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So last night i woke up out of a sleep, my face was extremely tight ( kind of like when a kid gives a huge smile) and and i couldnt open my eyes or move my head. I felt like i was having a mini stroke. This went on for a good minute, i was fighting to relax my face muscles but i was unable to.



Any idea what it could have been?

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If it was short lived it could have been a muscle spasm.


When I pinched a nerve in my neck during football I had something similar happen, do any heavy lifting or jerk your neck a wrong way?


nope, i had just fallen asleep. Like i said it went for about a solid minute from what i remember. Could have been shorter or longer.

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My money is on muscle spasm. I'll ask some of my pre-med/nursing buddies what they think. Anything else abnormal or just that random occurance?


Been having some migraines here lately, also alot of pressure. It never goes away, sometimes if i drink caffiene i feel "normal".

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tiny penis

































You're doing it wrong. You have to start out with a short but mostly complete statement, then pull it down into obscurity. Like:


Perhaps your body is rejecting your ingrown penis?


Rejecting ingrown penis.


Rejected penis.







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Been having some migraines here lately, also alot of pressure. It never goes away, sometimes if i drink caffiene i feel "normal".



Caffeine dependency is a bitch.



PS - How much Maxx do you use in a day? There's a LOT in it.

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You're doing it wrong. You have to start out with a short but mostly complete statement, then pull it down into obscurity. Like:


Perhaps your body is rejecting your ingrown penis?


Rejecting ingrown penis.


Rejected penis.









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Sounds like sleep paralysis Steve. I've had this happen a few times and it scares the shit out of me. Look is up instead of me explaining it all to you. In cliffs, it is when your mind wakes up but your body is still in deep sleep. It takes a minute or a few for your body to wake up. feels wierd/scary/crazy as hell.
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