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Iraq Pepsi can...


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people dont want to drink pepsi because there is Arabic on it? i have not seen this until now but i can only think its being released to mark the end of US Troops being in Iraq. it was a conflict with many ups and downs, and issues that fell on many sides, but who cares its Pepsi it still tastes the same.
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people dont want to drink pepsi because there is Arabic on it? i have not seen this until now but i can only think its being released to mark the end of US Troops being in Iraq. it was a conflict with many ups and downs, and issues that fell on many sides, but who cares its Pepsi it still tastes the same.


No. People are pissed because it appears to be a plane flying over 2 tall buildings with smoke rolling off the buildings and that it is being sold in Iraq with that scene.

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No. People are pissed because it appears to be a plane flying over 2 tall buildings with smoke rolling off the buildings and that it is being sold in Iraq with that scene.


ahhhh thanks for filling me in, sorry been up since 5AM and now working till 7AM :fuuuu: i still dont think that its a really big deal, while it may offend some people it doesnt bug me one bit. the can is most likely designed and produced in Saudi Arabia its not like American plants shipped it over.

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old sailor just sprays painted LSD-52, a ship sunk in the attack, on some guys EVO a few weeks ago. We as American's typically aren't informed enough to separate or know the differences in other cultures. Now, Japan idealizes us. When I was there for a year in 95ish, they loved the American life style. The People that we see in the US; that are from the Middle East, for the most part, are there because it's a better life and they know it. But we see someone with a burka or their head wrapped, and we think they are wearing a suicide vest or plotting.

Now make no mistake, if you have a loved one lost to terrorism, it's hard to draw the line on whose friend or foe. My motto here is "be friendly to everyone, but have a plan to kill them". SOMEONE set off the rocket that should have killed my fellow soldiers and I. That's what it was meant to do. That someone is probably still nearby me. That's where I am and it's real. Most won't find themselves in that situation.


Here's where I'm going with this. Hating on an entire couture/region of the world, or language for something is narrow minded and a terrible waste. We have monsters within our states as well. Read up on the people you might be trying to hate on. Their outlook may be different, but that does not mean they are a threat to the world we know.



Fuck Pepsi. It tastes like shit. And yeah, it's too soon and just in bad taste as a company. Pun intended.

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ahhhh thanks for filling me in, sorry been up since 5AM and now working till 7AM :fuuuu: i still dont think that its a really big deal, while it may offend some people it doesnt bug me one bit. the can is most likely designed and produced in Saudi Arabia its not like American plants shipped it over.


Its produced in UAE in Dubai. AFAIK Iraq and UAE have a peaceful relationship so ???

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So I guess we can no longer use city sky lines in art or it'll be a 9/11 reference.


If you read the Snopes link posted above you can't even use 2 identical items with a flying anything. Starbucks had to pull an ad with 2 drinks and a dragonfly a few years ago because people thought it depicted 9/11. Fucking morons.

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Guess I better stop throwing up the peace sign since it looks like the twin towers.


Guess I was making fun of the destruction of one of the towers when my penor 'exploded' and went limp.


Guess we better quit wearing cotton because you can make muslin out of it and that sounds too close to muslim, so...


Does anyone see where I'm going here? Anyone see how it's getting more and more ridiculous?


Here's a little analogy:

When I was a kid and would go hunting for lizards and the like (haha, or even now), sometimes I would swear I saw a little lizard run by. But after a second look, no lizard. I was just looking so hard for the lizard or maybe I had lizard on the brain so much, that they seemed to be there when they really weren't. Think about it. ;)

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Here's a little analogy:

When I was a kid and would go hunting for lizards and the like (haha, or even now), sometimes I would swear I saw a little lizard run by. But after a second look, no lizard. I was just looking so hard for the lizard or maybe I had lizard on the brain so much, that they seemed to be there when they really weren't. Think about it. ;)


There were always rainbow skinks that came out of this crack in the foundation of our garage when I was little. Wanted to catch them so bad but they were so fast to get back under the garage.




Of course, with the head being somewhat fire-like I think we should exterminate all rainbow skinks because there was fire on 9/11.

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Last checked Pepsi is a US based company. If Iraq/afganistan wants to buy it and put a picture of Osama on it I don't give a fuck. their money then comes here so I don't care. Just send them a blank can and have them print the shit up. Better things in Life to worry about.
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old sailor just sprays painted LSD-52, a ship sunk in the attack, on some guys EVO a few weeks ago. We as American's typically aren't informed enough to separate or know the differences in other cultures. Now, Japan idealizes us. When I was there for a year in 95ish, they loved the American life style. The People that we see in the US; that are from the Middle East, for the most part, are there because it's a better life and they know it. But we see someone with a burka or their head wrapped, and we think they are wearing a suicide vest or plotting.

Now make no mistake, if you have a loved one lost to terrorism, it's hard to draw the line on whose friend or foe. My motto here is "be friendly to everyone, but have a plan to kill them". SOMEONE set off the rocket that should have killed my fellow soldiers and I. That's what it was meant to do. That someone is probably still nearby me. That's where I am and it's real. Most won't find themselves in that situation.


Here's where I'm going with this. Hating on an entire couture/region of the world, or language for something is narrow minded and a terrible waste. We have monsters within our states as well. Read up on the people you might be trying to hate on. Their outlook may be different, but that does not mean they are a threat to the world we know.



Fuck Pepsi. It tastes like shit. And yeah, it's too soon and just in bad taste as a company. Pun intended.


Fucked up isnt it? Stay safe.

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