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School me on Tablets/Ipad's, etc.


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My Mom was thinking of getting a laptop so they can use it upstairs in the family room and play games and surf the net. They don't do anything hardcore (they're old). I think a laptop is too much for them. All she's going to do is play on the web and play some casio games (My Dad likes to play the lottery and casino games and what not).


I thought of a Kindle fire but they don't want to read any books.


Also thought of an Ipad but I hate Apple products but it's not for me. Are they pretty easy to use? It will hook up to any wireless connection right? What's the difference between the Ipad 1 and 2?


Isn't there some Android tablet or something out there that's comparable to the Ipad but cheaper?

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whats wrong with the Fire? It's still a tablet, and cheap. I have an Asus Transformer, love it. Stay away from any of the super cheap tablets, they tend to have terrible screens. I wouldn't go any cheaper than a Fire or Nook Tablet.


Nothing wrong with it.. I was just looking for a bigger screen than 7". My dad is 75 and has parkinsons.. My mom is 70. Just looking something to fit their needs.. Also, either one of them read books (at least now). They were never a book reader person. Hence staying away from the Kindles.

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I use a Galaxy for work. I think they require a data plan to purchase from someplace like verizon, but maybe you could get one off amazon or ebay and just use the wireless function.


As for it working, its flawless. I was kinda worried that the battery isn't removable and that it would crash all the time and I wouldn't be able to reset it, but it doesn't crash, and works great.

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The Droid stuff is not difficult and I would not say people should stay away from it.. I have a Nook tablet and an iPhone 4 and they are both very nice.


Unless you can find something like the Kindle/Nook in a larger size the iPad might be the best option..

Edited by Second Gen
Can't freaking spell
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Nothing wrong with it.. I was just looking for a bigger screen than 7". My dad is 75 and has parkinsons.. My mom is 70. Just looking something to fit their needs.. Also, either one of them read books (at least now). They were never a book reader person. Hence staying away from the Kindles.


Sorry to hear your dad has parkinsons. That may become a factor using ANY computer system. How bad are his hand tremors? You might take them down to micro center and let them see, feel and play with some samples and see if you can rule out a few of the choices based on their feedback.


I've been an anti-apple guy since they dumped my AppleII product line way back when. But I used a loaner iPad through school for a couple months and I thought it was a terrific product. I don't think you can really go wrong with a 16gig iPad 2. The folks I've talked to that have used both say the second generation is worth the price increase over first gen iPads.

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Sorry to hear your dad has parkinsons. That may become a factor using ANY computer system. How bad are his hand tremors? You might take them down to micro center and let them see, feel and play with some samples and see if you can rule out a few of the choices based on their feedback.


I've been an anti-apple guy since they dumped my AppleII product line way back when. But I used a loaner iPad through school for a couple months and I thought it was a terrific product. I don't think you can really go wrong with a 16gig iPad 2. The folks I've talked to that have used both say the second generation is worth the price increase over first gen iPads.


This will mainly be for my Mom. My Dad will use it to play any type of Casino games (if they have any, which I'm sure they do). Slots, etc.

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