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going to iraq open house

Benyen Soljax

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hey all,

for those that know me, im having an open house next sunday (april 5, day after dyno day) starting at approx. noon going to dark or so. im providing burgers and hot dogs and soft drinks and snacks, all you have to do is show up, maybe even ride here (neighbors would love me :) ). im leaving for iraq april 14, and should be gone until like june of next year.


starts at noon, goes till dark, or whenever people leave (open house type deal, just stop by anytime)

hosted at my parents house,


thats about it. let me know if you are interested in coming, so i can have enough food.

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I'll be in CA and may or may not make it back before you ship out. Good luck and keep your head down and on a swivel!

Quite of few of those deployed and private US business folks have bikes over there.

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Good luck man. Make sure to register with anysoldier.com (I think that's the site) so you can get stuff mailed over from folks here. My wife and I have facilitated 15 or so of these packages and the troops love 'em.

Be safe.


Edited by DAC
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ben if its nice i might try to come down to see ya off since i dont think we have even got to meet yet haha. good luck and thanks for going bro!

ill be checking the weather reports!


nice miati (sp) and ninja sitting in the drive way. adn it that a red old school honda i see also?

Edited by 4DAIVI PAI2K5
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ben if its nice i might try to come down to see ya off since i dont think we have even got to meet yet haha. good luck and thanks for going bro!

ill be checking the weather reports!


nice miati (sp) and ninja sitting in the drive way. adn it that a red old school honda i see also?

woah i hadnt even checked googles updated pics! thats my 1990 teg on the street, parent's miata, and my old ninja. free hamburger for whoever can figure out the other car. it was my first car i drove in high school.

google street view

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I should be able to stop by. I will definitely ride up if I come, gotta make sure the neighbors celebrate with us!! :) And remember, attach the static line BEFORE you jump....

Ben, bring me back an AK-74. not a 47, a 74. Thanks bro.

AK-74>AK-47 But M16/M4>AK-74

Fuck sheet metal, mill or forge my upper and lower or GTFO. (Not saying they aren't fun or useful, but if I have a choice...)

Edited by 2wheels>4
Had to add quote... :)
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