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nhra new rule for e85 powered turbo or supercharger 9.99 faster BS


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Guys the nhra is making a new rule that any turbo or supercharger 9.99 or faster on e85 or e98 will be required a topfuel driver suit and underlayers. Also some will need a special firewall. So this is their way of getting a kick back to vp fuels an more to run race gas.I think its total bs just bought. Adouble layer suit and pants gloves shoes. If the millions of flexfuel cars on the road don't require extra fire safety to keep those millions safe then wouldent it make sense that the double layer is good still to 7.50s? Now before u say ahh that's just safety realize that a cheap spec 15 setup is gona run well over 1300 bucks. If u run gas these suits aren't requred untill u get a 6.50 plus et I believe. 6.50s 200 plus mph gas cars don't need them but a 135mph car on e85 does. I'm about tired of rules so that the sanction body can get money to sponsors. Who is gona pay me that's what I wana know.
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But seriously, its all politics. How could they tell if you are running E85? Ive never seen the fuel people bring to the track tested.


Yeah not worried for the bs I will run. I refuse to pay 10.00 plus a gallon for stupid ass race gas. E85 is the only fuel I'm gonna run.

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What are the rules for running Alky? Still the same as gas?


This. If running Alky is still the same as gas, then it's BS. If they are making E85 follow the same rules as alcohol then that just makes sense since you *are* running alcohol.

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If you have enough money to build a track legal 9 second car you can afford a new suit.


You will wish you spent a few hundred on a fire suit if your car catches on fire....its an expensive game man up and buy a suit if you are going to go that fast.


It is a $2000 suit, not chicken feed.

This is not a new rule, the talk ont the bullet is they will start to enforce it.

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I am pretty sure NHRA is trying to force people to IHRA and outlaw tracks. Some of their rules are a bit much to say the least.


The ADRL had the best chance of knocking them down a few pegs, but instead thought it would be a good idea to mimick their BS.

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THis is Like THe Cage Debate as well IMO. Cars Roll off the factory line that are faster than 11.49 yet you have to have a cage to be legal at the track but not on a public raod. SOmetimes its not about the money, its about it not making sense.
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Yea I know. Ill wait to see them inforce it in the mean time I'm running some smelly c16 that's got grape top lube! I'm not paying 2000 for another suit when I just spent 700. Not to mention the ruels require nomes underwere socks hood and a special helmet next ull need a hans for bucks cause top fuel has them
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It is a $2000 suit, not chicken feed.


Its an expensive sport. How much are the cages and other safety equipment they force you to install at that time/speed? Its just one more thing to check off and another reason for people to avoid the track.

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Keep in mind, one huge difference with alcohol based fuels, they conduct electricity compared to petrol based fuels who don't. It would be hard to argue that E85 would be any worse a safety risk, but certain safety measures are put into play on Flex Fuel. The ironic part is, alcohol fires are usually termed "safe" compared to gasoline.
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I'll run my same -5 3 layer fire jacket and pants that I have for the last 3 years untill I'm told I can't by a tech official. Most of the tracks I run at don't even check your safety gear....at most you helmet or belts gets looked at.
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Seems to me as E85 is engine tuning is advancing quite quickly. Since it is readily available and can be driven on the street and strip, the sanctioning bodies are starting to draw a line in the sand for legal reasons.


Most of the stuff running alcohol is purpose built and probably safer. Putting "other" restrictions on e85 lets the tracks/sanctioning bodies draw a line (trap speed - velocity - mass) based on the quality of hardware being put on the track. In simplistic terms, e85 is making it cheaper to go faster, so these new rules maintain the $$ barrier to entry.


Just my .02

Edited by crummer
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If you have enough money to build a track legal 9 second car you can afford a new suit.

Not the point he's making, really.


But seriously, its all politics. How could they tell if you are running E85? Ive never seen the fuel people bring to the track tested.

I think someone already mentioned it, but the smell from the exhaust is distinct enough.


THis is Like THe Cage Debate as well IMO. Cars Roll off the factory line that are faster than 11.49 yet you have to have a cage to be legal at the track but not on a public raod. SOmetimes its not about the money, its about it not making sense.

Not really the same to me.

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