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The Dark Knight Rises Prologue (first 6mins of movie)


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Better hurry before Warner Brothers takes this down





I don't think this is nearly as good as the prologue for TDK (Jokers appearance) Also Banes voice annoys the hell out of me


Also pay no attention to the guy with the big head in the lower right hand corner, apparently he wasn't aware that someone was trying to pirate this haha

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Batman can die? Are you sure?


Stunts looked interesting, but a little too far out there in my opinion. Lol at the badass security soldiers just standing around, watching shit unfold. Typical hollywood "Stand there and wait for me to do some cool shit from 19 different camera angles." Was looking pretty cool though for a minute.

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Too James Bondish for me, add to this the horrible voice that Bane has and the trailer that shows a football player running while the field around him blows up and he acts as if he doesnt have a clue...The part of this prologue that really gets me is the blood transfusion they are doing so when they show up to look at the wreckage there will be DNA from the Dr and they'll think he is dead?


You should go on some of the superhero forums and read comments by the fanboys such as "Nolan is God" or "This is EPIC" and my favorite "Nolan's Batman movies are so realistic" lol. You go against the grain and state that the trailer and prologue were kinda lame and you get grilled

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The part of this prologue that really gets me is the blood transfusion they are doing so when they show up to look at the wreckage there will be DNA from the Dr and they'll think he is dead?


Oh, is that what was going on? (I watched without sound)


That's some seriously hokey shit right there. Seriously? Gawd I hate fanboy movies.

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Yeah notice they open a bag with a dead guy in it, then there is a tube being placed into the Dr's arm and blood is shown flowing through it. I loved Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, I just have a feeling that this one will blow hardcore, usually happens with the 3rd movie in a franchise. There is already talks from Warner Brothers about rebooting this franchise after this one, apparently they want the next ones to be more comic book like and will have more villians that have never been on film such as Killer Croc lol
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Yeah notice they open a bag with a dead guy in it, then there is a tube being placed into the Dr's arm and blood is shown flowing through it.


That's what I get for dividing my attention. Thanks


They're rebooting the series? Jeez, what next- the remake of Star Wars episodes 1-3?

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