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Who else doesn't follow sports?


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so maybe it has something to do with being involved in said sport will mean how big of a fan you are?


recently, i love watching some cycling. most of it can be boring, but since i got into riding, i enjoy it...plus, seeing how those guys make it up massive inclines, and some sprints, gives me some motivation when i ride.


I think this pretty much sums it up. Not trying to generalize the CR population so don't get all butt hurt, but just what I've come to notice in my life is that people that were never athletic are the ones that don't care about sports. When you invest your own time into an activity it allows you to enjoy watching that activity on TV. Before I started playing golf I would have rather watched paint dry than watch golf on TV. Now I don't mind watching the occasional tournament. When I was younger and played football you'd probably catch me every Saturday or Sunday watching a game. I always loved playing hockey as a kid, but I could never afford to play. Now that I play, I can't get enough hockey, watching or playing. Great exercise and a ton of fun.

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I think this pretty much sums it up. Not trying to generalize the CR population so don't get all butt hurt, but just what I've come to notice in my life is that people that were never athletic are the ones that don't care about sports. When you invest your own time into an activity it allows you to enjoy watching that activity on TV. Before I started playing golf I would have rather watched paint dry than watch golf on TV. Now I don't mind watching the occasional tournament. When I was younger and played football you'd probably catch me every Saturday or Sunday watching a game. I always loved playing hockey as a kid, but I could never afford to play. Now that I play, I can't get enough hockey, watching or playing. Great exercise and a ton of fun.


Well you are generalizing. I'm the OP, so I'll reply. I wrestled through High school, played soccer too. Then started my career in the military straight out of high school. Started training for my job, infantry, not sitting in the barracks playing games and drinking. Hitting the gym and training. Got off active duty to open my own gym and focus on training people who had a bum knee or some limitation (never happened because there is a gym on every corner). Continued to train myself to stay in the shape I wanted. Started training with some MMA and still kept my workouts in the gym going, while training soldiers in a leadership course. And yet here I am, still active, still training myself and younger soldiers how to take care of their body and get in shape, 20 years later. Not play a game. And add 24 years off snowboarding to that.


Maybe my post should have emphasized sports that are a game, so you didn't have to generalize. If I were to generalize what I've read in the replies here; I would have to say 80% are people that might have a little ADHD and just don't like to sit on their ass that long to watch something they would rather do, or would rather do anything else. And the other 20% have it playing in the back ground reminding them of their childhood, WHILE they are actually doing something.


So does that make those who have posted non athletic?

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Well you are generalizing. I'm the OP, so I'll reply. I wrestled through High school, played soccer too. Then started my career in the military straight out of high school. Started training for my job, infantry, not sitting in the barracks playing games and drinking. Hitting the gym and training. Got off active duty to open my own gym and focus on training people who had a bum knee or some limitation (never happened because there is a gym on every corner). Continued to train myself to stay in the shape I wanted. Started training with some MMA and still kept my workouts in the gym going, while training soldiers in a leadership course. And yet here I am, still active, still training myself and younger soldiers how to take care of their body and get in shape, 20 years later. Not play a game. And add 24 years off snowboarding to that.


Maybe my post should have emphasized sports that are a game, so you didn't have to generalize. If I were to generalize what I've read in the replies here; I would have to say 80% are people that might have a little ADHD and just don't like to sit on their ass that long to watch something they would rather do, or would rather do anything else. And the other 20% have it playing in the back ground reminding them of their childhood, WHILE they are actually doing something.


So does that make those who have posted non athletic?


I have to agree with you Joe. I was the skinniest kid you ever saw because I was always out doing something. I never played organized sports, but I was always logging miles on my bike or playing some backyard football or whatever. The reason I don't watch it now is that I'm simply not a home body, I hate sitting around.

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Replace the word "sports" in this thread with any other hobby and you could have the same argument. Cars, knitting, painting, etc.


People are interested in different things. How is it a waste of time if someone enjoys it? I bet some think posting on car forum and modding cars is dumb.


I casually follow a few teams because it is a great conversation topic with people where I work, my father, and the (few) friends I have.

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I think this pretty much sums it up. Not trying to generalize the CR population so don't get all butt hurt, but just what I've come to notice in my life is that people that were never athletic are the ones that don't care about sports. When you invest your own time into an activity it allows you to enjoy watching that activity on TV. Before I started playing golf I would have rather watched paint dry than watch golf on TV. Now I don't mind watching the occasional tournament. When I was younger and played football you'd probably catch me every Saturday or Sunday watching a game. I always loved playing hockey as a kid, but I could never afford to play. Now that I play, I can't get enough hockey, watching or playing. Great exercise and a ton of fun.


Definitely not the case for me. I did all kinds of sports, athletics, rugby, cricket, judo, golf and skateboarding. Didn't take me long to figure out that golf as a sport sucks, but golf as an excuse to hang out outside, drink beer and drive a golf cart is awesome :)

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Now that said, I get that people are not all going to have the same interest. So don't dwell on that. Just wondering who else is like this?


Replace the word "sports" in this thread with any other hobby and you could have the same argument. Cars, knitting, painting, etc.


Agreed, that's why addressed it in my first post

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So does that make those who have posted non athletic?


That's why I said I wasn't generalizing the CR posters. I'm going off the people I knew, either friends or people I grew up with or worked with. Most of them that don't care for sports were never athletic or played organized sports. Those are the type of people I know that don't care about sports, I didn't say anything about being active, being active doesn't always make a person athletic. I know plenty of active people that could careless about sports.

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That's why I said I wasn't generalizing the CR posters. I'm going off the people I knew, either friends or people I grew up with or worked with. Most of them that don't care for sports were never athletic or played organized sports. Those are the type of people I know that don't care about sports, I didn't say anything about being active, being active doesn't always make a person athletic. I know plenty of active people that could careless about sports.


Then I misunderstood your post to mean people outside of CR. My bad.

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Definitely not the case for me. I did all kinds of sports, athletics, rugby, cricket, judo, golf and skateboarding. Didn't take me long to figure out that golf as a sport sucks, but golf as an excuse to hang out outside, drink beer and drive a golf cart is awesome :)


Cricket. LOL

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Replace the word "sports" in this thread with any other hobby and you could have the same argument. Cars, knitting, painting, etc.


People are interested in different things. How is it a waste of time if someone enjoys it? I bet some think posting on car forum and modding cars is dumb.


I casually follow a few teams because it is a great conversation topic with people where I work, my father, and the (few) friends I have.


This pretty much sums up my opinion as well. I enjoy OSU football and basketball and only follow some pro teams because it gives me even more things to talk about with my brother-in-law who is a sports anchor in Dayton and who does the Buckeye Fever pre & post game show.

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Replace the word "sports" in this thread with any other hobby and you could have the same argument. Cars, knitting, painting, etc.


People are interested in different things. How is it a waste of time if someone enjoys it? I bet some think posting on car forum and modding cars is dumb.


Please hold very still, as we're getting a rare look of what logic looks like in the wild.

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He's african...cut him some slack.



There is no need for slack cutting. Cricket is the very slightly more manly version of baseball, only because they use their bare hands to catch the ball, no pussy ass gloves that are 3 times the size of your hand. Both however are equally boring to watch.


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