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Close Family Friend Knighted Sunday.


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This Man is a Very close family friend, actually he's considered a 2nd grandfather to our family. My wifes Grandmother and Grandfather ( who has passed) were best friends with Marion and his wife all their lives and to this day live 100 yds from one another in Groveport. Marion Gray and my wifes Grandfather were in the same unit as well in WWII and both were in the first wave on Omaha Beach on 6 June 1944. Both wives were school teachers as well. All four are and were great people who have influenced countless lives and continue to do so today.


Yesterday Marion was honored by the French president and was honored to be Knighted by the French for his actions and service during his campaign in France. Marion along with his wife are very Humble people and a fine example for anyone to follow.


Were Proud of you Marion!



Just thought I'd share this.



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Being knighted by the French for his actions during a military campaign probably just means he didn't surrender within the first 5 minutes.



JK congratulations to him, thats a hell of an achievement.


"oh so you didn't hide when Germany came through? Knightship for you!!" but srs though that's amazing. Whole dif breed of great folks during ww2.

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I hate everything about the cheese eating surrender monkeys that you guys do. That being said, for the majority of written history, the French have been beating the shit out of everyone else so bad that tons of tactical advances were made from studying their formations and manuevers.


On topic, that is truly badass. Good show, old chap.

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I hate everything about the cheese eating surrender monkeys that you guys do. That being said, for the majority of written history, the French have been beating the shit out of everyone else so bad that tons of tactical advances were made from studying their formations and manuevers.


On topic, that is truly badass. Good show, old chap.


Every great military mind since his time has credited Napoleon with the current state of modern warfare. History will forget MacArthur, Robert E. Lee, and many other American names hundreds of years in the future, but Napoleon will be remembered as Alexander the Great is now.

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