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Marcellus/Utica Shale


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What say you...thought you were going to write a book? :)


I was hoping you were going to logically present your case first so I could poke holes in it. ;)


I'll try and get on here tonight if I have time and type it all up. I'm from Northern WV/Western PA, and have first hand and second hand experience with this.


Surface area rights, coruption, political manipulation, environmental impacts, loss of hunting/fishing.


The jobs being created aren't nearly what are being touted, and the long term economical growth isn't going to be there by those most affected.


Ill cite some facts and examples once I get in front of a computer.


Are there positive aspects? Of course, but your comparison to this vs China is null in my mind. China isn't in my backyard.

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I was hoping you were going to logically present your case first so I could poke holes in it. ;)


I'll try and get on here tonight if I have time and type it all up. I'm from Northern WV/Western PA, and have first hand and second hand experience with this.


Surface area rights, coruption, political manipulation, environmental impacts, loss of hunting/fishing.


The jobs being created aren't nearly what are being touted, and the long term economical growth isn't going to be there by those most affected.


Ill cite some facts and examples once I get in front of a computer.


Are there positive aspects? Of course, but your comparison to this vs China is null in my mind. China isn't in my backyard.


lol the NIMBY case. then move.

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brb buying land and leasing it. srs. i wonder what it takes to get started in fracking? just buy land and say "HEY COME DRILL"?


Own land, lease mineral right to landman, collect royalties.

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brb buying land and leasing it. srs. i wonder what it takes to get started in fracking? just buy land and say "HEY COME DRILL"?


Thats the basics of it.



Some of the larger companies are now coming into Coschocton Ohio and putting fracking waste into the ground in large wells. Less then a mile away from the cities major water source.

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brb buying land and leasing it. srs. i wonder what it takes to get started in fracking? just buy land and say "HEY COME DRILL"?


Good luck finding anyone dumb enough to sell thier minerial rights.


Preview if tonight


"Now Gabe you are going to feel a slight pressure" *turns on firehose*

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i see plenty of land for sale w gas and mineral rights.


if you buy land, why would you do so without actually owning whats in it?


Because Jim-Bob sees 200 acres of hunting land or cheap, and says "Hey I don't care if I don't own blah blah blah rights, I just want to hunt" and then has problems.

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If you watch that video I linked you too and still feel this is even remotely a good idea, please log out of CR and don't come back.


No way would I want to see this on my land.


i havent watched it, and i already know its probably devastating and all, but someone is going to eventually do it. why not any of us?


god knows the younger generation displays greater morals and stewardship toward nature... :lolguy:

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You wouldn't think they would be allowed to contaminate any source of drinking water. Are people testing the drinking water, and finding evidence of contaminants in it? That's not cool.


Why do people think they are doing it on purpose? The company we use for fracking has done over 3,000 wells and has never had a problem. When everything is cased correctly there is no issue. It's almost all human error. That is why there is only about 4 companies in Texas and Oklahoma that have been around for a while.


Fracking isn't new. They have been doing it in Texas for damn near 50 years. It's these shitty fly by night companies trying to get in on the boom that are fucking things up.

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It's these shitty fly by night companies trying to get in on the boom that are fucking things up.


Interesting. So it's another of THOSE issues. It's very difficult to find unbiased reports on these kind of issues, everything is so far to one side it all looks like bullshit.

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Interesting. So it's another of THOSE issues. It's very difficult to find unbiased reports on these kind of issues, everything is so far to one side it all looks like bullshit.


Yeah. There are a few companies in Texas that have done thousands upon thousands of wells and have 0 confirmed issues. Problem is, you can't get those guys to leave and come to this area to work. They are booming enough as it is there. Same thing in the Dakotas.

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Yeah. There are a few companies in Texas that have done thousands upon thousands of wells and have 0 confirmed issues. Problem is, you can't get those guys to leave and come to this area to work. They are booming enough as it is there. Same thing in the Dakotas.


Where do I sign up? Is this a cost-prohibitive industry to get into? Are there not enough trained and experienced personnel? The video said in PA they're adding 5 wells a day. Sounds like it is booming for sure, is the expansion just outrunning the oversight/regulatory powers?

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There is an unbiased pier reviewed study that was done by Duke university. That's the only one I have found, and it only addresses well water contamination, not disposal of waste water/etc.


In short elevated deep methan gas was detected in wells closer to the drilling. However no fracking fluid was detected. Again all try and post all this up tonight.

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Where do I sign up? Is this a cost-prohibitive industry to get into? Are there not enough trained and experienced personnel? The video said in PA they're adding 5 wells a day. Sounds like it is booming for sure, is the expansion just outrunning the oversight/regulatory powers?


Very cost prohibitive. And yeah, they are way short on experienced people. The problem is Chesapeake is runinng the show, but no one wants to come up from Oklahoma and Texas to work.

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Why do people think they are doing it on purpose? The company we use for fracking has done over 3,000 wells and has never had a problem. When everything is cased correctly there is no issue. It's almost all human error. That is why there is only about 4 companies in Texas and Oklahoma that have been around for a while.


Fracking isn't new. They have been doing it in Texas for damn near 50 years. It's these shitty fly by night companies trying to get in on the boom that are fucking things up.


My brother just retired from Schlumberger and spent nearly 30 years with them. You're right, they've been doing it for quite a while and quite well, but others have not. Those others, human error and explosion of drilling will absolutely lead to more issues. Issues that simply can't have a price put on.


He has very specifically told me that while we are both making great money off the gobs of Schlumberger stock we've purchased and had provided over the years, keep it at that. If they drill anywhere near your land, move. Period. I trust and fully believe him. It's just simple fact that the shit they are doing is very risky and many of those risks and issues that have occurred are quickly buried with money.


We've all been around long enough to know when you mix, shit tons of money, mention gas or oil, companies like Halliburton are involved and politicians and regulations are involved and the processes here bring words like toxicity, cancer, radiation and well water contamination ......all that mixed into one sentence will equal a chance in hell if it were to freeze over of any truth coming out. Run.

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My brother just retired from Schlumberger and spent nearly 30 years with them. You're right, they've been doing it for quite a while and quite well, but others have not. Those others, human error and explosion of drilling will absolutely lead to more issues. Issues that simply can't have a price put on.


He has very specifically told me that while we are both making great money off the gobs of Schlumberger stock we've purchased and had provided over the years, keep it at that. If they drill anywhere near your land, move. Period. I trust and fully believe him. It's just simple fact that the shit they are doing is very risky and many of those risks and issues that have occurred are quickly buried with money.


We've all been around long enough to know when you mix, shit tons of money, mention gas or oil, companies like Halliburton are involved and politicians and regulations are involved and the processes here bring words like toxicity, cancer, radiation and well water contamination ......all that mixed into one sentence will equal a chance in hell if it were to freeze over of any truth coming out. Run.


And it all goes back to issues that come with a "boom". We have not divested into this area at all. We are heavy in Barnett and Woodland. I have no interest in getting into this "run of idiots" as a lot of us call it. The biggest difference between the booms out west and what we get here is experience. When they open up a new formation or it becomes economically feasible, the experience is already there. It's no biggie for them to just move to a new field. Around here you just have a bunch of idiot's doing it on the fly and are really going to fuck things up.

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Why do people think they are doing it on purpose? The company we use for fracking has done over 3,000 wells and has never had a problem. When everything is cased correctly there is no issue. It's almost all human error. That is why there is only about 4 companies in Texas and Oklahoma that have been around for a while.


Fracking isn't new. They have been doing it in Texas for damn near 50 years. It's these shitty fly by night companies trying to get in on the boom that are fucking things up.


Fracking isnt new. The process they are using now is new. It is not the same fracking process that was used before.


Watch this video.

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Fracking isnt new. The process they are using now is new. It is not the same fracking process that was used before.


Watch this video.


No it's not, they have been doing the horizontal methods in the Barnett since the late 80's. They just have new technology that makes it more economical, which is turn is bringing it to the idiots in this area.

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