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straight homoz (AZZHOODIE)


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I would NOT want to get into a land war with China. Army? Thats no joke.


Airforce? That would be bloody.



A naval conflict with china? Uh, yeah, that is a completely different story. That would be a foregone conclusion REAL fast. Building ships ain't like making tanks or planes. You can't hide that. You got ONE place where you can put them out to action: the coastline. Which is right next to that wet area we call the ocean, you know, where we enjoy a 4:1 margin over the REST OF THE WORLDS NAVIES COMBINED. With not only a numerical superiority but also the longest contiguous fighting experience (measured in decades) accrued in the modern world.


Not to be cocky or anything, but there's a reason for my confidence. And not just because I'm ex-Navy: its because we aren't just the ones with the most stuffs, we're also the best equipped and the most experienced. By far.

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Jesus you tree hugging yuppy bitch, wah wah wah. No one is rooting for anything just stating support for the US military. God please go join your brother hood of piece of shit worthless government haters on Wall Street.


"i hope we turn iran into a glass field" isn't rooting for anything?


Besides, I'm an E-6 in the USAF, if you want to support me don't encourage a pointless conflict that would rip me away from my family. Kthx.

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"i hope we turn iran into a glass field" isn't rooting for anything?


Besides, I'm an E-6 in the USAF, if you want to support me don't encourage a pointless conflict that would rip me away from my family. Kthx.


During WWI/II I didn't see grown ass men crying about having to leave there families to defend there country. I am E5 in the Infantry and I swore to do WHATEVER was needed of me to keep things free here. Really you are going to drop your rank and your branch and how you don't want to leave your family, you are a true american solider, wait correction air men. I am sure the deployments you saw were very scary and life threatening.


You are pathetic.

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During WWI/II I didn't see grown ass men crying about having to leave there families to defend there country. I am E5 in the Infantry and I swore to do WHATEVER was needed of me to keep things free here. Really you are going to drop your rank and your branch and how you don't want to leave your family, you are a true american solider, wait correction air men. I am sure the deployments you saw were very scary and life threatening.


You are pathetic.


I took the same oath you did. I'm just not sure how turning Iran into glass and entering a full-scale war with China will "keep things free." It's the department of defense, not the department of lets go start some shit yeehaw.

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During WWI/II I didn't see grown ass men crying about having to leave there families to defend there country. I am E5 in the Infantry and I swore to do WHATEVER was needed of me to keep things free here. Really you are going to drop your rank and your branch and how you don't want to leave your family, you are a true American solider, wait correction air men. I am sure the deployments you saw were very scary and life threatening.


You are pathetic.



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I took the same oath you did. I'm just not sure how turning Iran into glass and entering a full-scale war with China will "keep things free." It's the department of defense, not the department of lets go start some shit yeehaw.


You may have taken the same oath but don't claim the same repercussions of this possible conflict for the rest of the American Military. There are allot more men and women out there that do more then you do, so you have no right to whine about being an E6 and in the USAF and you shouldn't have to go. Get the fuck out of the Military then. I had mass respect of USAF being down at Joint Base Eustis/Langley, then you came in here embarrassing your branch. You should be ashamed. I feel bad for your soldiers (if you even have any).


When/if this all goes down, and we do nothing like you wish, don't come here bitching when gas goes to $30/gallon.

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You may have taken the same oath but don't claim the same repercussions of this possible conflict for the rest of the American Military. There are allot more men and women out there that do more then you do, so you have no right to whine about being an E6 and in the USAF and you shouldn't have to go. Get the fuck out of the Military then. I had mass respect of USAF being down at Joint Base Eustis/Langley, then you came in here embarrassing your branch. You should be ashamed. I feel bad for your soldiers (if you even have any).


When/if this all goes down, and we do nothing like you wish, don't come here bitching when gas goes to $30/gallon.


I really don't understand the hostility. We both agree that going to war sucks, we both agree that I don't have a particularly risky role if we do, and yet we both agree that we're willing to die to defend our country.


Where we differ, apparently, is that I think people are sick fucks for encouraging full-on war over what appears to be a minor trade dispute, and you think we should kill lots of people and put you and your fellow soldiers in harms way to potentially save a few bucks on oil from a country that we currently import 0% of our oil from. It makes no sense.


All I said was that we should strive to end this dispute peacefully and not nuke anyone. Controversial words, I know.


I'm sure there's something in there that pissed you off more, time to call me more names...

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I really don't understand the hostility. We both agree that going to war sucks, we both agree that I don't have a particularly risky role if we do, and yet we both agree that we're willing to die to defend our country.


Where we differ, apparently, is that I think people are sick fucks for encouraging full-on war over what appears to be a minor trade dispute, and you think we should kill lots of people and put you and your fellow soldiers in harms way to potentially save a few bucks on oil from a country that we currently import 0% of our oil from. It makes no sense.


All I said was that we should strive to end this dispute peacefully and not nuke anyone. Controversial words, I know.


I'm sure there's something in the that pissed you off more, time to call me more names...


i agree with you on most, but "minor trade dispute".


more like "rogue nation attempts to block international trade chokepoint". the economy worldwide is already fragile enough, something like this could put us over the edge.

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you think we should kill lots of people and put you and your fellow soldiers in harms way


I was thinking something more along the lines of dropping tons of pamphlets from B-29s saying when and where we're going to fuck things up, and if the people aren't out it's their own damn fault.


Worked in WW2. Be America, be nicest military ever.

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I really don't understand the hostility. We both agree that going to war sucks, we both agree that I don't have a particularly risky role if we do, and yet we both agree that we're willing to die to defend our country.


Where we differ, apparently, is that I think people are sick fucks for encouraging full-on war over what appears to be a minor trade dispute, and you think we should kill lots of people and put you and your fellow soldiers in harms way to potentially save a few bucks on oil from a country that we currently import 0% of our oil from. It makes no sense.


All I said was that we should strive to end this dispute peacefully and not nuke anyone. Controversial words, I know.


I'm sure there's something in the that pissed you off more, time to call me more names...


Please do state where I have called you names? I simply said that you are pathetic to have that audacity to claim that you shouldn't have to take part in this because you are an E6 in the Air Force.


Apparently you don't see the bigger picture here, so let me help you out. Per say we let them get away with this blockade of the straight. What's next? You do realize that Iran openly allows terrorist organizations free reign through there country side? You do realize they supply those organizations that are killing Americans DAILY? Open your eyes there is more to this then just the Straight.


Where have you been and what conflict have you seen? How many of your friends are gone and not coming back?


Maybe if you felt the harsh affects of war, more then having your ass on a couch eating burger king, then you would be eminent on biting this shit in the butt sooner then later.


Have you ever even been deployed?

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i agree with you on most, but "minor trade dispute".


more like "rogue nation attempts to block international trade chokepoint". the economy worldwide is already fragile enough, something like this could put us over the edge.


Fair enough. We'll see how it pans out.


Cherry Pie: Thank you for your service. I hope we don't go to war because I don't want you to get shot in the face.

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We (I) was talking of the building of military weapons. When we entered the war all we really had was WW1 stuff. We built a HUGE military (weapons) in a short period of time.

Sorry for the confusion





Before the US entered these countries have already been fighting the Germans for 3 years.


UK, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada, India, Soviet Union and the rest of Europe.


America was just the fresh pair of legs, very strong legs, but definitely wasn't alone. They were also not the only ones who entered after the attack on pearl harbor, just about every other country in the world also joined in.

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Fair enough. We'll see how it pans out.


Cherry Pie: Thank you for your service. I hope we don't go to war because I don't want you to get shot in the face.


Have you ever been deployed? Prolly not after seeing how you talk in here.


Ladies and gents:


In the blue corner we have Greg, our Airmen deskjockey who's only brush of war had been Video games. Deployed once to grovecity for a weekend.


In the red corner we have Dover, our combat hardened Iraq war veteran who has seen the ugly side of war and survived.


Today's topic: to go to war or

Tuck nuts and be a pushover. GO

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