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Caucasions for Santorum - parody, mature discussion inside, mmkay?


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He is a great orator. Must be the white in him. :lolguy: I hear the ladies like him because of his blackness. :p






Was going for 100, minimum.




:lolguy: Ive seen this argument on facebook 6 times, 2 other websites, at work twice... Seems to be pissing off the people I know more than its helping.




“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation


where they will not be judged by the color of their skin,


but by the content of their character.”


Obama :thumbdown


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It would be great to have XXX festivals.




ps: the Irish have been every bit as oppressed as blacks throughout history. Up until the late 90s the IRA was still actively fighting for religious freedom. Going back a bit farther, there was the potato famine. The irish that immigrated here during that time were sent straight off the boat into the Union army. Yet in celebrating their history they get a single day of drinking.


Pss: I'm not at all Irish just pointing this out

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ps: the Irish have been every bit as oppressed as blacks throughout history. Up until the late 90s the IRA was still actively fighting for religious freedom. Going back a bit farther, there was the potato famine. The irish that immigrated here during that time were sent straight off the boat into the Union army. Yet in celebrating their history they get a single day of drinking.


Pss: I'm not at all Irish just pointing this out


I am Irish. Im a raging, Irish, Cherokee, African American guy :gabe:

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The fact that you must provide valid ID to vote kind of blew my mind. They're actually arguing that it is descrimantory to mandate valid ID checks because higher levels of minorities do not process proper ID. Guess I might be the only one that thinks it is perfectly legal to ask for ID when voting. Lord knows I found it so hard to walk in and present all of my proper documentation to obtain a Driver's license, let alone a simple identification card.


I could care less about the person's color, but when it becomes the only reason people vote for a certain candidate, it mocks our democratic system. There's plenty of worthless candidates to fill a septic tank with, but I think someone that can do what's best, should be the one. I find it hard to determine that basis by ethnicity, but it'll probably happen again.

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The fact that you must provide valid ID to vote kind of blew my mind. They're actually arguing that it is descrimantory to mandate valid ID checks because higher levels of minorities do not process proper ID. Guess I might be the only one that thinks it is perfectly legal to ask for ID when voting. Lord knows I found it so hard to walk in and present all of my proper documentation to obtain a Driver's license, let alone a simple identification card.


I could care less about the person's color, but when it becomes the only reason people vote for a certain candidate, it mocks our democratic system. There's plenty of worthless candidates to fill a septic tank with, but I think someone that can do what's best, should be the one. I find it hard to determine that basis by ethnicity, but it'll probably happen again.


If voters weren't required to show valid IDs when voting, there wouldnt be any way of regulating votes. Any joe schmoe could visit several polling stations and vote multiple times. Claiming that requiring valid IDs is discriminatory is "ignorant." If you cant take the time to head to your local BMV and get one, then you shouldn't even be in this country. Play the game like the rest of us and get the fuck over it.


This post implies that the voting system is true and honest.

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hes doing that because he knows black people will come outta the woodwork again just to vote for a black person!! Its bullshit that he can get away with calling on his brothas to vote for him.


"obama gonna pay my mortgage and my gas bill!!!"


This is how politics works. Other "white" candidates do the same thing. Why is this an issue now?

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I've figured out the only reason why this crazy shit bag hasn't done this. Clearly only white people are voting for this guy so there is no point, it would be redundant. Saying White People for Santorum would be like saying Place of Learning High School, or Race Track Drag Strip.
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Actually if Santorum had a site called Irishmen for Santorum it would be fine. You dont see people boycotting Irish festivals or calling them racist for not calling them "everyone festivals". :lolguy: Caucasian covers too much. African Americans were pigeon holed into one group years ago... Just like we are doing to "Latinos/Hispanics" now. Caucasians cover so many different groups, but when broken down to Jewish, Irish, German, etc. people dont complain that they seperate themselves from others.


And Caucasians aren't pigeon holed? When was the last time you saw any option but white or Caucasian under the race heading for them? I sure haven't ever been able to select German-American on anything I filled out in my 28 years.

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First of all, if Santorum or Romney ever tried to do a Caucasians for "XX", they would be ridiculed for how moronic that is. Im not going to vote for you because your white and I'm white. And would show how little moral character he has.


The same should be done to Obama. Its ridiculous to think that anyone should vote for you because of the color of your skin. He should take heat for it.


Sounds almost like reparations for elections. Vote for me because we have the same skin color. :shakes head:

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