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Hulu Plus


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I use netflix and get the feeling it adjusts to show you want it wants to show you and the search is only from within that list. Makes it kinda suck, but I do manage to find enough documentaries to keep me paying for it, but I watch less than 45min of TV on any given day.
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All I needed to know.




Haha... only has the first season on there right now (6 episodes) but yeah, when they started getting the AMC stuff I was pumped. Hopefully they pass on The Killing though. Have heard that show will devour your soul. And not in a good way.

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I just got a smart TV and ditched cable. I have Netflix and Hulu Plus. I don't watch Hulu, the wife does for her Grey's and Desperate Housewives. I am not a fan of it. There is a 1:30 commercial in then beginning and then a 30 sec commercial every 6 min throughout the show. Good stuff about it, you can watch new shows the day after they are shown. They seem to have about 80% of prime time stuff from the big companies (SNL is on there). No Walking Dead. Their regular Hulu stuff is not available on the smart tv.

Netflix streaming is good for streaming things, their streaming movies suck. Wife and I are watching Bones and I watch Top Gear and MacGyver currently. They also have Walking Dead, Lost, 24, Mad Men, Dexter and others.

Try Hulu for a month. Honestly, I don't live around my TV, so I can't sit down and follow a show a whole season. That is where Netflix comes in. Watch a whole season, or series in a few weeks or months.

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I had it for a month with the intention of getting rid of cable since I can get espn through the xbox. And all the stuff I saw on Hulu plus (on my computer) was pretty 'decent', most of what I watched. But then when I ran my xbox hulu app or my smart TV hulu app it didn't have crap. It has like musicals from 1970 no one ever watched.


Called hulu and they said its because the 'broadcasting' rights to most of their shows was for 'computers' only. If you are running through the xbox or the TV they don't have the rights for that yet. So they have to go through and get the rights for everything, said it might take a few YEARS before its all the same


No thanks.


This is precisely why I built a computer for my TV. With ANY streaming device you will be hamstrung by what the studios want... or the streaming service and the streaming device maker fighting. If there are no agreements between your streaming device maker and Hulu to keep the service running, Hulu could decide at any point that it's their best interest to not stream to your device.


I use regular Hulu... not plus. It's free on the PC. I think for the most part plus just gets you old series... or full series of current stuff that's already on there but regular only gets 3-5 most recent shows.


We cut the cord and between regular Hulu, streaming netflix, and a few other sites (CBS, etc); we almost never want for watching something on TV. We probably have a better tv watching experience than when we had cable & DVR. I would say we watch a little less TV though, as that was one of the purposes of doing this.


I will agree 100% that it's bullshit they 'trick' you into buying plus to watch on your streaming/mobile device... then the content is not the same. On a PC, you do get more content with Plus. In their defense they also clear state, when browsing on your PC, when a show can not be streamed to a 'TV or mobile device'.


Berto, if you really want to do this, you may be able to change the info your streaming device sends out about which browser it's using. This is how Hulu knows you are watching on a streaming device, and not a computer and blocks content. This is also how Hulu sends the right info so it works correctly on your TV, so it may not work 100% correct once you've 'hacked' it. I said may because it takes someone who knows more about this type of software than you or I to figure it out. So there may or may not be a way to do this that someone has already published on the net somewhere, for your particular streaming device.

Edited by Trouble Maker
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I have a OTA tivo only DVR. Its a fantastic HD DVR for 4 channels :-) You can own it for ~$85 on amazon. Then I pay $8 or $10/month for the subscription service. Well worth it for me to be able to record the regular broadcast shows.


I have netflix but rarely use it.

I had hulu but the selection was garbage for streaming content on my tivo box or wd live


The majority of the shows I watch I get through uploads to rapidshare. Assuming rapidshare stays alive its a fairly easy way to get whatever you want just takes some searching through different sites to find the dl link.

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I have a OTA tivo only DVR. Its a fantastic HD DVR for 4 channels :-)


You can do the same thing with a computer. From what I understand, the DVR software built into Windows 7 is pretty good. A tuner for OTA (HD) is CHEAP.


A computer is basically infinitely scalable in this arena. If it's something you want to do, and it's possible, it's possible on a PC. You are not limited by the capabilities of the device. Any streaming device, player, dvr, will be limited in some way. At the very least you may need multiple devices to achieve what you want to.


Right now my PC can stream anything, hulu, netflix, cbs since they don't release most content on hulu... all without limitations of streaming devices. I can play dvd's and blu rays. I could easily rip my DVDs & Blu Rays to my HD if I wanted to (and bought a bigger HD). I don't see the need for that at this point. I could add an OTA HD tuner for ~$50, or a 4 tuner cable card based tuner for ~$200. I will probably add an OTA HD tuner at some point. If a new streaming service comes out, I simply type in the address or install a new piece of software. All from 1 device. My DVD player will soon be packed up and sold/put in the junk pile down in the basement. The cable box left last year.

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I will say this, getting rid of cable was one of the best things I ever did. Between Netflix, Demonoid, and various streaming sites, there isn't really any way to not watch what I want.


Could you give some streaming site examples? I'm getting rid of cable at this time and I'm looking for all the alternatives i can find.

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You can do the same thing with a computer. From what I understand, the DVR software built into Windows 7 is pretty good. A tuner for OTA (HD) is CHEAP.


A computer is basically infinitely scalable in this arena. If it's something you want to do, and it's possible, it's possible on a PC. You are not limited by the capabilities of the device. Any streaming device, player, dvr, will be limited in some way. At the very least you may need multiple devices to achieve what you want to.


Right now my PC can stream anything, hulu, netflix, cbs since they don't release most content on hulu... all without limitations of streaming devices. I can play dvd's and blu rays. I could easily rip my DVDs & Blu Rays to my HD if I wanted to (and bought a bigger HD). I don't see the need for that at this point. I could add an OTA HD tuner for ~$50, or a 4 tuner cable card based tuner for ~$200. I will probably add an OTA HD tuner at some point. If a new streaming service comes out, I simply type in the address or install a new piece of software. All from 1 device. My DVD player will soon be packed up and sold/put in the junk pile down in the basement. The cable box left last year.


I understand all that, but there is something to be said for something you dont have to F with through a pc. If I just want to come home and turn the tv on and watch something I recorded the night before I can do so. It even records some stuff that it think I might like based on my previous recordings.

I can watch netflix directly through the main interface also. You can watch amazon on demand or hulu plus through it also.


If I wanted to do a HT pc then Im sure going that route would work fine. Having the scheduler is something I dont think you can get with a tuner card.


For everything I do download though, I stream through my xbox or ps3 with tversity, and through the WD live in the bedroom.


This setup offers the simplicity I like for regular viewing along with being able to do the more complex file types .MKV etc when needed.

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Had neflix.



They raised their price months ago





They only raised their price if you still want to get physical discs. The price actually dropped for me because I was never getting discs and they released the streaming only option a month or so before the price increase for a dollar less a month.

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