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Why is Ron Paul THE man?


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  Archie said:
Nowhere does he state anything close to "anarcho-capitalism"...


Any youre a fan of our current foreign policy? Sending billions of dollars overseas while Americans are losing their homes?


Allowing discrimination? Like having unconstitutional legislation requiring businesses/governments to employ a certain % of minorities? Is that not discrimination? This is why our forefathers fought and died for the constitution - so that everyone has the same rights and is treated EQUALLY - and yes that means minorities get to be treated as shitty as white people.


Austrian economics is a form of anarcho capitalism


I dont like our current policies either, but I also dont like Paul's


I said I dont want people to be able to discriminate. What makes you think I am in favor of any type?

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  ImUrOBGYN said:
You're assuming that minorities are treated better, currently? By who or what?



Is there any type of law/legislation that dictates there must be a certain percentage of a certain race? Once you make preference on the basis of race - that is discrimination.



You seem smarter than that, come on...

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  RymerC said:
I agree with most of what Ron Paul says, but with some things not so much. Certain enemies need to be dealt with, and will never go away otherwise. You can fight them there, or you can fight them here. Ditto all over the globe.


BRB, +up SOF instead.


Who are our enemies? How have these enemies attacked you personally? If you honestly think that a bunch of poor muslims, thousands of miles away, can attack us on our own soil - you need to do some reading/research or get off the couch more. The only countries that hold hostilities against the US GOVERNMENT (not its people), are ones that we have bombed back to the stone age for absolutely no reason.


And please do not bring up 9/11 - there is too much misconstrued information about how these guys flew aircraft past one of the most advanced military/defense structures the world has ever seen. Someone within the government knew this was going to happen - end of story: there is more information suggesting this did happen, than did not. No arguement needed - do some research.

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  Archie said:
Who are our enemies? How have these enemies attacked you personally? If you honestly think that a bunch of poor muslims, thousands of miles away, can attack us on our own soil - you need to do some reading/research or get off the couch more. The only countries that hold hostilities against the US GOVERNMENT (not its people), are ones that we have bombed back to the stone age for absolutely no reason.


And please do not bring up 9/11 - there is too much misconstrued information about how these guys flew aircraft past one of the most advanced military/defense structures the world has ever seen. Someone within the government knew this was going to happen - end of story: there is more information suggesting this did happen, than did not. No arguement needed - do some research.


Hmmm... Just let me calm down for a little bit here. Just, just...

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Get em Archie!


I know most will not agree with me but I am fine leaving Iran alone. Shoot, if somebody tied to tell us what we can and cant do, we would give them a big f u. So why do we have to do it to everyone else? We need to stop having bases in every country around the world, and like Paul said, bring those resources in house.

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  hpfiend said:
Didn't Reagan propose a "Star Wars" program IIRC? Setup a laser defense/anti-nuclear defense over the united states and let the rest of the world deal with their problems themselves?- Whatever happened to that?

The Russians went bankrupt trying to catch up to a program that couldn't work with the technology of the time. We went bankrupt not long after trying to get defense contractors to invent it.

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Ron Paul won't get elected because corporations don't own him.


I'm still voting for him. Fuck the rest of the Republican and democratic fields alike.


His fiscal policy makes sense, his foreign policy makes sense, his domestic/social policy makes sense.


The rest make sound bytes.

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  Mowgli said:
Ron Paul won't get elected because corporations don't own him.


I'm still voting for him. Fuck the rest of the Republican and democratic fields alike.


His fiscal policy makes sense, his foreign policy makes sense, his domestic/social policy makes sense.


The rest make sound bytes.



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  mmrmnhrm said:
The Russians went bankrupt trying to catch up to a program that couldn't work with the technology of the time. We went bankrupt not long after trying to get defense contractors to invent it.


Are you being serious or dramatic? My history is poor please let me know what you know- Are you saying DARPA went bankrupt?

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  Archie said:
  ImUrOBGYN said:
You're assuming that minorities are treated better, currently? By who or what?



Is there any type of law/legislation that dictates there must be a certain percentage of a certain race? Once you make preference on the basis of race - that is discrimination.



You seem smarter than that, come on...


Either I misunderstood the meaning of your post or vice versa. I don't think we're on the same page. ;)

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  hpfiend said:
Are you being serious or dramatic? My history is poor please let me know what you know- Are you saying DARPA went bankrupt?

A little of both, really... The technology behind SDI simply didn't exist, and is still somewhat dodgy today, but in making such a big deal of it, including nifty graphics on nighttime news, the US succeeded in making the Soviets believe it was just a year or two before we could tear up the ABM treaty with impunity. So of course they had to come up with ways to counter, and in so doing, shuffled such a disproportionate chunk of their economy into defense that the population couldn't help but get restless. If it sounds familiar, it is.... Paramount used the concept of "The military chews up so much money that there's nothing left for the commoners" as the basis of Star Trek VI.


That said, after the surge of debt caused by WWII (most of which was held by Americans in the form of war bonds), the public debt of the US held pretty constant from 1945 through 1983, at which point it began to skyrocket. Mind you, relatively little of this was actually defense related, but it's amazing how when you give just a little, the whole basket blows up in your face.


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  mmrmnhrm said:
A little of both, really... The technology behind SDI simply didn't exist, and is still somewhat dodgy today, but in making such a big deal of it, including nifty graphics on nighttime news, the US succeeded in making the Soviets believe it was just a year or two before we could tear up the ABM treaty with impunity. So of course they had to come up with ways to counter, and in so doing, shuffled such a disproportionate chunk of their economy into defense that the population couldn't help but get restless. If it sounds familiar, it is.... Paramount used the concept of "The military chews up so much money that there's nothing left for the commoners" as the basis of Star Trek VI.


That said, after the surge of debt caused by WWII (most of which was held by Americans in the form of war bonds), the public debt of the US held pretty constant from 1945 through 1983, at which point it began to skyrocket. Mind you, relatively little of this was actually defense related, but it's amazing how when you give just a little, the whole basket blows up in your face.



Nice reply! Thanks!

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