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Translation software?

Trouble Maker

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Does anyone know of a cheap (or free) translation software?


I have to do a big spreadsheet and I might go insane if I have to copy and paste every cell into Google translate.


I'm thinking a piece of software that uses Google translate (or some web resource) as it's back-end, but you can plug a .doc or .xls into should be pretty easy.


This is for Japanese to English (and the other way around would help too), if that makes any difference.

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google translate does entire documents




I usually use Google Translate for small items. And I did find that, it only spits out a webpage, but it does keep some semblance of the original formatting, including cells.

It doesn't like when there are multiple lines of text in 1 cell. It splits it up into 2 (or more) cells. So that throws everything off.

So it does save some copy and paste, mostly the copy part, but I will still have to manually paste a lot back over.


This would be perfect for a .doc... but then if it were a .doc I could just do 1 copy and paste anyways. This is literally thousands of cells.


I figured out a roundabout way of doing it with Google Docs.

In office, simply because it's easier.

Copy the whole tab, make a second version i.e. original is Tab and new is Tab(2) or Tab_EN

In Tab_EN wherever there is something you want translated type =GoogleTranslate(Tab!A1,"Ja","En") Where Tab is the sheet you want and A1 is the cell that you are currently in.

You can then copy and paste (formula only to preserve formatting) to any other cells you want translated. If you move to a new, for example TabA, make sure you change it to =GoogleTranslate(TabA!A1,"Ja","En")

You can just put =GoogleTranslate(Tab!A1) and it should auto-detect, but I figured I might get more accurate results if I forced it.

All of these cells will say #NAME? because MS Office doesn't recognize that formula.


Upload to Google Docs. I opened it and checked everything out... I'm not sure if you have to do this or not for Google Docs to recognize the =GoogleTranslate forumlas.

Save it and open it up in MS Office, all of those cells will be English text now.

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