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ForceFed...i hate u more


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I love to be hated.



I know-lol


BTW, better add some boost on top of those cubes if you want to catch me.

I am the fastest AWD Trailblazer....the King...feel free to take my crown...if you can.


Of course! Looking at an F1D procharger. I dont want to "take" your crown sir, I want to earn it!


Did anyone read the other thread? They're actually challenging each other as to who will go faster this summer. Can't have any of that around here can we?


Atleast I'm trying, and Matt opened the door. A little friendly rivalry is good. I'm not prepared to really challenge yet, I know Matt is considerably faster right now.


If you guys want to race in real life we have a special section for that. Its free of trolls and the only way to gain access is attending 5 CR track days. To remain a member you have to participate in 2 per year after that.


I can't speak for Matt, but I'm interested.

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It's all in good fun. I was happy for your hood purchase an I hate you for buying it because I can't justify the purchase. Im always down for some good racing, we can line up anytime, just for fun.


Thanks! I know...little pricey for a hood. But I wanted a hood, since mine has a small dent.

I need to prepare and make an honest run for "fastest AWD TBSS".

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