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Groveport- Real Estate


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We are CONSIDERING moving closer to where nathan works.

He wants to be within a 10min drive of work.


I could really use some help on neighborhoods. We are not looking to talk to a realtor right now, we are just in a "discovery" mode.


We are looking for a neighborhood that has NO HOA, and decent sized yards (currently we have a 80x120 lot, and i refuse to go any smaller) We love our current neighborhood, we have a small private street and great, (and i do mean GREAT) neighbors.


We basicly want our current neighborhood--- in groveport.


Does this exist? All i can find are new build homes and homes for sale on major streets (45+ mph) or rediculously aged looking homes with what looks like sketch neighbors... (we saw a stingray corvette yesterday with 20's on it... not my ideal neighbors)


We are not opposed to building a new home if the lot is a neighborhood, and not on a major street...

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In the name of all that is holy and good, please lock this thread, print it off, put it in a coffin, burn the coffin, and then spread the ashes in a running stream and never speak of any of this ever again.


No one should ever, ever live in Groveport on their own free will.

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We are CONSIDERING moving closer to where nathan works.

He wants to be within a 10min drive of work.


I could really use some help on neighborhoods. We are not looking to talk to a realtor right now, we are just in a "discovery" mode.


We are looking for a neighborhood that has NO HOA, and decent sized yards (currently we have a 80x120 lot, and i refuse to go any smaller) We love our current neighborhood, we have a small private street and great, (and i do mean GREAT) neighbors.


We basicly want our current neighborhood--- in groveport.


Does this exist? All i can find are new build homes and homes for sale on major streets (45+ mph) or rediculously aged looking homes with what looks like sketch neighbors... (we saw a stingray corvette yesterday with 20's on it... not my ideal neighbors)


We are not opposed to building a new home if the lot is a neighborhood, and not on a major street...

Was it an orange stingray? If so my old buddy used to live right down the street from there. In my opinon, groveport sucks. The schools suck and there are lots more drugs/ crime than you would expect from that area. Canal and Pickerington arent too far from there and still have some decent areas. Lithopolis still has lots of nice homes/ land and its only a few miles from groveport.

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YES the orange stingray!


Ill be hard pressed to get him to move more than 10mins from work-- We were looking at the homes at Elmont Place (Ryan and Fischer Homes)...but they have an HOA, and i want somewhere i can have my big veggie garden and my chickens...


Children are not in our future, so schools dont matter that much to us.

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P.S. Seriously, nothing comes to mind, given your criteria. I don't consider myself an expert on Groveport realty, but I lived there for a long time, so I have some basis for telling you to try to find somewhere else to live. Would Canal work?


You got it before me. Its funny how ex groveport people feel the same about groveport. And canal is actually getting crappy in some areas. You pretty much have to live on the outskirts and closer to the country.

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Ill be hard pressed to get him to move more than 10mins from work-- We were looking at the homes at Elmont Place (Ryan and Fischer Homes)...but they have an HOA, and i want somewhere i can have my big veggie garden and my chickens...


Children are not in our future, so schools dont matter that much to us.


What's up with his 10-minute rule? Does he walk to work? Seriously, not trying to be a dick, but if it came to driving 20 minutes or living in Groveport, I'm driving the extra 10 minutes and laughing hysterically as I drive through Groveport on my way too and from work.

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We both like the idea of him being able to come home for lunch and being able to see each other more. (i know, who actually wants to spend MROE time with thier spouse!?)


We currently live 30mins from where he works, so thats an hour a day we get back with each other.. thats two extra weeks a year i'll get to see my husband.. thats important to me, especially when there are days (which are fairly often) where he has to work 16-18 hour days during software deployments..



its time for us to move out of our current house, and his only rule is the 10min drive rule to work, or he wont move. I know it seems bullheaded..but we currently have a great neighborhood and great neighbors, he wants an incentive to leave.. and thats about the only incentive he wants..

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No, I can completely appreciate wanting to be closer so that you get to spend more time with each other.


Are you at all familiar with the area? Also, whereabouts in Groveport does he work? Groveport is relatively large, so we could be talking anywhere from Rickenbacker to Three Rivers to Refugee Road.

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Not trying to be a dick, but what happens if he takes a new job? You just pack up and move again? What I found when looking around Columbus, you can't have your cake and eat it too.


If Groveport was your area you wanted to be within 10 minutes to, I would look north of Cicrlville. You will find homes with acreage, which generally means no HOA. You will also be away from some of the shit that is Groveport. Places that come to mind, South Bloomfield, Ashville, Lithopolis.


Personally I would make an extra bit of drive, and move Southeast of Lancaster. You can find some really good deals on Land/Houses out there. Your drive may be 30 minutes or so, but that isn't bad at all.


For perspective, when we moved up here to Alaska, we could have lived in Anchorage, and been real close, but we didn't want to live in the city. I commute 35 miles a day, which takes about 40 minutes to drive.

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We have lived in this house for 10 years, he was a contractor for a long time... (jobs all over columbus).


We never moved because of jobs, because we didnt have somehwere that we could consider a "long term" job. We are reletivly certain the only reason he's going somewhere from here, will be on OUR terms, not because of job loss.. (i realize nothing is guaranteed, but they RARELY hire contractors and when they do its for the long haul. He has been with this company for 3 years, and was hired as a full time employee and its been a LONG time since they let someone go-



I already have a commute and have a great neighborhood, we wont be moving unless i can minimize the drive.


I am leary to move too far outside of columbus because all of my family is in dayton, and already pushing an hour drive makes me sad...


I want out of this house for mental reasons, as well. We bought this house to be a family home, where we could raise our kids and grow up in a nice neighborhood and good schools.


We have since found out i cant have kids, and after 6 years of trying, i need out of this house and the constant reminder of why we bought this house.






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Looking at your map, I don't think there is much in that circle that is very nice. Maybe closer down towards 233 and 119. That area they call Sunny Acres.


You are also distancing yourself from your family in Dayton, by moving the the SE Side of the city.

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I grew up in that circle. I'll reiterate: please rethink moving there. You have to find some way to get your husband to consider. Seriously, his 10-minute drive to work is a deal-breaker, but living anywhere in that circle is a life-ender.


Why, though. What is so life altering?


I cant just convince him that expanding that drive a little bit just because "CR Says so"


Are taxes rediculous? Traffic? cops? I did a sex offender search and didnt find much- are crime rates that bad?

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I hope you like the sound of aircraft.


Depends on the aircraft. Small planes Cesna Size aren't bad at all. Larger planes get annoying.


I live 300 feet from an airfield, and the small planes don't bother me one bit. The Helicopters can get annoying when they land, but small single engine planes, doesn't bother me.

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Why, though. What is so life altering?


I cant just convince him that expanding that drive a little bit just because "CR Says so"


Are taxes rediculous? Traffic? cops? I did a sex offender search and didnt find much- are crime rates that bad?


Mainly its the quality of people, lots of shady people in that area. Lots of "white trash" and wannabe gangsters. When I lived in groveport there were always lots of drug busts and home break ins. Lots of vandalism and car break ins as well. I know because I grew up with the people that were and still are doing that kind of stuff. The area where that orange stingray was (ebright rd) is actually one of the better areas due to long term residents and larger lot sizes. My mom lives in canal and works in groveport off of rohr rd and she has a less then 10 minute drive to work do to all the low traffic back roads in the area. Also, madison township cops are assholes.

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In the name of all that is holy and good, please lock this thread, print it off, put it in a coffin, burn the coffin, and then spread the ashes in a running stream and never speak of any of this ever again.


No one should ever, ever live in Groveport on their own free will.


I live in Groveport, and I agree with this man. the taxes are stupid, cosidering how boned their school system is.

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I'm not even from columbus and everybody I know that lives in columbus (family n friends) all say Groveport is the town Columbus should've aborted back in the days of making towns. I would tell you to have a serious discussion with your husband but from the looks of things it sounds like he calls the shots and you just go with the flow. Am I right? Not trying to start a flame war. Hope you get this squared away
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