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How big is our solar system?


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This kind of shit is awesome. Absolutely boggles my mind. Was just reading the other day about the size of the universe, etc. Here were a few things I took from what I read:


- the universe is suspected to be about 14 billion years old


- we don't know how big the universe is (or will be). The reason why is because, if the universe is expanding (like we think it is), then it can only have expanded so far in the amount of time (14 billion years) that it's been in existence. Light can only travel so far in a given amount of time.


- if we accept the Big Bang theory (that the universe was created from the explosion of "stuff" in an infinitesmally space), then we would have to accept that other "Big Bang" could have occured before and after our "Big Bang," creating in essence multiple universes. After all, the little space that existed that exploded and created our "Big Bang" had to exist in "something" - some area, some "space" - and therefore other "Big Bangs" could have been created in that same "space." Therefore, in theory, there could be an infinite number of "universes." (This is where my head starts to explode.)

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Pretty cool. Someone posted a link on CR here not too long ago that was basically a slide show going in size from our moon to our entire solar system and so on until it showed our galaxy as a white spec against a massive gas giant millions of times the size of the Milky way!! Was unreal and made me feel quite small.
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"Space," it says, "is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space, listen..."


---The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy




I have my towel.

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As my brain started to hurt from over thinking how big space was I searched how fast Voyager was moving. I had read it before but I forgot.


So then I read this. http://voyager.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/didyouknow.html


Mind was blown. I want to know who is hiding the technology of a battery(or lot of them) lasting since 1977.


Heliopause or bust

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As my brain started to hurt from over thinking how big space was I searched how fast Voyager was moving. I had read it before but I forgot.


So then I read this. http://voyager.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/didyouknow.html


Mind was blown. I want to know who is hiding the technology of a battery(or lot of them) lasting since 1977.


Heliopause or bust


Nuclear powered!!

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This kind of shit is awesome. Absolutely boggles my mind. Was just reading the other day about the size of the universe, etc. Here were a few things I took from what I read:


- the universe is suspected to be about 14 billion years old


- we don't know how big the universe is (or will be). The reason why is because, if the universe is expanding (like we think it is), then it can only have expanded so far in the amount of time (14 billion years) that it's been in existence. Light can only travel so far in a given amount of time.


- if we accept the Big Bang theory (that the universe was created from the explosion of "stuff" in an infinitesmally space), then we would have to accept that other "Big Bang" could have occured before and after our "Big Bang," creating in essence multiple universes. After all, the little space that existed that exploded and created our "Big Bang" had to exist in "something" - some area, some "space" - and therefore other "Big Bangs" could have been created in that same "space." Therefore, in theory, there could be an infinite number of "universes." (This is where my head starts to explode.)


Look up the "big freeze" and the "big crunch"...if my memory serves me right lol.

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