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So confused...

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I'd really like to know what the person with the shittiest house in Strawberry Farms is doing with an Aston Martin in their driveway.




Drove by that this morning and shit my pants, I should have stopped and stolen it from those hilljacks

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Seriously, they went from having that beat dick astro van sitting there for 5 years to an Aston Martin?


honestly some of the repairs I have seen come from that place on vehicles they actually drive blew my lid.


Sounds like someone with some good priorities: divorce finalized, wife and kids move out and take van, buy Aston.



You dont understand, they had cars under tarps because the windows were all smashed, used a jack as a press with some rocks and bungee straps to hold a nasty matress on the top of an old 3 series... the straps used to hold down the trunk and hood that were now flapping in the wind for the disease infested matress the found

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That's me, I was staying over night at my mistress. Sorry to confound you guys; she is a very nice woman but she doesn't do well financially.


The bed bugs are now in your Aston and it is worth $8. Luckily I will give you $9 if you deliver it promptly.


Does the resident work at McDonald's by chance?



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