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Xbox Headset recomendations


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I bought my son a pair of the turtlebeaches a few years ago, he destroyed them but IMHO they sounded great. It did suck that I had to have a cord ran to the box but the sound I felt was amazing. He has the wireless bluetooth looking thing now and the sound quality between the 2 is night and day.
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I bought the Trition's for $50. Wired headset love them


Go wired unless you are a super hardcore gamer. I usually pick up cheap phone headsets at best buy or Walmart.


I may end up doing that. I sit like 10 feet from my xbox though so that would be a pretty long stretch and go right through the middle of my living room. I am not hardcore enough to spend 200.00 though.


I was originally looking at these which are wired.


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I may end up doing that. I sit like 10 feet from my xbox though so that would be a pretty long stretch and go right through the middle of my living room. I am not hardcore enough to spend 200.00 though.


I was originally looking at these which are wired.



I couldn't do the wired across the room thing. To I go wired to the controller.

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How do you like them? How long do your batts last?


Love em. Going from just a TV to turtle beaches allows you hear things you've never heard before. And they are amazing for netflix and allows you to hear music (Last.FM, etc) the way it was intended.


I upgraded from what ever the base model turtle beaches where( the wired kind) and havent looked back since. A new pair of batteries should last...oh, i dont know, 18-24 hrs of play. Its hard to keep track of time when your wasting time. Its easy to burn up the batteries when you turn off the xbox and pull off your x41s with out turning the head seat off it self.

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Had some Amazon gift cards so I went ahead and ordered the X41's. I have surround sound but I think the headset will be better. Can't turn the surround sound up too much or it comes over the mic and whatnot. Amazon Prime $3.99 1-day shipping = be here Saturday. :fuckyeah:
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Depends on what games you play really... as far as that goes, for Call of Duty definitey get something like a set of Turtle Beachs. I have the TB Earforce x11's. They're wired to the Xbox, but they are very worth the price, because your typical Xbox stock headsets break super easy. Dont ever sit, step on, or get cord pinched or you're screwed.
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  • 5 weeks later...

Bringing back a dead thread.


Today I bought a set of Turtle Beach MW3 Foxtrot's because they were on sale marked down from $99 to $69 at gamestop. They were promptly returned less than an hour later due to excessive static/white noise during silent parts of playing a game. They also were plenty loud when I didn't even have them on. I was hoping for a headset so that I wasn't being loud while playing.


Returned them and picked up the Steelseries Siberia V2 against the word of the almighty Gamestop man. They insisted that they would not work on xbox but I didn't listen to them. Right now I can use them as headphones until my cross platform audio cable gets here from steelseries. These puppies have amazing sound quality right now just plugged into the 3.5mm jack on my tv.

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