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Sundaysundaysunday 4-5-09


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NO riding on saturday since it'll be sunny, but quite chilly. those of you with moar balls than me, please don't let me hold you back.

Sunday remains open as a possibility. Maybe to celebrate the return of Pauly's long lost love (his 748) we may do a ride into south of canton (meeting at the dairy queen in Bolivar). details are forthcoming.

Oh and since we had all the fun on the last ride, here is what I'm thinking:

if we get out to the good roads south of canton, it will be anywhere from mild to "quite spirited". I will probably not lead unless i absolutely have to, and you should wear all your gear (helmet, jacket, gloves, jeans or better pants, and at least ankle level boots)... but I'm not your massa or your wife - use common sense. For example, if we get out to the roads i want to hit, i'll be wearing my full power ranger outfit. sweet lazar gun that goes "pew pew" included. again, this is personal preference. i'm a big pansy, so i'll wear the gear so i won't hurt as much if i do make a mistake.

if we hit up the valley view to peninsula region again, it'll be casual wear again (helmet, jacket, gloves, jeans or better pants, shoes or boots). again, I don't dictate what you wear or how you ride, and definitely i don't have enough common sense for both me AND you. bring your own.

no matter where we ride, i will try to get us someone(s) who know where the hell they're going and can lead at a good pace for those following. again, if the pace turns out to be a bit brisk for you, do NOT try to ride above your head... most of us will slow down in the straights and will definitely stop at intersections where we turn. if you don't see the group waiting for you, keep following the road. if the pace is too slow for you, pass us before the corners, have some fun, and then fall back behind the leader so you don't miss an intersection.

this may all be premature if the weather turns to crap or nobody want to go riding. either way, if the weather cooperates, i will be riding.

Edited by jbot
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Try to hash out the details asap and the ride should go smoother. If you go for the power ranger style we'll have to make sure to break everyone into groups based on their riding limits/style.

I'm game for some twisties bit I'm still not looking to exceed posted limits by much. I've gotten alot more comfortable in the twisties since the last ride. The CVNP area still has pretty crappy road conditions though. If we do that area I can show you a pretty awesome (but short) set of twisting in the brecksville park area between 21 and Riverview. I was there today and some guy on a Suzuki was hitting them pretty hard. It's even fun to ride at around 40mph (limit is 30). Just have to be careful because on nice days theres alot of pedestrians around enjoying the park that could potentially make a phone call to Brecksville's finest or the park rangers if you're pushin it too hard.

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  that dude said:
:D would never catch me in full leathers or any leather on the street. they make a track for that, so i may join ya in the rear cleave ;)
  CleaveTheGreat said:
Haha sounds good mang



the where and when will depend entirely upon the weather forecasts as the day(s) of reckoning nears. warm and sunny on sat and/or sunday? we will hit up south of canton. sunny but not quite warm? we will do valley view area. and of course, whoever wants to arrange another ride, please feel free.

oh, and so i don't accidentally usurp all the organization and since i really don't really give a crap, if others would like to step up and try to organize a bit more, please by all means! i'm happy to take a backseat to the organizational efforts because all I want to do is ride with a couple people who know the roads.

Edited by jbot
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  jbot said:
...and they call US ghey. yes, you all have fun "joining each other in the rear".


the where and when will depend entirely upon the weather forecasts as the day(s) of reckoning nears. warm and sunny on sat and/or sunday? we will hit up south of canton. sunny but not quite warm? we will do valley view area. and of course, whoever wants to arrange another ride, please feel free.

oh, and so i don't accidentally usurp all the organization and since i really don't really give a crap, if others would like to step up and try to organize a bit more, please by all means! i'm happy to take a backseat to the organizational efforts because all I want to do is ride with a couple people who know the roads.

i like your style- umm on that note im out for canton area, will ride indy-penn-falls area on sunday..will do a canton ride after i get other priorities squared away

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  Isaac said:
I'm spending this weekend in Columbus for my sister's birthday. I am unable to attend' date=' thusly. However, Jinu will be pleased to know that Gemma will be returning to me this summer. I have decided to buy her back from the gentleman I sold her to.

Cans somewon give me a "Hell-yeah?!?!!?"[/quote']

AWWWWW SNAP! you got it back?!

very nice!

i knew you couldn't live without her. i was going to tell you how much i missed listening to the lovely rumble and the mechanical sounds of the exposed clutch (which i almost caught my foot on while you let me have the honor of riding it for a stretch).

this is great news. when are you "officially" getting her back?!

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the temp is not quite as high I was hoping it would be... apparently:

warm front thursday morning-afternoon followed immediately by

cold front thursday night and all of friday, and then

saturday (supposed to be a bit chilly... high 40's and sunny) and then

mid to high 50's (and higher as we go south) on sunday.

if this forecast holds up, i think we're going to be stuck with riding on sunday, since it'll be the only day warm enough to ride for more than an hour or two. again, ohio weather being an ADHD ridden bi0tch, we'll keep our eye on the forecast. If we hit higher than mid 50's i think we'll definitely hit up south (SW or SE, not sure just yet) of canton.

stay tuned.

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why is it that the weather keeps getting worse and worse?

if the cold settles in for sunday (like the forecast says it will) the best we'll be able to do is a get together and ride for a bit.

location is still getting decided on.

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