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Dear wnaplay...


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Yeah... Fuck it. Im done with this site till I have something on topic of racing to discuss. The drama is too much on here any more. I am guilty of it at times. But I am out of here. See you all at the meets and track. Ill troll by to keep an eye on those events. Later
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Using some else's account has always been bannable, especially when used to see shit they're not supposed to.


But here lies the problem. Our Admin/Mod section is for running CR.


Dover claims Phil swiped his iPad to go see what was going on in the throes of CR.


Phil claims Dover handed it to him with "come look at what's going on in here".


So they both get punished.


I have three kids who just love to point the finger at each other and can't just own up to their mistakes. So when that happens, they all get punished.


I don't have time for games, I get enough of that shit in "real life", and sure as fuck don't need it on here from people I should trust.


So yeah, this is just a website. Try some of this BS in your place of employment and watch how long you keep your job. After a decade of running this place and putting thousands of hours of my life into this "website", not even mentioning the "real life" shit CR does, I take it seriously.


If you don't like it, fuck off.

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This shit is too serious.... Its a website, not a way of life.


Not sure if serious, lettus take a look at the replay...


Phil writes:


Dear Jason;


It troubles me to hear that you dislike me. I'm hurt, deeply hurt that you dislike me. I wish I knew what it was. Maybe my good looks, or my brash and flamboyant attitude. Maybe it's my awesomeness that you can't stand. I know it's rough being a bum ass, janky, broke dick, internet moderating emo, but when talking behind someones back about how u don't like them, maybe it's not them that you don't like. Maybe it's you. I know if I were you I would have off'd myself years ago to save my family the embarrassment. I mean honestly, the only reason your a mod is cause Anthony thought you needed something to do to occupy your time fearing that the stress of being a total failure in life was to much for you to handle. Almost like that time you wanted to fight me a hooters, Anthony had to call mento tell me not to go break you in pieces because it's not a good look when an already handicapped sloth like yourself gets his ass kicked. If you did t like me before, I'm hoping this thread makes you fucking hate me. The truth is, the Internet is serious bidness and everything should be taken so serious. It's ok that you don't like me, I would hate me to If I were you. Have a wonderful evening Anne I wish you nothing but the best. When I say that, the best you will do is a knock off brand of Ramon noodles and tap water. Please continue to bore us with your shitty sob stories about your life, continue selling your used bull shit no one wants to buy, continue being a whiney bitch ass mod who does nothing but complain.




Fuck you, The Great One.



NOW lettus take a look at this part of the replay. It appears Phil ALREADY KNEW all of this, yet still feels the need to come start drama and talk shit.


Phil acts like this is some great news that I dont like him. He at one time acted cool with me, I considered us friends and then decided to take shots at me in a thread with another member for nothing more than his own cheap thrills. When he was called out on it he failed to show, no biggie. I have stated my dislike for him on several occassions. A man I can respect, someone being your friend I can respect, running your mouth to get cheap laughs on the internet I cannot. Phil has had issue with my brother inlaw and other issues regarding a common interest they have and decided once he realized we were related to try and bring me into it apparantly. I could care less about Phils opinion at this time, I was bothered by them when I couldnt figure out why a friend was saying stuff about me but we arent friends so why should I care. I am curious as to why you think I was talking behind your back? What you read in the mod section wasnt meant to be behind your back, it was just a statment that happened to be posted there, I will gladly say I dont like you right here, no worries.

He doesnt have to be banned on my account.


This leads us to the final part of our replay, drew sums it up right here.



There lies the problem. Some people try to make it personal.


It is just a website, but some people have this need to just talk shit online. Why? Because the internet allows you to say shit and be just words behind a keyboard.


Don't get me wrong, I like Phil, no problelm with him, invited him to my house for UFC fights, and would do it again. He crossed a line you really should not cross and in the process screwed over a friend.


In closing, if you are a dick to people in real life or the internet Karma will punch you in the dick at some point.


I think this thread has pretty much run its useful life, but I am not going to close it.

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You know Anthony, I have had about 10 different replies written here but it just isn't worth it. I am done being mad, because you actually helped me here. You have striped me of the responsibilities of dealing with not only the members but with admin/moderators. So, thank you and good luck.
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Using some else's account has always been bannable, especially when used to see shit they're not supposed to.


O I C. I just read the first page, then it got too Daytime Drama for me... I figured he was banned for the drama thread, and not telling who told him he wasnt liked :lol:



Let this episode of Days of Our Lives continue.

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I guess the biggest issue that people sometimes fail to realize is that CR is a LOCAL forum. And when you make it personal, someone could end up getting hurt. Yeah most people bicker back and forth and are fine in person. Jason and Phil have in the past wanted to meet up in parking lot and kick the crap out of each other. Why? Because someone made it personal. Its not like they live 500 miles away and it won't happen. They live within 20 mins of each other.


As a forum Mod/Admin on a forum with this many people. This many trolls. When something like this comes up, it has to be taken seriously.

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You know Anthony, I have had about 10 different replies written here but it just isn't worth it. I am done being mad, because you actually helped me here. You have striped me of the responsibilities of dealing with not only the members but with admin/moderators. So, thank you and good luck.


Exactly. You can go rant about beating the shit out of a HS kid that pisses you off all day long and I don't need to feel the backlash of why a Mod acts that way or have people point the finger at your anger issues.


But I guess I don't understand why if this "isn't reality" and "just a website", why people get butthurt so easily when a title gets revoked.


You're military. Tell me what happens when you leave your shit in public with sensitive information on it that the public gets a hold of, or you let some person have access to said information.


You lose more than just a title. Take responsibility for your actions, this isn't my fault just because I'm a mean person.

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I guess the biggest issue that people sometimes fail to realize is that CR is a LOCAL forum. And when you make it personal, someone could end up getting hurt. Yeah most people bicker back and forth and are fine in person. Jason and Phil have in the past wanted to meet up in parking lot and kick the crap out of each other. Why? Because someone made it personal. Its not like they live 500 miles away and it won't happen. They live within 20 mins of each other.


As a forum Mod/Admin on a forum with this many people. This many trolls. When something like this comes up, it has to be taken seriously.


If it was to be taken so seriously, why wasn't it immediately locked and Phil called and talked to about it? Arguing over a thread, I thought Admin/Mods are the adults and we are all just ignorant oblivious children.

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Exactly. You can go rant about beating the shit out of a HS kid that pisses you off all day long and I don't need to feel the backlash of why a Mod acts that way or have people point the finger at your anger issues.


But I guess I don't understand why if this "isn't reality" and "just a website", why people get butthurt so easily when a title gets revoked.


You're military. Tell me what happens when you leave your shit in public with sensitive information on it that the public gets a hold of, or you let some person have access to said information.


You lose more than just a title. Take responsibility for your actions, this isn't my fault just because I'm a mean person.


Nothing that was read was sensitive, not my fault Jason ran his mouth in a closed section. If it was such a sensitive touchy thing he should have kept his mouth shut or manned up and said something to Phil, we all have cell phones. But no people feel bigger and badder behind a keyboard. I am the EXACT same person in person. I told that (19 year old) exactly how I felt about him in person AND on CR. I gave him the opportunity to fix the situation AND WHAT DID HE DO, he fixed it. He came in an apologized. I DROPPED IT, maybe you should have read the thread to get your facts correct about that....

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I am laughing how you are trying to relate the Military's sensitive material to CR. I took responsibility for my actions, and I already thanked you for it? I'm not mad about it. Just pointing out the obvious flaws in this whole ordeal.
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Yeah... Fuck it. Im done with this site till I have something on topic of racing to discuss. The drama is too much on here any more. I am guilty of it at times. But I am out of here. See you all at the meets and track. Ill troll by to keep an eye on those events. Later


who are you?

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