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Lowe's 10% Coupon


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I just wanted to point this out for others out there that don't know about it. It doesn't seem like it is common knowledge for everyone. They can be found in the moving packet at the post office if you just go in asking for it. Also we have found it works online also on Lowes.com. Happy Shopping!



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it's been posted here quite a bit, that's how i learned about it. I "moved" quite a bit doing my kitchen remodel. And being less than a mile from lowes, the 20+ trips in 9 days of working on it, it added up. Prob saved $3-400 from those coupons. Kept hitting different posts offices so they didnt catch on. Lol. They kept them behind the counter when i went.
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  IV RINGS said:
Take your receipt to the desk with the coupon and they can fix it for you, but they have to return it all and check it out again. So make sure it is worth it for you.


I'll have to remember for next time. It took me an 1.5hrs to drive a mile down polaris to go to lowes for $50 worth of aluminum bar stock and hardware. Sometimes I hate living around here.

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