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I think i saw a cow


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Sometimes a situation just gets too fucked up and you have to bail. Six years ago I Used to have an odd fetish where I'd dress up like a tomboy lesbian (hoodie, jeans, just enough makeup to make me look like a woman) go into the womans bathroom at the mall food court, enter a stall and lightly rub my erect penis and then rub a small amount of my precum onto the toilet paper in each stall, enough that you'd notice it if you were looking for it but otherwise imperceptible. Then pretend to check my makeup until a woman entered a stall. If she was unattractive I would wait until she was finished and reapply precum, and if she was hot I would enter a stall and listen to her and silently masturbate to the sounds she made and the fact that at least a few hundred of my sperm were making contact with her labia and vagina (and sometimes anus) and how horrified she would be if she knew this. I would then finish (squeezed my penis so my cum dribbled out into a wad of toilet paper instead of shooting everywhere) then follow her out to secretly take cell phone pictures of her and jerk off to later. I did this about 9 times over three days but a week later I turned 18 and realized that if I got caught I wouldn't get just a slap on the wrist and my identity and what I did would have make the news instead of being legally suppressed cause I was a minor. I'd never cummed harder in my life and hated giving up such a great thing, but like brandon I knew it was time to move on.
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