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LULZ at Vermont Police


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Found this on another forum and got a laugh


Vermont state police use a print shop to make their decals...this print shop hires convicts...



guess what the convicts do?







They put a pig in the sticker they put on their cars...


















































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I don't think State Troopers, as a rule, have a sense of humor.


Oh they do...when i was 18 or 19, i was doing overnight security at the fairgrounds for my grandpas company...from 9-6, its only security, one resaurant crew, cleaners, and troopers...i was over inthe chicken barn talking to that security guy and the troopers come through on 2 golf carts playing tag (3 on one cart chasing 1 in another)...the single cart guy comes into the barn and calls time out, and starts going up to the rooster cages with his walkie talkie piece trying to catch a rooster doing the cock-a-doodle-do into he mic so EVERYONE on that channel would hear it...me and the other guy died laughing...then they resumed 3 on 1 golf cart tag. Lol

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