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odd sex moment


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say your getting blown, i mean like really really getting blown. like she is going ham on your cock, and in a silent moment, she farts....... do you A. play it off..... B. say "what the fucking fuck was that".......C. do you fart to???




either way, do you let her keep blowing you after you go through the options, or do you kick her out???:fuuuu:

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step one) put hands on back of head

step two) Push head down

step three) ram cock down throat

step four)cum on her face and tits


really though, giggle and forget about it



i mean thats what we are all going to do but thats too easy

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I doubt Leigh would mind if you fart on his chin.


you mean he would be the farter...... and i feel like your just jelly cause you havent been blown in our house....

















































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you mean he would be the farter...... and i feel like your just jelly cause you havent been blown in our house...







Dood, Ive been married since '02. Such frivolity concerns me not.


But hey if you're a considerate enough lover not to fart on Leighs chin props to you.

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Enjoy it and laugh about it later. Hell, the wife and I got so drunk on vacation once, we both had to stop at different points and puke, but were game enough to insure we finished strong. We still laugh about that night.
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Enjoy it and laugh about it later. Hell, the wife and I got so drunk on vacation once, we both had to stop at different points and puke, but were game enough to insure we finished strong. We still laugh about that night.


The lolz deff had, she had to get it bak up but once she did, I have her the best 32 seconds of her nite... Like a bauce.




And sams girls don't fart or poop cause their vaginas are made of Arby's sandwiches and chlamydia

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