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How is not liking Muslims racist? Religion doesn't constitute race from my understanding. So Lowe's doesn't think advertising during the show is good business, nor do they agree with the show. So what, it's America, last I checked, one can disagree with something.


You could have said the same thing to the "family" group that petitioned to get Lowes to pull the ads in the first place. Last I checked, Lowes was free to run ads on whatever shows they wanted, but some uppity people complained and Lowes caved to the pressure and pulled the ads. And now the other side is complaining. You can't make everyone happy, but you should at least try to err on the side of religious tolerance.

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It's America, people get pissed over Santa Claus, Nativity scene and the word Christmas. If every other religion gets shit, the Muslim crowd gets to join in too. If it were some show about Mormons or Jews, nobody would raise a stink about it. The Muslim sensitivity is being shoved down American throats. Sorry, I ain't buying that shit. Again, it's America, Lowe's can do as they please and have their own views. It's not racist to dislike the Muslim faith.
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... If it were some show about Catholics, nobody would raise a stink about it...

Fixed that for you.


Totally agreed about the Muslim sensitivity being shoved down our throats and that this is America, and they need to deal with it. However, I will say the Jews are right behind them in terms of uptightness about criticism: The Anti-defamation league are a group of trigger-pulling, media-whoring, club swinging eThugs.


Kinda like the right wing christian wackjobs.


Good lord, now that I think about it, every religion has some uptight group that makes them a pain in the ass.

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It's America, people get pissed over Santa Claus, Nativity scene and the word Christmas. If every other religion gets shit, the Muslim crowd gets to join in too. If it were some show about Mormons or Jews, nobody would raise a stink about it. The Muslim sensitivity is being shoved down American throats. Sorry, I ain't buying that shit. Again, it's America, Lowe's can do as they please and have their own views. It's not racist to dislike the Muslim faith.


In all seriousness THANK YOU for posting that.

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I dislike all religions with equal ferocity, so consider that when reading this response.


You are all missing the point. In America it is absolutely your right to believe what you want, and I believe all religions are fucked and causing the downfall of this country. What is not your right is to discriminate against people in the marketplace due to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc.


Infidel, what would you do if you were told you had to accept less money because an employer decided that, despite it being your Constitutional right to bear arms (and your years of training in that field), they have a company stance against people who bear arms. They would never tell you to disarm (its your Constitutional right, after all) but you would no longer be eligible for raises regardless of qualification.


After all, it is generally accepted that the major source of gun violence in America is perpetrated by people who bear arms.


I think its the same with this religious intolerance. Lowe's is not telling the family that they have to change their religion. They're not saying that they should change. What they are saying, though, is that their religion is the source of their refusal to support the show.


Having a problem with the entire religion of Islam is fine in my book, seeing as how I have a problem with every organized religion. However, one of my best friends is a devout Muslim, I have very religious Christian friends and even some friends that are in what I'd call a cult. They are my friends because they're good people and I don't judge their character based on the religion they associate with.


Bottom line; hate a religion all you want. The moment you start hating a PERSON because of their religion, and not by the content of their character, you are in violation of everything America stands for, and frankly, you can fuck right off.

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Lowes should state their ad was pulled because the show suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.


^^ This. If lipstick on a pig makes them feel better then let's just give it to them. Show sucked folks. Better yet, don't say shit. No one owes anyone an explanation.


The Muslim sensitivity is being shoved down American throats. Sorry, I ain't buying that shit. Again, it's America.


Well said. I don't dislike middle eastern people, but given the way the middle east and the western world interact, we should just cut bait and not try and force anything "American Muslims" down the throats of the general US Public. It will never fly.


To all the butt hurt others making an issue of this, send them a one way plain ticket to Pakistan. I'll buy them each a card wishing them happy trails. Let's see how many change their mindset when they finally make their own way home.

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I dislike all religions with equal ferocity, so consider that when reading this response.


You are all missing the point. In America it is absolutely your right to believe what you want, and I believe all religions are fucked and causing the downfall of this country. What is not your right is to discriminate against people in the marketplace due to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc.


Infidel, what would you do if you were told you had to accept less money because an employer decided that, despite it being your Constitutional right to bear arms (and your years of training in that field), they have a company stance against people who bear arms. They would never tell you to disarm (its your Constitutional right, after all) but you would no longer be eligible for raises regardless of qualification.


After all, it is generally accepted that the major source of gun violence in America is perpetrated by people who bear arms.


I think its the same with this religious intolerance. Lowe's is not telling the family that they have to change their religion. They're not saying that they should change. What they are saying, though, is that their religion is the source of their refusal to support the show.


Having a problem with the entire religion of Islam is fine in my book, seeing as how I have a problem with every organized religion. However, one of my best friends is a devout Muslim, I have very religious Christian friends and even some friends that are in what I'd call a cult. They are my friends because they're good people and I don't judge their character based on the religion they associate with.


Bottom line; hate a religion all you want. The moment you start hating a PERSON because of their religion, and not by the content of their character, you are in violation of everything America stands for, and frankly, you can fuck right off.


I'd give you rep, but I have to spread it around more, first.

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