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More Android help needed (Rooted DINC)


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This phone is starting to piss me off...


Last night, using my phone downstairs, battery getting low, I didn't feel like going to get my charger from upstairs, so I figure if it dies, it dies, and I'll charge it when I get to bed.


Get upstairs about an hour later, plug phone in, come back a few minutes later, turn it on, and I've got about 6-8 error messages for applications I use, and some I don't hardly use, but have.


They read as such...


Sorry! The application Photobucket (process com.photobucket.android) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again [Force close]

Sorry! The application Goggles (process com.google.android.apps.unveil) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again [Force close]

Sorry! The application Pandora (process com.pandora.android) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again [Force close]

Sorry! The application ROM Manage (process com.koushikdutta.rommanager) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again [Force close]


Also, when I tried to open my Circle launcher (all the apps I mainly use on my main page), it wouldnt expand so that I could see any apps. When I tried to open ChompSMS (texting app), it gave me that error message, same with Google Voice, and a couple others.


I've uninstalled and reinstalled a couple apps, but I'm still getting some error messages.


I'm not sure what caused the shit to hit the fan. My phone has run down to 0% before and never had an issue. Not sure why this time it was different.


So with it being rooted, would I have needed to create some sort of backup a few days before this happened to go back to how it was at that point, or by chance (and I doubt my luck is this good), are there random points I can restore to, IE, somewhat like how I can do a system restore on my PC.




Figures I'm like 3 days past being able to get an upgrade, and theres nothing out right now that I'm interested in.

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Yeah, ROM Manager does backups.


At random? And what do i do if i cant open rom manager due to the error listed above?


I just dont want to screw with this and erase important stuff on my phone. Its only rooted yo get rid of bloatware, and to get some apps unavailable to non-rooted phones at the time. Im not techy enough to get a lot of this

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Go into ROM Manager and choose Fix Permissions under the Utilities bar. It will go through and apply corrected SU rights on those apps.


No guarantee this will fix it, but this is what that utility is for when Force Close issues occur often.


EDIT: Nevermind, didn't see copperhead's post. or your mention of Rom Manager force closing too...

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So, for shits and giggles, i decided id try to uninstall and reinstall rom manager and see if it still gave me issues. Was able to get into it after reinstalling, did the "fix permissions", it ran for a solid 5 min (is this normal time to run?), then rebooted. Upon rebooting, i got none of the issues i listed above and the few apps ive tested seem to be fine.


Thanks guys!

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Can you put that into idiot terms for me?


Make sure you have a good amount of battery life. Then go into rom manager and click the link at the top to install clockwork mod. Then afterwards select the backup rom option. Let it reboot and give it some time 5minutes or so to backup. Shit should display on the screen while this is happening. It should reboot the phone after it is done.

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