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Any info about real estate law/lease agreements?


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CLIFFS: i need to find out if there is an Ohio State law that protects someone from a lawsuit for not fulfilling a lease due to 'life altering' events? (divorce, serious health problems, etc...) Something that would prevent them from fullfilling the terms of the lease.


The backstory: In November my mother had a serious stroke. Since then we (her children) have been handling her finances and bills however there is no power of attn b/c doctors say she will make a full recovery givin enough time. Two months prior to her stroke she signed a rent to own lease for a house in Cinci. After 3 months of her living there we all agreed she would get better care living with my sister. As you can imagine the owner of the home (Michael Waddell former UC athletic director) is pretty pissed and is threatening legal action because my mother vacated the premise and is late on her rent (obviously she's late she's not going to live there anymore). Now I understand entering a lease is a legal contract however we have heard that some states (ohio included) have statutes to protect residents from law suites should they be affected by "life altering events" such as divorce, serious health problems etc...


My uncle is a great lawyer, however he's based out of Conneticut and doesnt know Ohio law. Im just trying to help out to get this fucking guy off my moms back so any info i can find would be great. However i have no idea where to look for this kind of information and the family doesnt have the funds to hire an attorney. We have tried to work with Mr Waddell, tried to make arrangements that would hopefully satisfy him but he's been uncooperative everytime. Any info anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.

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I don't think there is such a clause.




my grandma owns a few houses and j am set to take them over when she passes. As far as I know and have trad there is no such clause. Now if you talked to the landlord he may forgive the lease if hes a nice guy or will work out some sort of deal...



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I don't think there is such a clause.




my grandma owns a few houses and j am set to take them over when she passes. As far as I know and have trad there is no such clause. Now if you talked to the landlord he may forgive the lease if hes a nice guy or will work out some sort of deal...




Thanks for your help. I contacted a friend on my hockey team who is involved with commercial real estate, he in turn contacted his attorney friend and neither of them have heard of such clause/law in the ORC.

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