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Israel and Iran

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So we're Jews and Muslim haters because we don't really care what other countries are doing right now? Should the rest of the world be mad at the US for killing Iraqis ad Afghanis?


Most of the world already is. There is a lot of distaste for muslims in this country, but not nearly enough for the zionists. And Obama isn't helping either.

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Most of the world already is. There is a lot of distaste for muslims in this country, but not nearly enough for the zionists. And Obama isn't helping either.



For being on Columbus Racing you come up with some wierd ass topics to discuss. Just say'n

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My opinion is Israel has a right to exist and the rest of the fucking backward ass Arabs around them that want to fight it and try to remove them from existence need a good old ass kicking by Jesus Christ himself.


Well, it is stated somehwere that salvation is first for the Jew, then for the Gentile...not sure that applies to this situation though...

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My opinion is Israel has a right to exist and the rest of the fucking backward ass Arabs around them that want to fight it and try to remove them from existence need a good old ass kicking by Jesus Christ himself.


I hope the US isn't there to hold them down while Israel repeatedly kicks them in the nuts but I won't bitch if they do. On more than one occasion we've committed to having their back and that said we need to honor that statement.


The good news is many of the Arab assholes still fighting a thousand year old+ war and bitching about religions are coming to an end from the inside as their own people are beginning to finally realize a life with dirt roads, guns going off and a world of war pretty much sucks camel balls and they don't want it any more.


I say we give their kids a bunch of free iPads and some interest access. Between porn sites and drowning in their own sperm, they will crash and burn on their own once the youth sees life outside a sand hut can be pretty sweet.


The biggest problem is we are (the US) the biggest supporters of Israel, regardless of the fact that they commit just as many atrocities as muslims do. Israel has killed 7000 Palestinians since 2000. But that goes unrecognized.

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You know what pisses me off? Why does Germany think they have the right to occupy their current territory. They need to back the fuck off, they've only been a unified state since 1871. Their land needs to go back to Prussia. And what's the deal with Italy? Those little fucks have only been around since 1861. The US needs to kick everyone's asses back to where they belong. We need to rebuild the Persian Empire and allow it to claim all the lands it had at its height.
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For being on Columbus Racing you come up with some wierd ass topics to discuss. Just say'n


As in, its something that shouldn't be discussed, or you're worried about info coming out, or what? Not sure how to take this. :confused:

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Do you guys pay attention to the relations between America and Native Americans? America continues to push for more land that is Native American, continues to kill Native Americans, continues to start a war that isn't needed. Im not sure where they get their sense on entitlement from..




Just how the world works bro. If we've been supplying one with money and weapons for decades, I'd rather not see it all go to waste.

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The biggest problem is we are (the US) the biggest supporters of Israel, regardless of the fact that they commit just as many atrocities as muslims do.


I see it differently and it's not just about atrocities committed. Iran stands for some pretty negative shit that is not healthy to the rest of the word, thus they are the ones who need the ass kicking. Pakistan too.


Israel has killed 7000 Palestinians since 2000. But that goes unrecognized.
That's about 187M short of success. Israel should be better.
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You know what pisses me off? Why does Germany think they have the right to occupy their current territory. They need to back the fuck off, they've only been a unified state since 1871. Their land needs to go back to Prussia. And what's the deal with Italy? Those little fucks have only been around since 1861. The US needs to kick everyone's asses back to where they belong. We need to rebuild the Persian Empire and allow it to claim all the lands it had at its height.



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You know what pisses me off? Why does Germany think they have the right to occupy their current territory. They need to back the fuck off, they've only been a unified state since 1871. Their land needs to go back to Prussia. And what's the deal with Italy? Those little fucks have only been around since 1861. The US needs to kick everyone's asses back to where they belong. We need to rebuild the Persian Empire and allow it to claim all the lands it had at its height.


Its sad that thats what its become. That people have to die for terrritorys. And it continues to this day.

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I see it differently and it's not just about atrocities committed. Iran stands for some pretty negative shit that is not healthy to the rest of the word, thus they are the ones who need the ass kicking. Pakistan too.


That's about 187M short of success. Israel should be better.


Don't get me wrong, the arab nations aren't without fault. But Israel isn't helping by poking the fire.

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Its sad that thats what its become. That people have to die for terrritorys. And it continues to this day.


That's what it's become? Son, that's the history of the world.


P.S. What the fuck is with Australia? Europeans just sailed up, killed a bunch of Aborigines, and polluted the shit out of the little available water. We need to bomb Australia until all the Europeans leave and only the Aborigines are left with the land they owned for ~35,000 years.

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Its sad that thats what its become. That people have to die for terrritorys. And it continues to this day.


Well how else are you going to solve things that can't be settled through peaceful means? Violence is a bummer but that's how us earthlings have settled disputes for all of history, and that's how it's going to be for a long long time. This touchy-feely-BS of talking things out only works within the very narrow first-world bubble we get to enjoy.

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Don't get me wrong, the arab nations aren't without fault. But Israel isn't helping by poking the fire.


Aren't without fault? Do you even have a clue how the Arabs have acted since the 7th century AD? They've been dicks to everyone, we're just luck the Romans said "fuck you" and burned their asses on the Bosphorus with some Greek Fire.

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Haha Hal.


WTF is wrong with you? Do you spend all your free time on some treehugging forum talking about peace, love, and dope when you're not on CR? Take your misinformed activist bullshit elsewhere you worthless delinquent.

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WTF is wrong with you? Do you spend all your free time on some treehugging forum talking about peace, love, and dope when you're not on CR? Take your misinformed activist bullshit elsewhere you worthless delinquent.


Oh shit, is it kitchen time now?


I'm going to LOL when the administration changes, we got to a new war, and they try to rebuild all they worked so hard to strip down.

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Don't get me wrong, the arab nations aren't without fault. But Israel isn't helping by poking the fire.


The only reason Israel is reacting or poking the fire is the Arab nations around them want to erase them from the earth.


How do you think they should react?


What would you do if I said I'm going to wipe out your family and am currently assembling the capabilities to exponentially increase my firepower?

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WTF is wrong with you? Do you spend all your free time on some treehugging forum talking about peace, love, and dope when you're not on CR? Take your misinformed activist bullshit elsewhere you worthless delinquent.


Hardly. Far from it.


I don't even want to argue with you, you hillbilly. Sorry for trying to allow people to discuss shit outside the box.

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Hardly. Far from it.


I don't even want to argue with you, you hillbilly. Sorry for trying to allow people to discuss shit outside the box.


Best you can come up with is calling me a hillbilly?:dumb:


Why in the fuck are so many of you on your soapboxes over this shit? You can't change it, it's on the other side of the world, and the only thing I'm sorry for is that these people can't rise up on their own and take care of their own. I've got my own problems and this shit isn't even on the list.

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I hope the jews bite off more than they can chew and get their ass handed to them. No i am not antisemetic.


Partial definition of Antisemetism: Antisemitism may be manifested in many ways, ranging from expressions of hatred of or discrimination against individual Jews to organized violent attacks by mobs, or even state police, or military attacks on entire Jewish communities.

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Who, in this thread, has been to the middle east, or has any faint idea of what these cultures have been fighting over since they've exisited?


*Raises hand*


I've been there as a military occupant and as a civilian living there. What would you like to know? :)

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