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NTSB calls for nationwide ban on PEDs while driving


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Automated Vehicles.


This is a great idea. Some drivers are idiots that can't handle simple merges, light rain, distracting scenery, etc. and really shouldn't be piloting their own vehicles. Our public transit is a huge fail here, and the roadways are beyond overburdened in most areas. Google auto-cars would solve an asston of issues, but we won't see them widespread for decades, if ever.


Oh the wonders the future holds.

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We are required to have a front plate, I have never mounted one. Meh, I'll continue to use my Smartphone, Ohio Supreme court rulled that a Officer has to serve a warrant to ask for your smartphone as they fall under "computers" in the law. (this is why the texting ban can't be enforced) So when I get pulled over, in the armrest compartment it goes and even if he searches for it he/she/it can't touch it with out a judges order. If a OHPO pulled me over because my daughter was watching tinkerbell in the back seat on an iPhone or iPad to pass time on 71N, he's not getting any respect from me durring the stop. Simply riduclous. No different tthan having 3 TVs mounted in a mini van.


This will never pass into law anyway.



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so are you saying you have a right to endanger others while exercising the privilege of driving a vehicle? again, just because you can doesn't mean you should.




I hate people talking on cellphone as much as the next guy. I actually think cellphone is the root of all things that are evil. But banning the use of them in a car is a little excessive.


People blow each other up everyday with guns but you don't see that being ban.


Well, if this law pass, in the near future when you get pull over you'll need to surrender your cellphone to the officer. Just a couple minutes with your cellphone, god know what kind of information they can optain (like your precious CR password). Do you really want to do that?

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Passing on the right isn't a big deal at all. I've done it hundreds if not thousands of times, and never witnessed it being any more dangerous than passing on the left. If there are 2+ lanes, and slower traffic doesn't keep right, then fail.


I see it differently since just about no one expects to be passed on the right. Also, most traffic merging right is trying to exit to a ramp so jumping right then back left can be dangerous.


Using the public street as my driveway is okay. Having to have a permit to park in front of my house on a side street is silly, and cars being parked on either side of the street didn't impede traffic flow whatsoever in this case. The policemen didn't have much of a problem with it except an asshole neighbor called them constantly and complained so the bitchy person got what they wanted. This is also fail.


Yes/No. I'm one of those assholes that hates when people do that. Our neighbor across the street and I have come to an understanding about it as he used to always park his POS Truck out there. He needed to clean out his fucking garage and use it for vehicles, not his pack-rat shit hole, learn to jockey cars around when needed or just plain sell the fucking shit hole truck. Thankfully his wife agreed and pressed him to sell it. It was an eyesore, a PIA when we need to back out, blocked snow plows and mail trucks, not to mention was a PIA when traffic and pedestrians are out and out needing to go around it.


I did fight the muffler issue. It was at the discretion of the citing officer, and their "expert" witness (also a policemen) and I had a chat about what BS it was that my sewing-machine got cited, but I was SOL without hiring an attorney and a 16-year old can't afford that shiz on $6.30/hour.


Hmmm....IMO, it's as simple as using a sound meter and ratings from the manufacturer showing the specifications as compared to the law. I'd have fought it if it was in fact in accordance with the law.

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Meh, I'll continue to use my Smartphone, Ohio Supreme court rulled that a Officer has to serve a warrant to ask for your smartphone as they fall under "computers" in the law. (this is why the texting ban can't be enforced) So when I get pulled over, in the armrest compartment it goes and even if he searches for it he/she/it can't touch it with out a judges order.


I'm with you. The main reason I posted this as the other day I had a Bexley cop pull up along side me while getting gas to discuss my use of a cell phone while driving. Mind you, it's in an AC Vent Mount right above an 8" LCD in my dash from Ford. I asked if I was officially being pulled over and he then asked if I needed to be?


We had a cat and mouse exchange about how I was using my device in ways that were within the law in Bexley and that if he wanted to cite me and meet me in court with my phone records/text records, he's welcome too, but that I was completely confident it would be a loss for him, a waste of the courts time and further proof to be used as case law that such a citation is a waste of resources as he would most certainly lose this one.


He asked me (tongue and cheek) to show him my phone to prove it and I said I would in court. He moved on from there just warning me that they were cracking down and I thanked him for entertaining me as I filled up but that when I leave I would be using my built in GPS, playing my iPod and likely calling my wife, all hands free thanks to Ford Sync and Siri so don't freak out on me but I may need to further secure it in it's holder if it appears loose. :p

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Just a couple minutes with your cellphone, god know what kind of information they can optain (like your precious CR password). Do you really want to do that?


No worries for me as I would simply wipe it within minutes using my iPad. They won't get my little black book that easily.

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