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Marcellus/Utica Shale


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Wow. You people bitch about Kasich and fracking environmental hazards (when Strickland never did anything environmentally meaningful to stem the growth of Delvonian/Utica/Marcellus extraction during his tenure) should go move to China and figure out a way to fix a problem 1000x worse.


Do yourself a favor and stop typing on your Chinese-made electronic equipment for now... let me know when you're done being a hypocrite ready to embrace SOME economic development in an impoverished area.


Fracking has been proven to destroy nearby drinking water and possibly (probably) cause earthquakes. I don't give a fuck about the environment in general. I'm not exactly of the treehugging hippy commune. However, don't fuck with my drinking water, and I don't like earthquakes. This will be no different than coal mines (owners/investors got rich, towns stayed poor), steel, etc. I think more research definitely needs done before they are allowed more well permits. It isn't the huge economy boom they're leading you to believe. Sure, they might buy your mineral rights for a great price, but they're making thousands of times more than what they're paying you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
For the naysayers: http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/01/us/ohio-earthquake


Youngstown 4.0 caused by the injection well. Oops.


Was waiting for someone to post this. Mega-OOPS. I wonder how much credibility those "EPA IS KILLING JOBS AND RUINING OUR STATE" just lost.

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Was waiting for someone to post this. Mega-OOPS. I wonder how much credibility those "EPA IS KILLING JOBS AND RUINING OUR STATE" just lost.


EPA really had nothing to do with this as far as I have read. Kasich and the ODNR director made the call to shut it down. So, my bet would be now the Kasich haters are going to say he's a jobs killer for making the decision. LOL

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EPA really had nothing to do with this as far as I have read. Kasich and the ODNR director made the call to shut it down. So, my bet would be now the Kasich haters are going to say he's a jobs killer for making the decision. LOL


For all his idiotic ideas towards the beginning of his reign of terror, I like the new Kasich; the one who is scaled back and not violently anti-everying liberal. I still disagree with many of his policies but I'm no longer ashamed to call him my governor and have come to see him as a much more balanced leader. Or maybe he's just gotten a new PR team. Time will tell.


And I thought it was the EPA who recommended they stop drilling at the other wells? Oh well.

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For all his idiotic ideas towards the beginning of his reign of terror, I like the new Kasich; the one who is scaled back and not violently anti-everying liberal. I still disagree with many of his policies but I'm no longer ashamed to call him my governor and have come to see him as a much more balanced leader. Or maybe he's just gotten a new PR team. Time will tell.


And I thought it was the EPA who recommended they stop drilling at the other wells? Oh well.


Basically what I am hearing is that they think they are on top of a deep fault line, Kasich and ODNR asked the EPA what they thought, and they said everything should be stopped so they can do more seismic testing

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  • 5 weeks later...
I wonder what kind of chemicals they are leaving behind in the water?


TBH I had not heard that the chemicals used were an industry secret. That very much frightens me.


I'm all for experimenting with new methods and copyrights, but as Casper said up a few posts, not when it fucks with my drinking water.


If the members of Congress who support fracking would drink a glass of water containing all the chemicals used in the process, maybe I'd throw my support behind it :gabe:

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