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the Trayvon Martin case


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Everyone in this thread calling for Zimmerman to be arrested needs to go back to 3rd grade.




ring any bells ya dickheads?


U mad bro? I was reading a nice adult conversation before this happened.

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Nowhere in there does it say a witness saw Martin go after Zimmerman.


There is girl saying she was talking to martin just minutes before he was killed and she said he said "why are you following me" then the phone cuts out. She tried to call back with no answer.

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There is girl saying she was talking to martin just minutes before he was killed and she said he said "why are you following me" then the phone cuts out. She tried to call back with no answer.


Which proves that Martin was concerned about Zimmerman following him.



Possibly fearing for his life?

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And yes, being a vigilante is against the law.


All of those require multiple encounters. You can't simply intimidate/harass/stalk based on a single encounter.


He wasn't bein a Vigilante, he was being Vigilant. Being watchful vs carrying out punishment on someone are two completely different things.

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not if he chased zimmerman as he was leaving like he was told to.


No one says that he "chased Zimmerman" just that there are stories that he attacked him as he returned to his truck. Martin doesn't know WTF he is doing.

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BTW, the same stand your ground statute applies to Martin. he was not doing anything illegal, was in fear for his life and decided to defend it.


It would, if Zimmerman approached him in a Violent Manner, and physically threatened him. Which from all accounts, it sounds like he didn't.


It sounds like Zimmerman walked away like he was told to do. Which if Zimmerman is retreating, Martin can't possibly fear for his life.

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All of those require multiple encounters. You can't simply intimidate/harass/stalk based on a single encounter.
Stalking, yes. the other 2, no.


He wasn't bein a Vigilante, he was being Vigilant. Being watchful vs carrying out punishment on someone are two completely different things.


You should read up on Zimmerman's past.

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It would, if Zimmerman approached him in a Violent Manner, and physically threatened him. Which from all accounts, it sounds like he didn't.


uhh, yeah, chasing him. DURRRRR

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There is girl saying she was talking to martin just minutes before he was killed and she said he said "why are you following me" then the phone cuts out. She tried to call back with no answer.


Which hurts Zimmerman more than helps him. If he was returning to his truck, why would Martin think he was following him?

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Stalking, yes. the other 2, no.




You should read up on Zimmerman's past.


The past that he has Tutored Minorities, free of charge on his own time? His black neighbor who has been his friend for 6 years.


uhh, yeah, chasing him. DURRRRR


If you want to play that game, Martin brought on the suspicion to himself, by running. While he has every right to run, he has to be aware how that will be perceived by someone else.


lol @ chasing someone not being threatening


As I stated previously. I would have simply walked up to the person if they asked to speak to me, and told them what I was doing there.

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That has to be the most ridiculous pro Zimmerman defense I have heard so far


You are entitled to believe it. He is innocent until proven guilty though. What is lacking is 1-2 minutes worth of crucial information, that no one has. It is a lose-lose scenario for everyone involved.

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Brian, what would you have done differently if you were in zimmermans shoes. From start to finish?


Couldnt find the thread, I must have piggy backed someone elses. Here is what happened...


3am I hear voices outside of my window. I peek out to see 3 guys in front of my house standing around. 2 had hoods on, and one guy had on a ball cap. The one guy was on a cell phone and kept looking around like he was waiting for someone or looking out for something. First I grabbed my gun, then I thought to let my trained dog have at them. Then common sense kicked in and I called the cops. We had some home break ins so I was worried my house was the next target. The guys then walked away. I called the dispatcher back and gave them the direction the guys were walking. I thought about going outside to see where they went, but decided it wasnt worth it. I called the police department back in an hour to see what happened. They picked up the kids around the corning doing "something they were not suppose to be doing". I have no clue what it was but my mission was accomplished. Turned in possible bad guys without them knowing who did it so I didnt have to worry about any future retaliations. This happened 4 years ago, no rambo complex here... well maybe a little but I have control over it.

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The past that he has Tutored Minorities, free of charge on his own time? His black neighbor who has been his friend for 6 years.
Where did I bring up race? What the fuck does having a black friend have to do with anything? I personally don't think it was race motivated, I think it was wannabe vigilante motivated




If you want to play that game, Martin brought on the suspicion to himself, by running. While he has every right to run, he has to be aware how that will be perceived by someone else.
He has to be aware of how that is perceived? He is fucking scared and running from some dude who is randomly chasing him!! This just keeps getting dumber and dumber!!!




As I stated previously. I would have simply walked up to the person if they asked to speak to me, and told them what I was doing there.



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I didn't read this clusterfuck but isn't Zimmerman part of the neighborhood watch or something?


Neighborhood watches have specific rules that you cannot carry weapons while on watch nor confront anyone.

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I honestly don't know how an immature, smart-ass 17 yr old me would respond to a grown man accosting me in such a manner. Not to say that suspicion isn't warranted, but it's a bad idea to go above and beyond when no life is in danger at that moment, cause this is the shit that happens.
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He is innocent until proven guilty though.


What's important to remember is that the police appear to have closed the case early on, believing Z's story and calling it justifiable homicide. There was never going to be an opportunity to prove him guilty if it hadn't been for the media frenzy. Now that the city is (finally) moving forward with a case, we're stuck with the media frenzy. But it served a useful purpose, IMO.

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Where did I bring up race? What the fuck does having a black friend have to do with anything? I personally don't think it was race motivated, I think it was wannabe vigilante motivated


I don't think it was at all. We will have to agree to disagree. You can be Vigilant, without being a Vigilante. The difference being the Vigilante will dole out their form of justice. Had he wanted to do this, he would have just shot the kid from 10 feet away.


He has to be aware of how that is perceived? He is fucking scared and running from some dude who is randomly chasing him!! This just keeps getting dumber and dumber!!!


He chose to run, when he was potentially asked to come and talk to someone. I think the argument you are posing is getting dumber and dumber, filled with more excuses, but I don't feel the need to say it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and until everything is out in the lime light, most of this is speculation.


As I said before it is lose-lose for everyone involved.

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Actually it does. Florida has a Stand Your Ground law:




Section 3:




So as long as he has the right to be there, he has the right to stand his ground, which he did. If my head was being slammed into the concrete repeatedly, I would say that could cause great bodily harm.


And also:






Once again, he was not doing anything illegal, following someone in public is not illegal. If he was attacked, and feared for his life....he can use deadly force. End of story.


Just because he has a right to be there and wasn't doing anything illegal, does not mean that he didn't instigate the situation. As I said before, this has nothing to do with Stand Your Ground. You have the right to stand your ground, not chase after it.


Austin is right guys. Unless Treyvon ran over and pulled him out of the car or initiated the situation Zimmerman is at fault. If he was in his car it sounds like he had the option to not get involved. As all of you CCW carriers should know the best move you can ever make (unless a life is in jeopardy) is to let the guys in blue do their job. If he would have paid more attention to his instructor his life wouldnt be a clusterfuck right now. Your phone 99/100 will be a more powerful weapon than your gun anyway.


Thank you. Ever heard the saying, 'be a good witness?' Observe and report. That's the best you can hope for while still keeping your ass out of the sling.


If you saw someone you suspected of breaking into homes in your neighborhood, and when you asked if yo ucould talk to them, and they took off and ran, what would you think?


It's not your duty to 'talk to them' Observe. Report. And let the police (it's the job...) handle it from there.


Okay, he did. Now say, the cops say "stop chasing him" and you do and turn around and walk away.


Now say said person comes up from behind you and pucnhes you in the face, then slams your head into the sidewalk....what would you do?


I wouldn't put myself in that situation in the first place. I for damn sure wouldn't get out of the car.


Perfect. Being a "vigilante" isn't against the law. Protecting your neighborhood by patrolling it, isn't against the law. Confronting someone about what they are doing in said neighborhood, isn't against the law.


Zimmerman broke no laws, was doing nothing illegal, and had the right to defend himself, if in fact he was attacked by Martin, which witnesses are corroborating he was.


Calling someone a 'cocksucker' isn't against the law either, but if I do that, and it starts a fight, I no longer have the right to use lethal force.


It all comes down to the fact that Zimmerman knowingly PUT HIMSELF in that situation. You can't, can't, can't do that and then use deadly force. I'm not sure what's so hard to understand about that.

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Neighborhood watches have specific rules that you cannot carry weapons while on watch nor confront anyone.


Maybe, yours does. Maybe his doesn't. He is a licensed conceal carry permit holder. How are you to know the person who was breaking into houses wasn't armed themselves? Then he could have been shot for simply trying to help his neighbors.


From what I heard/read. He didn't own a firearm until his wife asked him to get one, if he was going to be out doing Neighborhood Watch. I also read/heard he tried to form a formal neighborhood watch, and no one else would help him. So he was doing this all on his own, to help his neighbors.

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What's important to remember is that the police appear to have closed the case early on, believing Z's story and calling it justifiable homicide. There was never going to be an opportunity to prove him guilty if it hadn't been for the media frenzy. Now that the city is (finally) moving forward with a case, we're stuck with the media frenzy. But it served a useful purpose, IMO.


If the evidence points to such, what else are they to do? They can't arrest a man without evidence.

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