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really been wanting to get back in shape. have a few questions see if anyone could assist.


From trips to the gym the machines have calories burned and i have always kept track between machines. is there a target amount i should shoot for, is there a dangerous amount i should avoid?


what helps you guys stay on track, how do you keep your routine consistent?


want to lose 50 pounds. I just feel that i have no energy, tired all the time.


My Goals

-Cutting out all soda, strictly water

-cutting out fast food, will be smaller portions mostly fish and chicken

-would like to follow weight watchers plan and would help with the above

-buying a bike tomorrow and dedicating hour everyday before work

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The biggest thing is sticking to it. And it might just be making small adjustments overtime. Don't get discouraged. And make sure you set your priorities straight. An extra hour of relaxation after a long day of work is not better than an hour workout session. Getting into that mindset is really the hardest thing for some people (myself included). Fortunately for myself I don't have any real weight loss goals as I don't look at myself being overweight, I just would rather myself be in better shape.


I try to do things I enjoy and with the weather warming up it will get even easier. My routine.


2-4 times a week

2+ mile run or a few miles on the treadmill/elliptical (weather dependent)

30mins-hour of free weights (I focus on a lot of reps with lower weights, no spotter and Im not huge into weights anyway so this helps keep my heart rate up and a good sweat going after my runs)

I finish with a 5 minute sessions of jumping rope then I shoot a little hoops.


This is all based on what I have access to, a good neighborhood to run in, and a decent onsight and indoor fitness/basketball court at my apartment complex.


Everyone can chime in with their own plan that works for them. Just remember thats their plan, this is mine. You need a plan for you! The biggest thing is having the mindset and sticking to it. Also your goals with the diet, I can imagine that if you can come through on those your be ahead of the game already.

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want to lose 50 pounds. I just feel that i have no energy, tired all the time.


Workout like a madman, and drink Large Fruit Smoothies (preferably from Smoothie King) for Lunch. Dropped an easy 20lbs in like 2, maybe 3 weeks under that regimen. Kept it up for a couple months and got 2lbs under what I weighed senior year of Highschool. At 28 that is hard to do.

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Workout like a madman, and drink Large Fruit Smoothies (preferably from Smoothie King) for Lunch. Dropped an easy 20lbs in like 2, maybe 3 weeks under that regimen. Kept it up for a couple months and got 2lbs under what I weighed senior year of Highschool. At 28 that is hard to do.


i've never been to smoothie king, but typically smoothies are just crazy amounts of sugar.


just sayin




guys got a good plan though, cutting soda, cutting fast food, regular exercise.


keeping on track and making it routine is the biggest part. dont break the routine, if you have a workout planned, stick to it. nothing kills the routine like missing a day, then eventually missing another day, then before you know if you're back on the couch eating 6 boxes of thin mints

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I like Jerodh's plan with 2-4 times a week. Unless I was unemployed there was no way I could find the time to work out every day. If you can do it, good for you. When I feel I'm in a good workout plan, I like to target 3 days/week. Maybe hit it hard for a few months to go through the weight loss phase initially and then trail off?


Some people will also say you need rest days. But once you get past the initial 'holly shit my ass and legs hurt' phase with biking, it's pretty low impact. So rest days might not be as big of an issue. But, putting together this and my first point, 1 hour of biking will seem like it's not an incredible workout in a pretty short amount of time. You will want that 1 hour to be more, and more than 1 hour every day of the week is probably impossible if you work a full time job unless you want 0 life outside of workouts + work. I ran into someone I know a few months ago, he had done a half iron man last year and was planning to do a full this year. You work up to training something like 16 or 20 hours/week. fuck.that.shit.


If you like biking, that's great, do what you like and have fun with it because you will be more likely to want to do it and keep up with it. But I suggest trying to find other things you like doing. Biking will only give a good work out to part of your legs, part of your upper body. It's amazing if I only bike for a few weeks and go running the difference, and vice-a-versa.


I also agree with Brrcats that smothie's are all sugar, and god damn thin mints taste good.

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Losing weight is more about your diet than working out. Watch your intake of calories, that's the easiest way to lose weight. Try out a phone app like LoseIt, very easy to use and it's not a pain to enter in your food as you eat it. You'll start out giving info about your size and goal weight and it'll give you a calorie limit for each day that you should try to keep to. Don't eat through your exercise calories, unless you have to.
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really been wanting to get back in shape. have a few questions see if anyone could assist.


From trips to the gym the machines have calories burned and i have always kept track between machines. is there a target amount i should shoot for, is there a dangerous amount i should avoid?


what helps you guys stay on track, how do you keep your routine consistent?


want to lose 50 pounds. I just feel that i have no energy, tired all the time.


My Goals


1. What should you avoid? The numbers those machines give out. They are rarely accurate as they just use a general formula. Instead, you should put more emphasis on staying in your target heart rate for at least 30 mins per session.


2. Motivation, it's that simple. You have to want the changes and want to put in the work. If you don't want to workout and lose weight, you will find excuses not to. You can try setting a goal you want to reach, in a reasonable time frame, and then give yourself a reward if/when you meet it.


3. You need to have an understanding of exercise to develop and maintain a useful routine. There are a few of us here that do have that knowledge and can help you if you provide more specific goals and a description of what equipment you have access to.

Losing weight is more about your diet than working out. Watch your intake of calories, that's the easiest way to lose weight. Try out a phone app like LoseIt, very easy to use and it's not a pain to enter in your food as you eat it. You'll start out giving info about your size and goal weight and it'll give you a calorie limit for each day that you should try to keep to. Don't eat through your exercise calories, unless you have to.

No. Losing weight is about doing a combination of the right things (i.e., eating right, exercising correctly, etc...). Please try to avoid giving incomplete or erroneous advice as if it is fact.

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Thank you guys for the tips and help. i will try that app as well seems its kinda like the weight watchers plan. My biggest issue sis trying to stay on track. Work put me on second shift so i can dedicate an hour to the bike before work.


i also plan on doing more then just cardio but i really just want to focus on the diet and routine at the moment. the future goal is to add in the P90x 90 day challenge but i really want to make sure i stay with this routine before adding to much.


and i picked this up today and when the rain passes i will be out on it.



Depending on mud conditions i will be running this through high banks park tomorrow as well.

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No. Losing weight is about doing a combination of the right things (i.e., eating right, exercising correctly, etc...). Please try to avoid giving incomplete or erroneous advice as if it is fact.


Oh I'm sorry captain arrogant.


It IS a fact. You can work out all you want, you're not going to lose weight if you're eating triple baconators 5 times a day. Your calories in being less than your calories out is what makes you lose weight. FACT.

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Oh I'm sorry captain arrogant.


It IS a fact. You can work out all you want, you're not going to lose weight if you're eating triple baconators 5 times a day. Your calories in being less than your calories out is what makes you lose weight. FACT.




by your logic all they would need to do is exercise more than they are eating, whether it be 5 triple baconators or something healthy and good for them.





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just got back and tracked 2.3mile start. really out of shape and this told me so.


So as far as calories (i understand not eating so much, this being the principle behind the weight watchers + portion size); but what is a minimal calorie i should burn a day typically? I know my height and weight is different and will be diff for someone else but is there a standard i should shoot for?


I am 6' 2" and current weight 235lbs.

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We use Metro Fitness in worthington for BMR calculations. They then work with you on what you should be taking in every day to meet your goals.


bodybuilding.com is an outstanding resource. There are workout programs for just about any need you could possibly have. The forums should be able to get you just about any and all information you could ever want about everything diet and exercise related. Like anything else there's some junk to filter through but overall it's a great place to start doing research.

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No. Losing weight is about doing a combination of the right things (i.e., eating right, exercising correctly, etc...). Please try to avoid giving incomplete or erroneous advice as if it is fact.


Oh I'm sorry captain arrogant.


It IS a fact. You can work out all you want, you're not going to lose weight if you're eating triple baconators 5 times a day. Your calories in being less than your calories out is what makes you lose weight. FACT.

Sorry numb nuts, not only do I know more about training than you, I can also read. I've been doing this stuff for more than a decade, much of that time at an elite level. You've already failed at writing, reading, and giving advice. If you want to keep going, I'd be more than happy to help educate you on how to train properly and lose weight properly.

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just got back and tracked 2.3mile start. really out of shape and this told me so.


So as far as calories (i understand not eating so much, this being the principle behind the weight watchers + portion size); but what is a minimal calorie i should burn a day typically? I know my height and weight is different and will be diff for someone else but is there a standard i should shoot for?


I am 6' 2" and current weight 235lbs.


I don't really push a standard of calories to be burned, I've never put too much stock in micromanaging the program like that. Others may think different, like numb nuts or Steven (though he knows his shit). While a calorie is a calorie, you do need to balance your diet for your goals. Programs like Weight Watchers let you eat only lard if you want, so long as you don't exceed your point value. That's not a particularly healthy way to do anything.


Here are some quick and dirty calorie calculations for you:


RMR (resting metabolic rate): 2350

Daily Activity Burn (rough estimate): 470

Total: 2820


Basically, 2820 is an estimate of how many calories you burn in a typical day. Creating a deficit with diet and exercise is where the weight loss comes from. Note: 3500 calories is a pound. Again, this approach needs to be coupled with a balanced diet.

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bodybuilding.com is an outstanding resource. There are workout programs for just about any need you could possibly have. The forums should be able to get you just about any and all information you could ever want about everything diet and exercise related. Like anything else there's some junk to filter through but overall it's a great place to start doing research.

Bodybuilding.com is a JOKE




Baconators are delicious






and I've been working out twice as long as HAL with no breaks


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Here are some quick and dirty calorie calculations for you:


RMR (resting metabolic rate): 2350

Daily Activity Burn (rough estimate): 470

Total: 2820


Basically, 2820 is an estimate of how many calories you burn in a typical day. Creating a deficit with diet and exercise is where the weight loss comes from. Note: 3500 calories is a pound. Again, this approach needs to be coupled with a balanced diet.


Thanks Hal i knew none of this.

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