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CR Shirt Design Submissions


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If you have a design you would like to submit for consideration please post it in here.


*** We are looking more for the image that will go on the shirt. ***


If you want to submit ideas that is fine, but we are looking more for the final image.


We will take submissions until the 1st of the year, then we will have a vote to see what the masses of CR would like.


This thread is for submissions only, no bullshit, no trolling, no “I think that looks like ass” bullshit. We will have a vote thread later to decide what we go with.

Edited by Wagner
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Im no internet scientist, but you get the idea. I also applaud and agree with OP that this thread should be a sanctuary from "trolls" and the kids who play grab ass on this site.





















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How about the picture of 270 that looks like the troll face and on the shirt you could put something like "trolling>rolling" or whatever someone comes up with


If you can come up with the design submit it.



This is more for people who want to submit the final design.

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How about the picture of 270 that looks like the troll face and on the shirt you could put something like "trolling>rolling" or whatever someone comes up with


This. Except it's Forever Alone Guy...:fa:


Forever CR

Forever Columbus Racing

Forever A Roll


...I'm just brainstorming

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I see everyone has been able to follow the directions in this thread to a T. Bravo CR Bravo..,,


Yeah I pretty much give up....


My official submission. plain white tee with the cr logo painted on the front. nothing on the back.



Yes, something like this without the copyright issues would be perfect. We can't use that CR logo since we do not own it.

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OK...I KNOW this is very rough. I only have access to MS Paint at work. I can make it clean and solid in Sketchbookpro at home. But you get the idea. I altered an NHRA event logo I found. F' the TM. Problem? :gabe:



CR LOGO IDEA by harmonda, on Flickr

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For the people wanting to use troll faces etc keep it mind not everyone is 20 and on th internet all day

. Plus it would be nice to have a classer shirt that can be worn to none cr car events.


I agree with this statement. It would be nice to have something that can be worn to racing and non racing events.

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I agree with this statement. It would be nice to have something that can be worn to racing and non racing events.


3rd'ed. The last thing i'd want is a played out internet meme that looks retarded now and will look even worse in a few years. Plus its not really a "design"...Like slapping the Colorado Rockies logo on a douche is, but you know what i mean.


Whoever is ordering the shirts are we keeping it black and white?, less color the better? what?

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