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Bearing sea gold


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The gold rush guys are doing it wrong. The bearing sea guys seem to have a much better setup. $76k in one day of dredging, I may just get me one and head on over.



Unless you're the guy who dropped 20k into a boat only to have it flooded the first day. lol.


They may have mad 76k in one day, but there's a TON of operating costs that come with it. Employee's etc.

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I bet you could set up a helluva dredge for $25k easy. Given not as big as his, but if that guy who had his go under water, spent more than $5 on his setup, I would be surprised. Thats Alaska prices where everything is 10x's what you can find itin the lower 48.
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I thought it was 76 oz in one day?


54Oz =$76k


The show was somewhat interesting. I hate how they turn it into a contest type thing, like they've been doing with all of their shows lately. Id prefer a boring documentary type thing.

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I hate the whole contest thing as well. Like ax men, are we expected to believe that tree companies thousands of miles apart care what the other is doing? Thats part of what is ruining gold rush.


Agreed. Guess that's what natgeo is for.

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I wonder how mineral rights, etc... work for all of this. It is inside the 12 mile limit so the mineral rights are someone's. The guys that dive and sluce are using very inexpensive solutions. $100k for a large pontoon boat with an air-supply, water heater and sluce, seems pricey.
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It may be pricey start up and employee but they don't have to worry about leasing land, replanting trees, and environmental regulations/requirements (at least not as much a the guys on gold rush do). Seems way more profitable than the old/gold rush method.
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I would say this is way more dangerous than what you see on gold rush. Diving like this is very dangerous.


One of my friends is an underwater welder and the things that have happened to him and the things he's seen happen to other divers makes me cringe.


I would think it would be more difficult to start this type of operation up compared to doing it on land. A lot more experience would be needed IMO.

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They are only diving in 25 feet of water, from that depth you are pretty safe even with dangerous/rookie mistakes. Much deeper though and you would have to limit time. They are doing surface supplied air and if it stops working they can just swim up.
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I could build a real nice rig for 20k. I thought about it for two minutes, buy a pontoon in ky, outfit it and travel up in the summer months. Could be fun and profitable.


I have a boating license. Ill be the captain of your vessel.

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