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In need of entertainment in Afghanistan.


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Well, ive been deployed for about 3mths in Afghanistan and the boredum bug is starting to get to me. Theres only so much time you can spend at the gym, on facebook, or watching movies. So, im going to start trolling this forum again for entertainment and talk about cars, trucks, bikes, guns and boats, since i havent really been on much since about last summer. Hopefully itll kill some time and i wont go insane being here. Just thought it was only fair to give you a heads up so you wasnt wondering where i came from when i start posting again.
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who are you?

Someone whos been around a lil bit but not on that much.


This site is blocked here so i dont even know what it is.






I hope this was a joke.... but they do have DBZ nights at Bagram lol.


Trollin this forum eh

Thats the plan, gotta kill some time.


do you guys make jenkem over there? u know, bagram butthash? army asswaste?

Was in Bagram for almost 2 weeks, never heard anything about butthash. Not sure its my flavor.

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Aww$heet loves to talk about asses and anything that comes from them. He could tell you how to do everything from make facial masks out of fecal matter, to a nice topping for yogurt using ass hair. Some people are just gay and like ass.. he takes his level of gay to a point so far that he walks around with a vibrator up his ass and a half of cock hidden in his wind pipe.
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works well as a facial exfoliant. just make sure to eat peanuts and other gritty foods for 24-48 hours before you start makin them mud pies.


U aint neva lied!



Happy customer


Looks like this one has a noodle on her forehead

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HTTP tunneling is your friend.

At Camp liberty they had the internet heavily filtered, no P2P, newsgroups, porn ect.


As far as distiling, those 1.5 liter water bottles are great. Boil fruit juice, add sugar to adjust the amount left over when the yeast goes dormant, allow to cool. Fill the bottles 2/3 full, cap snugly, but loose enough to allow the CO2 to escape, and about a week later you have a case of enjoyment. Yields approx 10% alcohol before the yeast goes dormant.

Having a bread maker will allow you a good excuse to have yeast on hand.....

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