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Winter Washing Technique


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Winter is the time of year that our vehicles see the most neglect. Cold temps make it very difficult to properly wash a vehicle without doing damages to it.


Here is a method that allows you to properly wash your vehicle minimizing any possibility of marring or swirling of the paint in the process. You could even use this method in warm weather if you live in an apartment and don't have access to a good location to wash your vehicle. As long as you're attentive to details this is a completely effective and safe washing method.


What you'll need:

- 2x 5 gallon buckets

- Hoseless Wash solution ( Optimum No-Rinse is the industry standard and my personal choice)

- Wash Mit - Best to use either very long shag lambs wool or a porus sponge (sponge is my choice here because of dirt release properties)

- Spray Bottle for pre-soak

- Microfiber drying towels (2 is good, 3 is better)

- Microfiber detailing towels (few is good)


A couple of notes before we begin. This method can be use for a fairly dirty car, however if there is ALOT of really heavy dirt on the car it's a good idea to stop at the quarter car wash and use the pressure washer only to spray off some of the bigger stuff. DON'T EVER TOUCH THE BRUSHES at the quarter car wash, never ever, never never never ever touch those brushes.


If you've got a garage that will help with your warmth and comfort while washing but this can just as easily be done outside. Careful if the ground is below freezing as it will get slippery.


Dirty Car:




Fill both buckets of water with 2-3 gallons of warm water. Doesn't have to be warm but it's winter remember, this is for your comfort. One of these buckets will be your rinse bucket, one of them will contain your wash solution. For your wash solution add the appropriate amount of no-rinse solution into the water. For optimum I use one cap full of solution per gallon of water.




Also fill your spray bottle with warm water and add no-rinse solution to spray bottle too. I use a stronger dilution for the spray bottle than the wash water. I use one cap full of solution for my spray bottle.



Soak your wash medium in the rinse bucket and aggitate to make sure it's good and clean and contains no frozen particles.


Pre-soak the portion of the car you wish to wash. Cold air is usually pretty dry so be prepared for it to evaporate quickly. You don't want to pre-soak the whole car at once just a small working area. You should use a standard top down approach to washing the car. For ease of demonstration I'm starting on the hood for this example.



After Pre-soak solution has had a short time to set dip your wash medium in your wash solution bucket, wring out some of the water but not all. Take one swipe across your working area. Do not rub back and forth to scrub, just one swipe with low to medium pressure is all you need.



Flip the wash medium to the other side and make a pass on another dirty section. At this point your wash medium is dirty on both sides and needs to be cleaned.



Place in the water only rinse bucket, aggitate to break the dirt loose and then wring out. Now dip back into the wash solution bucket and repeat the process above.



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Once you have the section you are working on clean from single passes you can now come back for a second go with your clean wash medium to clean up any residual dirt that is left behind. (you can now wash back and forth over this area on your second pass as you won't be picking up much additional dirt at this time).


Next grab your trusty waffle weave drying towel and dry the area using caution to not pick up dirt from the areas of the car that are still dirty. It's cold so the water will be a little streaky. I genearlly use one drying towel as primary and one smaller detailing towel as secondary drying source. At some point both towels will become saturated enough that you're going to need backup's to make it through the job.






**Check your drying towels to make sure they are not picking up any dirt. You don't want to be rubbing that all over the car**


Repeat the above process working the whole car from top to bottom.




Depending on how dirty your car is the water in your rinse bucket will need to be replaced with clean water during the wash. I generally dump that water at least once per car, twice in this instance as my car was pretty dirty



Once all of the paint is done you can move onto wheels, tires, etc.



Process is no different here, pre-soak, wash, dry. I like using microfiber gloves and a small detailing brush for wheels. EVeryone seems to have a preference for what they like the best I'd say stick with what works for you.



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Once all of this is complete I like to use this opportunity to go back over the car with a small detailing towel and a quick detailer / spray wax to clean up any last little streaking that may still remain as well as add a boost in protection.



Finally, no wash is complete without some tire sauce.



Finished Pictures:





The first time you give this a go it might take you the better part of an hour to complete, once you get the process down you can easily do it in about half that time.



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Very nice. I have always just washed like normal but with warm water in my Nomad washer! It was only an apartment garage, so water on the ground was okay. The walls don't get all too wet since it isn't super high powered.




But now with a much larger vehicle and warmer weather, I can only use it to wash my bathtub...

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