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straight homoz (AZZHOODIE)


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Fine, Dover can go get shot in the face if that's what you all want.


You just made it clear, you haven't done shit for your country other then "take the oath" and commit your one weekend a month. Congratulations you worthless ass E6, I feel sorry for whatever soldiers you have, they are the ones that have to suffer have the leadership of such a pompous idiot like yourself. I hardly judge a person character by how they carry them self on the internet but you truly are just uninformed. You base your opinions off what the next big thing on CNN says or what your other brothers sisters cousin told you. Thank you, for clearing that up.


I give up, you yourself can live with the fact you don't and will not know anything more then what your selfish single minded ass can comprehend watching your TV and action movies.

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Please do state where I have called you names?


worthless ass E6... pompous idiot...


You've painted an impressive picture of me based upon my simple desire not to root for another major war.


Please do state what I've said that's so offensive. Or is the mere existence of non-combat personnel with opinions on US foreign policy just infuriating to you?

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You've painted an impressive picture of me based upon my simple desire not to root for another major war.


Please do state what I've said that's so offensive. Or is the mere existence of non-combat personnel with opinions on US foreign policy just infuriating to you?


I see you continue to state my name along with the reference of being shot in the face. You don't know anything about me and the mere instance of you stating that infuriates me. You need to just give it up you. We get it: You are "part" of the military thus giving you the ability to speak on behalf the nations military, and you watch lots and lots of CNN and other political commentary thus making you the premiere CR Political Analyst. I hardly consider what I said about you name calling rather a direct fact and representation of the person you are and claim to be. Please continue to carry this on.

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You've painted an impressive picture of me based upon my simple desire not to root for another major war.


Please do state what I've said that's so offensive. Or is the mere existence of non-combat personnel with opinions on US foreign policy just infuriating to you?



Please be aware I truly have much respect for anyone who has served in protecting our freedoms. That statement will never change. I just want people to be aware of WHY they are fighting and that also bloodshed isn't always the only answer. There is nothing offensive in my opinion about someone not wanting to start a major war. Though when money, or oil is involved sometimes the line gets crossed easily. Remember America is so awesome because we are so greedy.



If that wasn't the case we would either be

A) Overtaken by another stronger greedy country

B) We would focus or efforts on perfecting the human genome like curing life threatening diseases (please see where the greed is not in the cure), and anything positive with cybernetics.

C) Flying spaceships with warp drives to have sex with very attractive green female aliens that are better then human supermodels (please see any CR OG female friends) :megusta:



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You called me a "tree hugging yuppy bitch" because I said "I hope we resolve this peacefully."


And that sums up your involvement in this thread.


Stay safe.




And we've seen your involvement in the US Military in this thread.


Enjoy your Burger King.

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Troll title change! I see what you did there.


On a very slightly related note... Some sketchy-looking shenanigans with Patriot missiles seem to have been resolved.


Those sneaky non-American's are trying everything they can to get our awesome tech. Just keep playing catch up bitches!




Then they hold onto some crew and the cargo of missiles here: http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2011/12/26/world/europe/AP-EU-Finland-Missiles.html?_r=2&ref=world

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I think greg is being misunderstood. He's just saying he'd rather see things get worked out peacefully, as any sane person should. Now if they continue with their bullshit on the other hand...


Get your logic and reason the fuck out of here!

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All we have to do is drop two nuclear bombs on Iran. The rest of the world will get the message.


China, as brave and powerful as they are, will not interfere with this mess. It'll cost them too much financially anyway. They could use a reduce of population though.

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Fine, Dover can go get shot in the face if that's what you all want.


WOW. Is this how you talk to all your fellow service men? Ecspecially someone who has ACTUALLY fought for his country? You should be ashamed of yourself. You can try to throw your so called service in to the mix but your not even close to being on the same level as he is. You sound like the same type of fucker who was at the airports spitting on our service people when they came home from Vietnam.

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we would fuck china up. they have no navy, and are a sitting duck. plus, we arent the only ones with an interest in keeping that strait open for biz.


We could bring China to their knees if we would just stop making shit over there and buying said shit. We could just blow up Wal-Mart HQ and not even have to drop one bomb over in the middle east.

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WOW. Is this how you talk to all your fellow service men? Ecspecially someone who has ACTUALLY fought for his country? You should be ashamed of yourself. You can try to throw your so called service in to the mix but your not even close to being on the same level as he is. You sound like the same type of fucker who was at the airports spitting on our service people when they came home from Vietnam.


Not to beat a dead horse, but my entire involvement in this thread has been to suggest that maybe we shouldn't root for war, because war sucks for people who have to fight it. In fact, I explicitly said that I don't want to go to war because I don't want this infantry guy to get shot in the face. But that only got me called a pussy, so I made a tongue-in-cheek, obviously sarcastic comment about how other people (not me, if you actually read what I quoted there) apparently wanted to put him into harms way.


But that's the quote that supports the notion you have that I'm some liberal pussy faggot, so obviously you ignored everything else in the thread and latched onto the one thing that made you feel good about hating me. Great job.

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