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Parents, don't teach your kids to "play" like this.


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I agree with LJ and Juiced h22 plus all others that think fat fuck is just fat and unathletic. I would also say that the dude who posted this video just wants attention or whatever, I get hacked on harder then that in a tuesday night church league that I just started playing in lol. Atleast no punches were thrown and no one was seriously hurt.
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Juicy, agreed 100%. Showed this to my nephew (who is a top 20 HS player in Ohio) and he said that stuff like this goes on all the time on the court unnoticed, maybe to not that level, but alot of cheap shots and terrible players who aren't coordinated at all.
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Basically the peopl here, and around hte interwebz that think this was so horrible, I am willing to bet have never played a game of competitive or organized basketball in their life. :lol:



On that note, I miss being a good basketball player... get old sucks :lol:

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Basically the peopl here, and around hte interwebz that think this was so horrible, I am willing to bet have never played a game of competitive or organized basketball in their life. :lol:


On that note, I miss being a good basketball player... get old sucks :lol:


Here's the forest that I think you're missing: fatty deserved to get jacked. It's not about what were fouls and what weren't, or what type of fouls they were, or that hard fouls happen in competitive games, or that you're the captain of your YMCA over-30 basketball squad.


Are you trying to say that what fatso did was fine - minus the fact that he sucks at basketball? You'd let that fat fuck hack your ass like that in a game and not doing anything about it?

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Are you trying to say that what fatso did was fine - minus the fact that he sucks at basketball? You'd let that fat fuck hack your ass like that in a game and not doing anything about it?


I am saying that what fatso did is incredibly normal... minus the snickering/gloating. I have been hacked MUCH worse in games like that, and I am not saying I would do nothing about it. I am saying usually on hte next play, I would posterize clowns like that, and usually would remind them how bad they sucked (in an officiated game, where the ref couldnt hear it, and in a street game loudly so soon the whole court was laughing)


Others, who I played with, and were more hot headed... would also get fouled like, and much worse, than that... and in a game they would get pissed, and in a street game would nearly fight, if not fight over it... We didnt pussyfoot and complain that he was a meany.

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I am saying that what fatso did is incredibly normal... minus the snickering/gloating. I have been hacked MUCH worse in games like that, and I am not saying I would do nothing about it. I am saying usually on hte next play, I would posterize clowns like that, and usually would remind them how bad they sucked (in an officiated game, where the ref couldnt hear it, and in a street game loudly so soon the whole court was laughing)


Others, who I played with, and were more hot headed... would also get fouled like, and much worse, than that... and in a game they would get pissed, and in a street game would nearly fight, if not fight over it... We didnt pussyfoot and complain that he was a meany.


No where did I read where you'd jack that fat fuck right in the face. Forget trying to humiliate him by doing a sweet fadeaway over him; I'd humiliate him by hitting him as hard as I possibly could in the mouth with my fist. Just straight 19th level Affliction Blue Falcon belt status on his ass.

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No where did I read where you'd jack that fat fuck right in the face. Forget trying to humiliate him by doing a sweet fadeaway over him; I'd humiliate him by hitting him as hard as I possibly could in the mouth with my fist. Just straight 19th level Affliction Blue Falcon belt status on his ass.


Winning! Fatty is probablly the same type of kid that walks through the hallways of his school chucking kids out of his way. The same type of kid that will not get any bigger as he grows older, will become a bar hopper and pipe off to the wrong dude, who in return will beat the ever living shit out of him.


The next team that plays fatty should send in their biggest guy just to undercut fat fuck when he attempts a layup. That is if he can get that big ass more then 2inches off the ground.

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Winning! Fatty is probablly the same type of kid that walks through the hallways of his school chucking kids out of his way. The same type of kid that will not get any bigger as he grows older, will become a bar hopper and pipe off to the wrong dude, who in return will beat the ever living shit out of him.


The next team that plays fatty should send in their biggest guy just to undercut fat fuck when he attempts a layup. That is if he can get that big ass more then 2inches off the ground.


This dude gets it.


Bullies - which is what fatty comes across as - only understand brute force. Want them to stop being a bully? Light their fucking asses up. No reasoning, no explaining, none of that - just jack them up with a quickness.

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No where did I read where you'd jack that fat fuck right in the face. Forget trying to humiliate him by doing a sweet fadeaway over him; I'd humiliate him by hitting him as hard as I possibly could in the mouth with my fist. Just straight 19th level Affliction Blue Falcon belt status on his ass.


If people got jacked in the face for fouls like that, there would be way more punches thrown in basketball, and games would never get done...

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You repeatedly attempt to take my head off, blantantly knock me to the ground and then laugh about it...I'm taking your ass out the very first chance I get. That shit is bush league, especially in highschool. Not only should that dude have his head taken off, but his head coach should be beaten by the other kids parent for allowing one of his players to continue being an asshole. If fatty was my son, I'd beat his ass in front of the entire team just to make a point. Its one thing to be hard nosed and a rugged type player, its another thing to be an asshole simply because your the heaviest guy on the court.


Most of those fouls were nothing major, the biggest complaint from me is the smiling about it. That sort of shows he has no care for others safety or rules simply because he is fatter then everyone else. I went to elementary and middle school with a kid much like the fatty in the video. He would pick on damn near everyone because they were so much smaller then him. Everyone feared him simply because he was 200lbs to our 98lbs in 3rd grade. Highschool comes around and he is still 5'8 200lbs attempting to talk shit to others. Needless to say it lasted a good 10 seconds for him vs a kid that grew up to be bigger then him and had taken enough of his shit. One punch to the mouth, a busted lip later and embarrassment of the entire lunch room and he was done trying to bully people lol.

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You repeatedly attempt to take my head off, blantantly knock me to the ground and then laugh about it...I'm taking your ass out the very first chance I get. That shit is bush league, especially in highschool. Not only should that dude have his head taken off, but his head coach should be beaten by the other kids parent for allowing one of his players to continue being an asshole. If fatty was my son, I'd beat his ass in front of the entire team just to make a point. Its one thing to be hard nosed and a rugged type player, its another thing to be an asshole simply because your the heaviest guy on the court.


Here's what the truth looks like.

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Do you think it's okay to be a bully on the basketball court?


Help me help you.


No, the kid was a slob and wouldnt play in any league I have been in. He wouldnt have a had much of a chance, clowns like that usually know when they dont have a chance, and you would be surprised at how they get away from someone who will make htem look stupid. But this fatty wasn't 'that' much of a bully... I mean for christ sake it was 4 fouls (two was the other dude) of a matter of a whole game.... who knows how far apart that shit is.


To the people you could hear screaming to "t him up" and "get him out"... that shit goes on in like every fucking game in high school basketball, fans (parents) that go to those games are fucking stupid....



Basically, i am arguing with someone who doesnt know much about hte sport, but saw a video that 'looks' bad to someone who doesnt... and that is fine, but it is pointless for me to further explain it. Clearly there are others in here who HAVE played the game, and agree with what I am saying. So instead of arguing, I will just post random pictures.



By the way, I bet eleventy billion $ that the fatty dufus was more laughing at hte people in the stands yelling at him, than at what he had done.... Seen it hundreds of times...

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Bullies - which is what fatty comes across as - only understand brute force. Want them to stop being a bully? Light their fucking asses up. No reasoning, no explaining, none of that - just jack them up with a quickness.


^^ this. I might be out of line and ejected or even tossed off the team, but the next time I was driving down court and fatty was waiting there to jump, I'd plant my size 10 directly upon his nut-sack with such force that he would taste his own jizz.

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