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Is Starship Troopers the greatest movie of all time?

Dr. Pomade

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I was just thinking about this very same topic 2 weeks ago when it aired on G4.


lets break this down.



main character named Johnny Rico

some sort of smart bug that everyone knows but no one says looks like a giant blue waffle

Chock full of stars including Denis Richards, NPH, and Gary Busey's son Jake Busey.

NPH reading minds in a pseudo Nazi officer uni.


AND the southern slut from golden girls seen here

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Movie, no. Book, yes. :fuckyeah:


"Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms."

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Maybe not the best, but one of the most prophetic, for sure...Check it.


(1) A single, devastating act of terrorism causes human society to declare war on an entire abstract concept.


(2) The first assault by the forces of humanity result in a complete screwing of the pooch, due to the bugs being better equipped, more numerous, and better prepared than the "good guys" thought they were. For similarities, see "Operation Anaconda".


(3) After the rude awakening of the first assault, the humans take on an approach of "Fleet glasses the planet, Infantry mops up". Anyone ever heard the phrase "Shock and Awe"?


(4) The humans are shown torturing, killing, and just overall disreagarding the lives of their Bug prisoners. Interestingly, have a look at any of the footage from the Abu Ghraib scandal.


(5) The heavy handed propoganda in the film was borderline hilarious and terrifying. Turns out, Fox may be "fair and balanced", but Charlie Daniels sure ain't, nor is Tobey Keith. (This ain't no rag it's a flag, Courtesy of the red, white, and blue)


(6) The end of the movie has nothing to do with winning, or even peace. Essentially Doogie tells us that "now we will be able to understand the bad guys, and now we have reached the turning point of the war". In real life, we got this..





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If you guys though the first one was good watch 2 and 3.


I thought 3 was okay, but 2 was awful. I thought 2 tried to be some serious hard action flick, and failed. The concept needs the campy scifi to go along with the action. 3 went back to a similar set and formula as the first.

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