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the Trayvon Martin case


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What in the fucking fuck is going on with this?


From what I've been reading, the guy that admitted to doing the shooting, George Zimmerman, completely fucked up. He admitted to pursuing Trayvon for no good reason other than he thought the kid "looked suspicious". This right here makes him the instigator, regardless of what happened next. He was on the phone with 911 saying that he was following the kid. This means that the stand your ground law would have applied to Trayvon, not George. George has as much as admitted to murder. Yet, the locals don't seem to want to even bring him to court to figure out what happened. Complete fuckup on the city's part. This is causing for calls for stand your ground laws to get repealed which is bullshit since its a good law, just being misapplied here.


Now for the media circus going on - George Zimmerman is a Hispanic, with black family members. This isn't stopping the media from calling him white every chance they can just to ignite a new race war. So now the Black Panthers (who should be classified as a terrorist organization and arrested, seeing how that's what happens to white supremacists which are the exact same thing) are putting up posters for George Zimmerman - Dead Or Alive (inciting terror, promoting murder).

Sauce - http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/11778354-wanted-dead-or-alive-poster-issued-for-george-zimmerman-by-new-black-panther-party


This has become such a giant clusterfuck that the FBI and DoJ (who couldn't even figure out that they were behind Fast & Furious) are stepping over their boundaries and interfering with a local investigation.


What this boils down to is EVERYONE involved fucked up, its setting race relations back about a decade (thanks, Jesse Jackson, once again), and setting up for more stomping upon our gun rights for no good reason.










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Hard to say. From what you've said, linked, and what I've heard kid looked suspicious, put up his hood and acted suspicious, a hispanic guy confronts him and get assulted and fires in defense (again, just from what little bit I've read) and The New Black Panthers hate white people.


Hispanic kills black hates white. Makes perfect sense all around.

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Hard to say exactly what happened. In Zimmerman's defense, Martin was supposedly an athlete, and could have easily outrun Zimmerman, who's kinda fat. Makes me think Martin provoked him, or something. Clearly, there was something that lead to their altercation. Zimmerman didn't shoot out of the blue, and there's numerous 911 calls that describe the two fighting. It's what happened between the time of Zimmerman calling 911 stating he's following him and the gunshot going off that's going to make or break this case, and so far I don't think anyone has any detail on that.


It is kind of interesting I think.

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Hard to say exactly what happened. In Zimmerman's defense, Martin was supposedly an athlete, and could have easily outrun Zimmerman, who's kinda fat. Makes me think Martin provoked him, or something. Clearly, there was something that lead to their altercation. Zimmerman didn't shoot out of the blue, and there's numerous 911 calls that describe the two fighting. It's what happened between the time of Zimmerman calling 911 stating he's following him and the gunshot going off that's going to make or break this case, and so far I don't think anyone has any detail on that.


It is kind of interesting I think.


Zimmerman was initially following from his vehicle. Stepping out of the vehicle either to confront Martin, or to follow him makes him the aggressor. I don't see any other way to spin that.

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There isn't any way to spin that. Zimmerman will be indicted by the grand jury, likely for Murder in the 2nd degree. He'll wind up with about 15 years in jail.


As to why the police department didn't arrest him at the time...simple incompetence. Ever met a cop who actually KNEW the law, not just copied down a code reference onto the citation?

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I guess everyone has just forgotten that saying ive seen in umpteen gun threads of "dead people cant tell a story" when speaking of shoot to stop vs kill


Im not condoning what happened one bit, but only one person around knows exactly what happened 100%. Everything else is speculation and attempts to ignite a race war.

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I guess everyone has just forgotten that saying ive seen in umpteen gun threads of "dead people cant tell a story" when speaking of shoot to stop vs kill


Im not condoning what happened one bit, but only one person around knows exactly what happened 100%. Everything else is speculation and attempts to ignite a race war.


Well, dead people can't tell a story, but the 911 tapes can. And they tell us that Zimmerman was an aggressor in this case.


My take on it:


Zimmerman was an over-zealous CCW holder just begging for a chance to use it. He sounds as if he was constantly patrolling the neighborhood just looking for confrontation, as evidenced by his multiple calls to 911 over the past few weeks. He spots little Trayvon (who I also feel was not exactly 'innocent'), decides he 'looks suspect' and decides to pursue him. He calls 911 to tell them he's pursuing them, and they specifically tell him not to. CCW training clearly states you don't go looking for a fight, which is exactly what Zimmerman was doing while pursuing this kid.


I also think Trayvon was probably not as sweet of a character as they always try to make this 'victims' out to be. As was said earlier, he most definitely could probably outrun Zimmerman, yet, he didn't. I would guess it's because he was a little too fond of confrontation himself. I could be wrong here. They said Zimmerman was bloodied, so I'm guessing the story proceeded something to this effect:


-Zimmerman spots Trayvon (possibly doing something he shouldn't have)

-Zimmerman, acting on his hero complex, chases after Trayvon

-Trayvon takes off, but eventually decides to confront Zimmerman

-They fight, and athletic Trayvon, ends up throwing Zimmerman a beating.

-Zimmerman pulls his gun and caps Trayvon. Claims (incorrectly) self defense.


Now, everyone keeps bringing up Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law as if it has anything to do with this case, which it doesn't. It's "Stand" your ground, not "Chase" your ground. When Zimmerman began to pursue Trayvon, his self defense alibi went right out the window. He went looking for a fight, and found one. Guilty, guilty, guilty. All day long, and it has absolutely nothing to do with CCW laws.


This whole thing is turning into a huge race topic, and I'm not sure why. Again, the race card just loooooves to be thrown around, and to me, it's fucking stupid. Obama's gotten involved, which I think he should just keep his mouth shut. Al Sharpton has gotten involved and is just stirring the pot, as usual. He's about fucking worthless. Apparently, the Black Panthers are now involved. It's one huge clusterfuck. The police truely should have arrested Zimmerman based on the 911 tapes alone


/End rant

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From what I've heard from media reports and the 911 calls, George Zimmerman committed murder, plain and simple.


A young black kid walked to the convience store to get skittles for his 6 year brother, got lost in the Condo complex, and was chased on foot by a gun wielding racist. "fucking coons".


And another thing: those neighbors fucking disgust me. There are several 911 calls where you can hear Trevon Martin screaming "help me help" and the people on the phone with 911 all say "I'm not going out there"


George Zimmerman was a busybody in everyone's business. In 2011 he called 911 60-some times. He should have been locked up a week ago.

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Guess no one has read about the witness seeing trayvon beating up zimmerman? And why are all the photos you see of trayvon 4-5 years old? Guess they dont want to put up the pics of him acting like a thug from his facebook? Lol
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If i was in a fist fight that unknowingly to me turned into a gun fight, i would scream for help too.


But there was no reason to confront anyone. Attempted burglary and criminal mischief/trespass do not warrant the death penalty.

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well' date=' the ultimate issue is that [b']there was some kind of scuffle that took place and there was a gun that was discharged and now there's a gunman dead[/b]. so the issue is whether the ultimate issue is, was it self-defense in this case? that's what all the evidence will pull, hopefully it will lead a jury to discover.


Interesting if true. Never even thought that the gun might have been the kids.


The other thing I heard today is that Martin goes to school in Miami and was only in Sanford (250 miles away) because he had been suspended from school.


...so maybe not such an innocent kid as the media wants to portray?


Damn media twists everything that they can to try to divide the country. Zimmerman looks guilty as hell ... but why wasn't he arrested ... there's more to this than whats been told.

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Not that it matters, but who the fuck wears a hoodie in FL this time of year? When i was there a month ago, it was low 80s during the day and low-mid 70s at night.



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Zimmerman was initially following from his vehicle. Stepping out of the vehicle either to confront Martin, or to follow him makes him the aggressor. I don't see any other way to spin that.


Right, I mean obviously he killed the dude without a valid reason to use a gun (a fist fight is not a valid reason), what I'm trying to poorly get across is that something happened between Zimmerman's call and gunshots being fired. There was a fight, and obviously Zimmerman had to get out of his vehicle to do that. I just don't think Martin was as innocent as the media is assuming, although it's obviously he didn't do anything to warrant death in the name of "self defense". He clearly didn't run home when some random guy started following him.


At the end of it though, I personally think they're both hoodrats.

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Right, I mean obviously he killed the dude without a valid reason to use a gun (a fist fight is not a valid reason), what I'm trying to poorly get across is that something happened between Zimmerman's call and gunshots being fired. There was a fight, and obviously Zimmerman had to get out of his vehicle to do that. I just don't think Martin was as innocent as the media is assuming, although it's obviously he didn't do anything to warrant death in the name of "self defense". He clearly didn't run home when some random guy started following him.


At the end of it though, I personally think they're both hoodrats.


He wasn't home, he was visiting family. I've gotten lost in complexes like that too, the condos all look alike. He very may not have know which condo to run to. Also in Zimmerman's 911 call you can clearly hear him exit his car and take chase on foot. That's part isn't even debatable.

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Guess no one has read about the witness seeing trayvon beating up zimmerman? And why are all the photos you see of trayvon 4-5 years old? Guess they dont want to put up the pics of him acting like a thug from his facebook? Lol


Fer real? Seems all you do is post useless/dumb shit from what I've seen. Once again...spot on.

Act like whatever....

Cop got what he deserved and will get it again in the end.

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if i was making the decision at the police department. i would have arrested, charged him with manslaughter (or florida equivalent), booked, and release even if he was claiming self-defense. let the prosecutor sort out the details.
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I love the race issue. Hispanic guy (often said to be white) vs black guy.


Playing the race card gets eyes on the TV, hits on the website, and sells copies. It does not matter how much truth there is to it, just say it and watch things go.


This could have been an American Indian shooting an Asian then what? To me it seems like you have a dumb fuck with a gun doing stupid stuff.

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Playing the race card gets eyes on the TV, hits on the website, and sells copies. It does not matter how much truth there is to it, just say it and watch things go.


This could have been an American Indian shooting an Asian then what? To me it seems like you have a dumb fuck with a gun doing stupid stuff.


Agreed, I mean there are obvious cases where a X kills a Z specifically and only because of racial/sexual/religious whatnots, and as terrible as that is, looking for those roots in every altercation only serves to cheapen actual crimes of hate. This guy was a quack, no need to do the police's job. If I see something fishy in my neighborhood, the cops can handle it. The threshold starts at the door.

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Not that it matters, but who the fuck wears a hoodie in FL this time of year? When i was there a month ago, it was low 80s during the day and low-mid 70s at night.


Go drive around Miami in January. When you are used to 100 degrees every day, 60 is freezing. You may be walking around in shorts but the natives are in winter gear. Its all about what you are used to

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