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Supposedly there is a place near me called the Goonie House. Its suppose to be haunted. I wanna go check it out. Anyone got any info on it besides what Google tells me. Also anyone heard of the Swamp road lady that crosses the road alot in front of cars? Swamp road is close to me and I am curious about this stuff.
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I'm always down do go into some creepy house/cave/barn, etc at night or whenever. I find myself in short supply of people who have the balls to join me. I missed out on exploring an excellent, abandoned, huge river side factory they recently tore down north of me. I didn't wanna go it alone in this case due to obvious safety reasons, but could never find anyone who would follow thru. :mad:


Also, isn't the Goonie house on Swamp Rd? I've been meaning to check that out myself.

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There's a haunted place off 33 in lancaster I believe. I am very interested in this stuff and believe it to be very real.


Written Rock or some such shit? Went there in high school and only got spooked by the locals that crept around like velociraptors with mullets in the night. I swear I saw a dude with a LARGE animal on a spit over a fire in front of his trailer at ~2am. People are scary.

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Never doubted, but believe more now than ever. Moved into our new place in October, and weird shit has been happening. Doors slamming, things on top of the fridge (secure in the middle) being knocked off, smoke detectors coming undone off their base and stuff like the tv remote suddenly missing for weeks even after searching the whole place, and reappearing in plain sight.
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Never doubted, but believe more now than ever. Moved into our new place in October, and weird shit has been happening. Doors slamming, things on top of the fridge (secure in the middle) being knocked off, smoke detectors coming undone off their base and stuff like the tv remote suddenly missing for weeks even after searching the whole place, and reappearing in plain sight.


You're fucked.

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Never doubted, but believe more now than ever. Moved into our new place in October, and weird shit has been happening. Doors slamming, things on top of the fridge (secure in the middle) being knocked off, smoke detectors coming undone off their base and stuff like the tv remote suddenly missing for weeks even after searching the whole place, and reappearing in plain sight.


cameras bro. A lot of the time its someone in the place fucking with you :)

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First, Sam, I should tell you that I don't believe in hauntings/spooky stuff. At least, I should say I don't believe in what most of the ghosthunter crowd does. But, that said ......


For the last 24 years I've lived at Austin Manor, on Ohio Wesleyan's campus. There have been many unexplained things connected with this building. On May 4, 1937 there was a disappearance (believed death) of a coed (Ruth Baumgardner) from this building. It made national news at the time and remains unsolved. My great niece lives in Ruth's old room. A tunnel in the basement of where I live has been implicated in the disappearance, but was sealed off twenty years ago by a friend of mine (I helped move the cinder blocks and watched him do the work). Here's a pic of the wall he erected:




The Central Ohio Paranormal Society has an online report on this place:




COPS recently investigated the basement of Austin Manor, on the campus of Ohio Wesleyan University. Reports of apparitions, feelings of being watched, and strange noises have come from students, staff members, and tenants for quite a few years. The basement of this building is very large, and has alot of long hallways, dark corridors, defunct dorm rooms, and an old run down, non-working kitchen area.area while here, along with remote video, and audio gear. After about four hours of investigating, we did manage to capture one EVP in the run down kitchen area. As far as it being haunted, we can't really say. Alot of the reports are probably due to being in such an old, historic building. It does have a certain odd feeling to it though.


Just having this in your basement would be enough to keep some people on edge. It says "Lose hope, all ye that enter here" and was written by a student in the early 1970's. In person, it has a sorta Blair Witch Project feel to it:




John Ciochetty, an old friend of mine, wrote a book about hauntings in this area The Ghosts of Stuyvesant Hall and Beyond, and Austin Hall gets a section devoted to it.


CR members who visit me usually comment on the staircase that appears to go nowhere:




I live in the old Dean's quarters. While replacing flooring I discovered a trap door to the basement. There are some very strange features in this building: tunnels, strange passageways, staircases that go straight into the ceiling, sealed rooms, and the like. If you and other CR ghosthunters want to come visit, I'll give you all a tour of the place. I'll tell you a chilling true story or two that I know first-hand. But, I can't promise you'll see any ghosts.


I suggest we do this at midnight. Bwahahaha! :)

Edited by Doc
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Live long enough and be open to adventure, and you'll have plenty of stories, too.


I should be clear that I've never seen a ghost or had anything I would classify as paranormal. 99% of what passes as "proof" of paranormal activity looks like hogwash to me. That final 1% I think of as simply unexplained ...... nothing more, nothing magic, nothing supernatural.


I have found reality to be, at times, chilling enough. I have no need to resort to hocus pocus to scare myself.

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Tiny balls. Minuscule.


So, you are obviously the big dick. The men on the side of ya are your balls. Now there are two types of balls. There are big brave balls, and there are little mincey faggot balls.


Now, dicks have drive and clarity of vision, but they are not clever. They smell pussy and they want a piece of the action. And you thought you smelled some good old pussy, and have brought your two little mincey faggot balls along for a good old time. But you've got your parties muddled up. There's no pussy here, just a dose that'll make you wish you were born a woman. Like a prick, you are having second thoughts. You are shrinking, and your two little balls are shrinking with you. And the fact that you've got "Replica" written down the side of your guns... And the fact that I've got "Desert Eagle point five O"...Written down the side of mine...Should precipitate your balls into shrinking, along with your presence. Now... Fuck off!

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Perhaps Twisted Focus, FlyBye, ImUrObGyn and some of the other CR members familiar with Delaware can take you on a tour of Blue Limestone Park http://www.forgottenoh.com/Limestone/bluelimestone.html which is next to where I live. There is a place back behind the quarries the locals call Graffiti Bridge which takes the Delaware Run under the railroad bed. The local cops are always running Wiccans out of there who use the place for rituals, apparently. There are pentagrams here and there.



I enjoy strolling through the park for an evening cigar. There is a plank deck which juts out into the water of the first quarry.



The quarry is always murky and seethes with organic smells. Peaceful.



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Me, too.


Doc, I goto Blue Limestone frequently and love the 'back area' for fishing and just being alone from the normal park visitors. I've found many people have no idea there's a whole other side to that park, basically.


I'd love to visit your home, Doc. I got a bit excited just reading about it. I'm not one for the whole ghost thing (though, I have about the most open mind you'd meet about various things), but I love some exploring and excitement. Inside, outside. Day, night.

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So, you are obviously the big dick. The men on the side of ya are your balls. Now there are two types of balls. There are big brave balls, and there are little mincey faggot balls.


Now, dicks have drive and clarity of vision, but they are not clever. They smell pussy and they want a piece of the action. And you thought you smelled some good old pussy, and have brought your two little mincey faggot balls along for a good old time. But you've got your parties muddled up. There's no pussy here, just a dose that'll make you wish you were born a woman. Like a prick, you are having second thoughts. You are shrinking, and your two little balls are shrinking with you. And the fact that you've got "Replica" written down the side of your guns... And the fact that I've got "Desert Eagle point five O"...Written down the side of mine...Should precipitate your balls into shrinking, along with your presence. Now... Fuck off!


Everytime you do this, I love you a little more, Jess.


And also, I would be into doing some exploring as well.


I went to school at Ft. Hayes. Lots of good places to romance your teenage g/f in all of those buildings, but I can tell you some crazy stories about things we saw/heard/experienced looking for a quiet place to fool around in HS.

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So, you are obviously the big dick. The men on the side of ya are your balls. Now there are two types of balls. There are big brave balls, and there are little mincey faggot balls.


Now, dicks have drive and clarity of vision, but they are not clever. They smell pussy and they want a piece of the action. And you thought you smelled some good old pussy, and have brought your two little mincey faggot balls along for a good old time. But you've got your parties muddled up. There's no pussy here, just a dose that'll make you wish you were born a woman. Like a prick, you are having second thoughts. You are shrinking, and your two little balls are shrinking with you. And the fact that you've got "Replica" written down the side of your guns... And the fact that I've got "Desert Eagle point five O"...Written down the side of mine...Should precipitate your balls into shrinking, along with your presence. Now... Fuck off!




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