots of options for the Galaxy. Different sizes and different versions of Android. I don't think you'll be able to find one with Android 3.2 on it for around $200. Probably still has 2.3 on it.

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